属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-穆迪下调日本国债信用评级
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-穆迪下调日本国债信用评级
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-联军对利比亚军事干预行动何去何从?
1 | 穆迪表示另一个原因是由于日本的政治局势。自2006年以来日本已历经5任首相。现任首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)预计即将辞职。(注:今日中午消息,菅直人已正式宣布辞职,执政仅14个月。) | Moody’s said another reason was Japan’s political situation. Japan has had five prime ministers since two thousand six. The current prime minister, Naoto Kan , is expected to resign soon. | |
2 | 因为一个地区垄断公司都将会被分化和出售,然后政府可以将能源生产与能源传输分开。 | The government could then separate energy generation and transmission, which the prime minister, Naoto Kan , supports but few other politicians do. | |
3 | 周二,日本首相菅直人会见了美国副总统拜登。拜登亚洲之行的最后一站访问了日本。 | On Tuesday, Prime Minister Kan met with American Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Biden visited Japan at the end of a trip to Asia. | |
4 | 周五,日本首相菅直人形容目前状况“非常严重”。福岛核电站周边20~30公里范围内的居民已被要求撤离。 | On Friday Prime Minister Naoto Kan described the situation as "very grave and serious." People living between twenty and thirty kilometers of Fukushima have now been advised to leave the area. | |
5 | “我不认为菅直人对日本央行吹毛求疵,”第一位消息人士称,“央行和政府一直在携手工作。” | "I don’t think Kan was that critical of the BOJ, " the first source said. "The BOJ and the government have been working hand in hand. " | |
6 | “我们需要恢复日本的青春活力,”菅直人在他上月就职的新闻发布会上说。 | "We need to revive an energetic Japan, " Mr Kan said at his inaugural news conference in June. | |
7 | “我要做的第一件事就是要重新赢得人民的信任。”菅直人在周五选举前些时候对党员说。 | "The very first thing we must do is to regain the trust of the people, " Kan said in a speech to party members before their vote Friday. | |
8 | “无论如何我没有意向接受”这样的要求,日本共同社(KyodoNews)援引日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)昨天的话。 | "I have no intention whatsoever of accepting" such a demand, Kyodo News quoted Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan as saying yesterday. | |
9 | “现在核辐射量已经很高,而且辐射物质很可能进一步泄漏,”菅直人称。 | "The level seems very high, and there is still a very high risk of more radiation coming out, " Kan said. | |
10 | “这对于市场来说是利好消息,”大和总研分析师JonasKan表示。 | "This would be viewed positively by the market, " said Jonas Kan , an analyst at the Daiwa Institute of Research. | |
11 | “这些美丽的女人是危险的!”羽西大声回应。 | "These women are dangerous! " exclaimed Kan in response. | |
12 | 20世纪60年代中期,BettyHart在美国堪萨斯州的堪萨斯市的一家幼稚园工作,当时她还是一名研究儿童发展的硕士生。 | In the mid-1960s, Betty Hart was a graduate student in child development working at a preschool in Kansas City, Kan . | |
13 | 6月27日,菅直人终于为他辞职设定了条件。 | On June 27th Mr Kan at last set the conditions that he said would enable him to resign. | |
14 | 7月13日菅直人表示如果不是全部取消,他想日本在安全基础上减少使用核能。 | On July 13th Mr Kan said he wants Japan to reduce nuclear power on safety grounds, if not to get rid of it altogether. | |
15 | 9月1日,著名作家李敖之子李戡前往北京大学报到,开始在经济系4年的本科学习生活。 | Li Kan , son of well-known author Li Ao, started his 4-year college life Wednesday at Peking University, majoring in economics. | |
16 | 包括菅直人的所有相关方要为日本的政治混乱负责。 | All sides are to blame for Japan’s political mess, Mr Kan included. | |
17 | 不管怎样,“政府会尽最大的努力去保障国民的安全,并竭力将破坏限制到最低的限度,”菅直人说。 | However, "The government will make its utmost efforts to secure people’s safety and limit any damages to the minimum, " Kan said. | |
18 | 不像那时的小泉纯一郎,菅直人最大的不利条件是,他不得人心。 | Mr Kan ’s biggest drawback is that, unlike Mr Koizumi at the time, he is not popular. | |
19 | 吃了一顿鸡肉咖喱饭,在Seto-kan小木屋的铺位上小睡了一会后,我们于午夜11:30醒来继续攀登的旅程。 | After a meal (chicken curry and rice) and a short sleep in bunk beds at the Seto-kan hut, we woke at 11. 30pm to continue. | |
20 | 但当试图党更年轻更现代的形象,菅先生和由人先生认为他们可以赢得全体选民。 | But in attempting to give the party a younger, more modern image, Mr Kan and Mr Edano may well feel they can carry the electorate with them. | |
21 | 但想要证明他的改革计划源于信心而非鲁莽,直人先生必须显示出其勇气和领导力。 | But to prove his reform proposals are the product of conviction and not recklessness, Mr Kan must show courage and leadership. | |
22 | 当日,温家宝还与日本首相菅直人进行了交谈。温家宝重申,钓鱼岛是中国固有领土。 | Wen also met with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan , reiterating that the Diaoyu Islands are an inherent part of Chinese territory. | |
23 | 当一家媒体不怀好意地问到税收增加是否会促进就业和经济增长时,菅直人先生的回答却模棱两可,简直一派前任鸠山的作风。 | And when a hostile media asked what effect more taxes would have on jobs and growth, Mr Kan flipped and flopped, Hatoyama-style. | |
24 | 东京的官员说Kan先生已承诺加大力量去解决这个难题。 | Tokyo officials said Mr Kan had promised to make "strenuous efforts" to resolve the issue. | |
25 | 东京日经指数下跌1.7%.当天,菅直人赢得了议会的不信任投票。 | The Nikkei 225 stock average fell 1. 7 percent in Tokyo, where Prime Minister Naoto Kan won a no-confidence vote in Parliament. | |
26 | 对于很多选民来说,菅直人提议抬高消费税或许仅仅是一个杂乱无序的主意。 | Mr Kan ’s tax proposals may just have been one woolly idea too many. | |
27 | 反对派会利用对他挪用党内资金行为的质疑做文章,也可能有人在9月对菅直人的领导能力提出质疑。 | The opposition will also exploit suspicions over his use of party funds. Others may challenge Mr Kan for the DPJ leadership in September. | |
28 | 饭尾先生和其他一些人认为,当前的问题在于,菅直人先生是否能完全把握这种更加面向大众的政治模式的转变。 | The question now, Mr. Iio and others say, is whether Mr. Kan fully grasps this shift to a more populist style of politics. | |
29 | 根据菅直人称,在两到三年内,即使消费税也可能不会提升。 | Even the consumption tax may not rise for two or three years, according to Mr Kan . | |
30 | 黄裳看去,竟是出使辽国时遇到的塔里宁将军! | Huang Chang Kan goes, unexpectedly is the tower met meantime going abroad as ambassador a Liao country inside rather general! |