1 | (i)建立审议有关运用此类程序的投诉的程序,且当投诉合理时采取纠正措施。 | (i)a procedure exists to review complaints concerning the operation of such procedures and to take corrective action when a complaint is justified | |
2 | “基督山伯爵损坏马尔塞夫先生的名誉,而他的儿子竟认为那是应该的! | The Count of Monte Cristo acts dishonorably to M. de Morcerf, and is justified by his son! | |
3 | 奥康纳尔写道,这个案子中给予长期监禁的判处是站得住脚的,因为犯人有“屡次犯罪的长期历史”,包括3次行窃和1次抢劫。 | In this case, O’Connor wrote, the long sentence could be justified because of the criminal’s "long history of recidivism", which included three burglaries and a robbery. | |
4 | 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。 | The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified . | |
5 | 暴力对抗执法人员会被认定有罪。 | The threat or use of force against a law enforcement officer is not justified . | |
6 | 被事实证明是有正当理由的愤怒 | Anger that is justified by the circumstances. | |
7 | 不能仅仅因为草场提供成功的耕种作物,就认为它是合理的。 | Pastures cannot be justified solely because of their contribution to succeeding tillage crops | |
8 | 不是任何情况下对预防性原则的引用都是正当的。 | Not every invocation of the doctrine of pre-emption will be justified . | |
9 | 布什总统声称,他动用军事力量是正当的,因为他动用的原因是正当的。 | President Bush says that he is justified in using military might because his cause is just. | |
10 | 成本控制指的是收益和相应的成本联系起来,确保付出成本一定要获得相应的收益。 | Cost control refers to identifying a cost with related benefits and ensuring that the cost is justified given the benefits derived. | |
11 | 诚实人是用事实来证明的。 | Honest men are justified by the light. | |
12 | 此抱怨申诉案件一经确认属实后,公司将会针对被认为违反规定造成性骚扰或恐吓威胁她人的员工给予严厉的处罚。 | If the complaint is determined to be justified , disciplinary action will be taken against the employee whose conduct is considered sexually harassing or intimidating. | |
13 | 从上面所提到的和未提到的许多实例中的证据来看,得出这样的结论是公允的:压实和胶结的程度在排烃期肯定有十分明显的变化。 | From the evidence of these and other examples not included above, a conclusion seems justified that the degree of compaction and cementation must vary markedly at the time of expulsion | |
14 | 但当大发行量使得提高广告收费完全可能时,便随之获取了利润。 | but, as soon as high advertising rates could be justified by a high circulation, profitability was assured. | |
15 | 但是多数人的进攻是应当的,攻得对。 | The offensive by the majority was justified and correct | |
16 | 但现在,由于他恨那个父亲,竟迁怒到了儿子身上,在这种状况下,我有充分的理由怀疑老人的智力,如果我按照他的怪念头去行事,那就未免太可笑了。 | But, under the present circumstances, I am justified in doubting the wisdom of an old man who, because he hated the father, vents his anger on the son. It would be ridiculous in me to regulate my conduct by such caprices | |
17 | 但愿各位爵士不至于顽鲁至此。只要言之成理,新的尝试和冒险都是大可为之的。 | I hope your lordships will never sink to that unimaginative depth, and that experiment and adventure will be justified if there is any case or cause for their justification | |
18 | 当事人或其代理人接到参加听证的通知,无正当理由不参加听证的 | A party concerned or the agent thereof, after receiving the notice of hearing, fails to participate in the hearing without justified reasons | |
19 | 当事人无正当理由逾期不缴纳罚款的,海事管理机构依法每日按罚款数额的3%加处罚款。 | If a party refuses to pay the fine within the prescribed time limit without justified reasons, the maritime administrative agency shall impose on that party an extra of 3% of the amount of the fine each day according to law. | |
20 | 当事人有正当理由要求延期举行听证的,经海事管理机构批准,可以延期一次。 | Where a party concerned has justified reasons for requiring postponing of the hearing, the hearing may be postponed for once upon approval of the maritime administrative agency. | |
21 | 对附加声明的任何要求应仅限于技术上合理的要求。 | Any requirements for additional declarations shall be limited to those technically justified . | |
22 | 对这类有害生物采取的措施必须在技术上合理。 | Measures taken against these pests must be technically justified . | |
23 | 而获悉王小姐父亲的病情使之显得更加合情合理。 | It is further justified with the knowledge of the illness of Ms. Wang’ s father. | |
24 | 法院规定,如果韦伯是唯一的受害方,“走向公害”的规则妨碍了法律补救,这一认识是正当的。 | The court stated that if Webb were the only party injured, it would feel justified in holding that the doctrine of "coming to the nuisance" barred relief | |
25 | 各缔约方仅在这些措施对防止有害生物传入和蔓延有必要,且技术上合理时方可对通过其领土的过境货物实施本条规定的措施。 | Contracting parties may apply measures specified in this Article to consignments in transit through their territories only where such measures are technically justified and necessary to prevent the introduction and/or spread of pests. | |
26 | 根据国际法,解除和驱逐萨达姆武装的战争是正当的吗 | Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law? | |
27 | 过分的挑衅导致的完全有理由的勃然大怒 | An angry outburst justified by extreme provocation | |
28 | 很多支持航天计划目标的人也在考虑载人飞行是否有道理 | Many people who support the objectives of the space pro-gram still wonder whether manned space flights are justified | |
29 | 假若你发现有人在天黑以后在你家屋后闲荡,你就会觉得有理由控告他。 | If you found someone loitering at the back of your house after dark, you might feel justified in bringing charges against him. | |
30 | 建立审议有关运用此类程序的投诉的程序,且当投诉合理时采取纠正措施。 | A procedure exists to review complaints concerning the operation of such procedures and to take corrective action when a complaint is justified . |