属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-避税 数据革命
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 西班牙足球 Spanish Football
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
1 | 席上嘉宾政治立场壁垒分明,死硬派捧场客各自呐喊起哄,经常由文斗演为武斗,直到警察增援控制场面、护送嘉宾。 | The guest speakers could be diametrically opposed, and very often the confronting sides would turn loud protests and jeers into punches and kicks until police come to restore order and escort the speakers home. | |
2 | 小心那匹马--它常尥蹶子 | Be careful of that horse it often kicks | |
3 | 一腔怒火占了上风,我开始对准大门雨点般地拳打脚踢起来。 | Anger got the upper hand, and I began to rain kicks and buffets on the door | |
4 | 由美国农业贸易处与沃尔玛联合举办、以“尽享美国风情”为主题的“美国食品节”同时在北京、上海和深圳三个城市隆重开幕。 | Partnered with American Agriculture Trade Office, Wal-Mart kicks off American Food Festival in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, featuring the theme of “Enjoy the Most ‘America′”. | |
5 | 又一阵拳打脚踢。 | More blows and kicks | |
6 | 运球不断地轻拍或踢从而使球或球状物移动 | To move a ball or puck with repeated light bounces or kicks . | |
7 | 在家里,如果孩子们打架被父母发现了。倒霉的总是年龄大的孩子 | In the family, if the kicks -up are found out by the parents., it’s always the oldest of the children who’ll get in the neck. | |
8 | 这种寒热病治愈很慢,而且常常会在你以为已经好转的时候又复发起来。 | This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure, it often kicks back just when you think you are better | |
9 | 注意,这门老式大炮后坐力很厉害。 | Be careful, the old artillery kicks back badly | |
10 | 足球曲线自由球射门飞行轨迹之模拟分析 | The Simulation and Analysis of Flight Trajectory of Curving Free Kicks in Soccer | |
11 | ||1:部分国家政府倾向于在较为温和的惩罚条件下,实施特殊的安排以鼓励偷税漏税者马上把钱转回国内,以免在2017年很可能推出的新系统力量下被抓出来。||2:同样地,政府还对银行施加压力,要求他们识别出空壳公司与信托基金的最终控制人,让偷税漏税者无处可藏。 | ||1:Some countries are likely to set up special arrangements, with reduced penalties, to encourage non-compliant taxpayers to bring money home now rather than wait to be caught once the new system kicks in, probably in 2017.||2:The deal also increases pressure on banks to identify the ultimate owners of shell companies and trusts, behind which tax evaders often hide. | |
12 | ||1:关于曼纳和公主的谈话,民间有各种传言。有的说,曼纳告诉公主“是意志的力量”。||2: 其他版本说,英王乔治六世(George VI)让曼纳卷起裤管,要看看他的腿是不是钢做的。 ||3:之后发展的说法是,曼纳在雪地里踢过球。他当然记得芬兰赫尔辛基(Helsinki)1952年奥运会,但是比赛之前先要除掉球场上的雪。||4:那时候,上场比赛必须穿球鞋了。他们1比10输给了当时的南斯拉夫(Yugoslavia)。虽然正值7月,但是曼纳好几个队友一场比赛下来还是得了冻疮。||5:曼纳的球迷普遍认为他一生都是赤脚踢球的,而他的任意球更是灵活熟练,足以给对手致命一击。 | ||1: Myths gathered round that conversation. Some said Manna-da had told the princess that “Strength is in the mind.” ||2: Others said that the king, George VI, had made him roll up his trousers to see if his legs were made of steel. ||3: Later versions said that he had played in snow, and certainly he remembered he had at the next Olympics in Helsinki, where ice flakes had been shifted from the field before they played. ||4: By then, boots were compulsory; but several players still got frostbite as they lost 1-10 to Yugoslavia, even though it was July. ||5: And to his fans Manna-da seemed to play barefoot—agile, skilful and deadly on the free kicks —all through his career. | |
13 | ||1:世界杯半决赛中,德国干掉了巴西。受这种一板一眼的踢法的刺激,一些评论人员戏称世界杯决赛为“梅西对战机器”。||2:但是尽管我们这样讽刺条顿式精密,德国队员也仍是人类。||3:而机器人世界杯则是机器足球运动员的赛事,无关有血有肉的人类。因此,今年7月19日,当机器人世界杯在巴西最东端的城市圣保罗开赛的时候,许多人开始考虑:真的机器,什么时候会统治足球运动? | ||1:MESSI v the Machine was how some commentators touted the World Cup final, inspired by the disciplined way the German team dismantled Brazil in the semi-finals.||2:But despite such caricatures of Teutonic precision, German players are only human.||3:So as the latest edition of RoboCup, a competition for robot soccer players rather than flesh-and-blood ones, kicks off on July 19th in Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil’s easternmost city, a question that will be on many minds is: when will real machines conquer the sport? | |
14 | ||1:足球赛场上,时机至关重要。分毫之距,天壤之别。时机决定了是出色抢截,还是被出示红牌。决定了是机智地反越位,还是被裁决为越位。||2:之前,吉米·彭斯的出版负责人无须过于深思《红色风暴》此类描述西班牙足球历史的书应何时出版。||3:就在6月8日开赛的欧洲杯之前,西班牙已经赢得了于2008年举行的上届欧洲杯,并且他们还是今年欧洲杯的夺冠大热。 | ||1: In football, timing counts: it makes the difference between a brilliant tackle and a red card, or a smartly taken goal and a raised offside flag. ||2: Jimmy Burns’s publishers did not have to think too hard about when “La Roja”, his history of Spanish football, should appear. ||3: Just before the European football championship, which kicks off on June 8th. The Spanish team won last time, in 2008, and are favourites to win again this year. | |
15 | ||1:最后,作者得出结论,与其说人类的大脑是理性的集合,还不如说它更像一个轻浮的少年:反复无常,容易分神,缺少自觉意识。||2:当然这本书不是人们悲观的忠告。||3:书的标题有些拗口,但它表明了卡内曼’对认知的双层分类模型:“系统一,快速,受直觉引导,易犯上述的错误。||4:相比之下,系统二则缓慢,慎重思考,不易犯错误。||5:只有当我们面临着复杂的问题时,系统二才会启动,更多的时候,是让受直觉影响的系统一来替我们做决定。(读者可能会想到弗洛伊德的“本我”“超我”,但卡内曼在书中压根没有提这位贡献卓著的前人) | ||1: After all this the human brain looks less like a model of rationality and more like a giddy teenager: flighty, easily distracted and lacking in self-awareness. ||2: Yet this book is not a counsel of despair. ||3: Its awkward title refers to Mr Kahneman’s two-tier model of cognition: “System 1” is quick, intuitive and responsible for the quirks and mistakes described above (and many others). ||4: “System 2”, by contrast, is slow, deliberative and less prone to error. ||5: System 2 kicks in when we are faced with particularly complex problems, but much of the time it is all too happy to let the impulsive System 1 get its way. (Readers may be reminded of Freud’s “id” and “superego”, though Mr Kahneman never mentions this particular intellectual ancestor.) | |
16 | “他们将承认前景所存在的问题,并寻求妥协,暂缓做出决定。”Reinhart称。 | "They will acknowledge the problem in the outlook and look for a compromise that kicks the can down the road, " Reinhart said. | |
17 | “这里不存在什么高踢腿或杂耍招式,”胡政生说,因为这样的动作容易暴露出弱点。 | "There are no high kicks or acrobatics, " he says. Such moves create vulnerable openings. | |
18 | 1992年一名美国男子因为身穿防弹背心向自己射击来唤起性趣而被捕。 | In 1992 a man in the US was arrested for shooting himself for sexual kicks while wearing a bulletproof vest. | |
19 | 1的平局拖入了点球大战,最终乌拉圭4:2获胜。 | The 1-1 draw went into penalty kicks and Uruguay won, 4-2. | |
20 | 2、持续一天的活动将于星期五午饭后进行。 | The one-day drive kicks off after lunch on Friday. | |
21 | 2010年FIFA世界杯于本周五鸣锣开战,按照赛程安排,美国队会在这个周末对阵英格兰队。 | The 2010 FIFA World Cup kicks off on Friday, with the United States slated to play England this weekend. | |
22 | Bob用他的最后一丝气力踢向T-Bag。 | With his last ounce of strength, Bob kicks T-Bag. | |
23 | LG显示器周四将为面板业财报季揭开序幕。 | On Thursday, LG Display kicks off the earnings season for the highly cyclical flat screen industry. | |
24 | 巴黎时装周已拉开帷幕,让我们一起来看一看第一天的走秀。 | As Paris fashion week kicks off we take a lookat the first day of shows. | |
25 | 被罚下场之后,英格兰与阿根廷艰难战成2-2平,但他们极有可能点球对决遗憾出局(这对于英格兰球迷来说简直太熟悉了)。 | After being sent off, England held on for a 2-2 tie but would be eliminated on penalty kicks (an all too common fate for England fans). | |
26 | 比赛日赛程首场开踢的是斯托克对阵还在苦苦追求首个联赛积分的西汉姆联。 | And the programme kicks off with Stoke City hosting West Ham United who are still chasing their first point of the campaign. | |
27 | 参考译文:我的教授可以流利地说五种语言。他太厉害了! | My professor can speak five languages fluently. He totally kicks ass! | |
28 | 此后,免疫系统开始发挥作用,身体与病毒之间的战争由此全面爆发。 | The immune system then kicks in, and the body and the virus wage all-out war. | |
29 | 但是,随后第二阶段突入,它运作数分钟到数小时,甚至数天。 | But then the second phase kicks in, running from minutes tohours to days. NMDA receptor sensitivity declines. | |
30 | 但是如果美国的减速持续下去,这些富国也会衰退,尤其是在财政紧缩发力的时候(参见文章)。 | But if America’s slowdown persists, they too will flag, particularly as fiscal austerity kicks in (see article). |