1 | 10年前,他患上尿毒症,1993年2月在广西人民医院做了第一次肾脏移植手术,体内就有了3个肾。 | He caught uremia 10 years ago. He underwent his first kidney transplantation operation in Guangxi People’s Hospital in February 1993 , making it three kidneys in his body | |
2 | 1978年该病在使用具有超强吸收力的卫生棉(现已不在生产)的妇女中被首次发现。高烧、腹泻、呕吐和皮疹等症状可能会发展为腹部压痛、血压降低、休克、呼吸窘迫和肾功能衰竭。 | It was first recognized in 1978 in women using superabsorbent tampons. High fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and rash may progress to abdominal tenderness, drop in blood pressure, shock, respiratory distress, and kidney failure. | |
3 | Bushinsky说,"此外,盐和肉中的常见蛋白质导致尿中有较多的钙,这样就促使肾结石的形成。" | "In addition, salt and one protein common in meat lead to more calcium in the urine, which in turn contributes to the formation of kidney stones," Bushinsky said | |
4 | Umberto Magiore博士解释说,低钙饮食者虽在尿中只排出少量的钙,但多数与钙结合的其它物质形成了大部分肾结石。 | Dr. Umberto Maggiore explained that people on a low-calcium diet excrete less calcium in their urine but more of the other substance that combines with calcium to form most kidney stones | |
5 | 把孪生儿之一的肾脏移植到另一人身上. | Transplant a kidney from one twin to another | |
6 | 被膜,囊似纤维的,呈膜状或含很多脂肪的套,内包有一个器官或部位,如包裹着肾的囊或包裹着一个关节的纤维状组织 | A fibrous,membranous,or fatty sheath that encloses an organ or part,such as the sac surrounding the kidney or the fibrous tissues that surround a joint. | |
7 | 本病基本原因为缺乏抗利尿素(后叶加压素),能促进肾对水的重吸收和尿的生成过程进行调节),或其作用被阻断。 | Apparently due to lack of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin, which regulates the kidney ’s water conservation and urine production)or failure of the kidney tubules to respond to it. | |
8 | 本补膏健肾壮腰,肾亏病人的首选补品。 | This tonic, strengthening the loins and invigorating the kidney , is the first choice for the nephrotics. | |
9 | 本药品补肾滋阴,填精益髓,是医治女性疾病的良药。 | This drug can replenish vital essence, tonify kidney -yin and nourish the bone marrow so it is effective against gynecological diseases. | |
10 | 并发症是造成死亡的重要因素,包括了心脏疾病、糖尿病性视网膜病(可致盲)、肾脏病、神经系统疾病(特别是腿和脚)。 | Complications, including heart disease, diabetic retinopathy (a leading cause of blindness), kidney disease, and nerve disorders, especially in the legs and feet, account for most deaths. | |
11 | 补肾滋阴,填精益髓 | Replenish vital .essence, tonify kidney -yin and nourish the bone marrow | |
12 | 常服地黄杞菊丸,滋肾、养肝、明目有特效。 | It brings about a special efficiency in nourishing the kidney and liver, and improving eyesight if one takes Di Huang Qi Ju Wan constantly. | |
13 | 炒粽合(腰花、猪肝) | Sautéed pork kidney and liver with sesame oil | |
14 | 此外,在化验时患者还有血尿素氮升高,说明肾功能亦较差 | Besides, the patient showed an elevated blood urea nitrogen which indicated impaired kidney function at the time of the examination. | |
15 | 但是最近的研究已表明,低钙饮食不仅不能预防肾结石,甚至会促使它的生成,还伴有骨质疏松。 | But recent studies have suggested that such a diet might not prevent kidney stones after all and may even promote them-along with osteoporosis | |
16 | 当他打开那包腰子时,猫儿贪馋地朝他喵喵叫起来。 | While he unwrapped the kidney the cat mewed hungrily against him | |
17 | 导致暂时性盲(一时性黑暗)的原因有:垂直方向加速产生很大的重力;肾小球肾炎(一种肾病);眼睛血管中的血栓。 | Transient blindness (blackout)can result from vertical acceleration causing high gravitational forces, glomerulonephritis (a kidney disease), or a clot in a blood vessel of the eye. | |
18 | 对肾部患者用血液渗析作常规治疗,这其中也有部分是化学工程师的功劳,因为他们开发了可更换的过滤器。 | Blood dialysis is a routine treatment for those with kidney failure thanks in part to the development of suitable replaceable filters by ChE. | |
19 | 对种种立体形态诸如贝壳、核桃、李子、梨子、蝌蚪、蘑菇、山峰、肾脏、胡萝卜、树干、鸟、花蕾、云雀、瓢虫、芦苇和骨头,均应持这样的态度。从这些形态中,他进而可欣赏到几种更复杂的形态或若干形态的组合。 | And so with solids such as a shell, a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole, a mushroom, a mountain peak, a kidney , a carrot, a tree-trunk, a bird, a bud, a lark, a ladybird, a bulrush, a bone. From these he can go on to appreciate more complex forms of combinations of several forms. | |
20 | 该方法重现性好,灵敏度高,简便,可用于猪的肌肉肺脏肝脏肾脏及脂肪组织中克伦特罗残留的检测。 | The limit of quantitation (LOQ)was 0.5ng/g in pig tissues such as muscle, lung, liver, kidney and adipose. The method showed good reproducibility, high sensitivity, and fast speed. | |
21 | 高血压加速动脉硬化,增加心肌梗塞、中风与肾功能衰竭的风险。 | Hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. | |
22 | 龟鳖制品,滋肝补肾,探病访友,送礼佳品。 | Nourishing the liver and kidney , the tortoise and soft-shelled turtle products are the best presents for patients and friends. | |
23 | 后肾脊椎动物胚胎发育中的第三个也是最后一个排泄器官。在鸟类、爬行动物和哺乳动物中它代替中肾起排泄器官的作用,并最终发育成肾 | The third and final excretory organ that develops in a vertebrate embryo.In birds,reptiles,and mammals it replaces the mesonephros as the functional excretory organ and develops into the adult kidney . | |
24 | 患者通常于六周左右恢复。造成各种肾结构的损坏的病因包括曝露于化学药剂下、大量失血、挤压伤、高血压、严重烧伤、肾脏严重的细菌感染、糖尿病、肾动脉阻塞、尿路梗阻,以及肝病等。 | Most patients recover within six weeks. Damage to various kidney structures can result from chemical exposure, major blood loss, crush injury, hypertension, severe burns, severe kidney infections, diabetes mellitus, renal artery or urinary tract blockage, and liver diseases. | |
25 | 继发性高血压是由其它疾病造成(肾脏疾病或激素失衡最常见),约占10%。其它90%没有特别的病因(本态性高血压)。 | Secondary hypertension, caused by another disorder (most often kidney disease or hormone imbalance), accounts for 10% of cases. The other 90% have no specific cause (essential hypertension). | |
26 | 降气化痰,温肾纳气 | Send down the abnormally ascending qi and resolve phlegm, warm the kidney and improve inspiration | |
27 | 结石体内一种不正常的聚结,通常由矿物盐形成并存在于胆囊、肾或膀胱中,例如 | An abnormal concretion in the body,usually formed of mineral salts and found in the gallbladder,kidney ,or urinary bladder,for example. | |
28 | 据全国糖尿病、消化和肾病研究所介绍,用于肾结石的医疗保健费用在1993年就达到180亿美元。 | Health care for kidney stones added up to $1.8 billion in 1993, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and digestive and Kidney Diseases | |
29 | 每年大约有200个英国人感染威尔氏症--一种能导致肾或肝功能衰竭直至死亡的传染病,病源在老鼠的尿液中。 | Around 200 britons a year contracts Weil’s Disease-an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat’s urine | |
30 | 美国人口中约有10%至少在一生中某时间患有一侧肾结石,其中男性比例要高得多,占患者的80%,患者有难以忍受的疼痛。 | About 10% of the U.S. population-and a much larger percentage of men, who make up 80% of sufferers-will have at least one kidney stone sometime in their lives, and it can be excruciatingly painful |