1 | “你犯什么傻呀!”大公主说,“你老是担心这,担心那,难道你忘了那么多王子想窥探我们,结果都徒劳送命了吗?瞧这老兵,即使我不给他安眠药吃,他也会呼呼大睡的。” | Thou art a goose, who art always frightened, said the eldest.Hast thou forgotten how many Kings ’ sons have already come here in vain? I had hardly any need to give the soldier a sleeping-draught, in any case the clown would not have awakened. | |
2 | “去吧,先生,”国王说,“假如我忘了你(国王记忆力都不强),就设法使我想起你来,不用怕。 | "Go, sir," said the king; "and should I forget you (kings ’ memories are short), do not be afraid to bring yourself to my recollection | |
3 | 并非所有国王都有王者风范。 | Not all kings behave in a kingly way. | |
4 | 波尚正在向四周张望,他是无冕国王,每一个地方都有他的宝座。 | Beauchamp, one of the kings of the press, and therefore claiming the right of a throne everywhere, was eying everybody through his monocle | |
5 | 伯爵、亲王和国王属于贵族。 | earls, princes, and kings belong to the nobility | |
6 | 不错。战国时代的5百年间,周天子成了傀儡。 | You are right. For five hundred years the kings of Zhou became kind of figureheads. | |
7 | 猜疑使国王倾向于专制,猜疑使丈夫倾向于嫉妒。 | Suspicious dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy | |
8 | 猜疑使国王倾向于专制,丈夫倾向于妒嫉。 | Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy. | |
9 | 从今以后,我的道路不再通过宫廷殿堂,我的交往不再是王公贵胄。 | Henceforth my path will not lie through palaces, nor my conversation be with kings . | |
10 | 从事贩卖黑奴的商人必须签约,保证为西班牙殖民地和葡萄牙殖民地供应黑奴,并必须获得西班牙国王或葡萄牙国王的批准。贩运黑奴是一种垄断的贸易,因而在巴西黑奴进口的数量不多,价钱也特别昂贵。 | But as far as it was, had been carried on by the assiento’s, or permission of the kings of Spain and Portugal, and engross’d in the public, so that few Negroes were brought, and those excessive dear. | |
11 | 但是,使希腊化时期成为人类历史上重要时期的并不是这些国王,也不是他们在政治上的勾心斗角,或他们的王室联姻。 | But it is not the kings , their political rivalries and their dynastic marriages, who make the Hellenistic age one of the key periods of world history | |
12 | 敌军的八、九个装甲师,每师约有各种装甲车四百辆,分组成一个个精心搭配、相互呼应的独立作战单位,插入我军,切断了我军和法军主力的一切联系。 | Eight or nine armored divisions, each of about four hundred armored vehicles of different kings , but carefully assorted to be complementary and divisible into small self-contained units, cut off all communications between us and the main French armies | |
13 | 第二种,这三个王被想象为来自遥远的国度,代表着人类的不同种族。 | Second, the kings were imagined as coming from far-away realms and representing the different races of mankind | |
14 | 第一种是把携带礼物的智者说成是国王,因而导致了西方主显节有了另一个名称“三王节”--这在西班牙语系国家是送礼的好日子。 | First, it cast the gift-bearing magi as kings , giving rise to the alternate name for Western Epiphany, namely "Three Kings Day"-the big day for gifts in most of the hispanic world | |
15 | 读书时,请不要做皇宫里的国王,最好让自己沉醉在山林海滨,反之亦然美丽奇景,而不必受疲惫、麻烦和费用巨大之苦。 | When we read we may not only be kings and live in palaces, but, what is far better, we may transport ourselves to the mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, expense. | |
16 | 而在这些挂名的官吏,部长和国王之上,却还有上帝派的人,上帝不是派他们来充填位子的,而是让他们来执行任务的,但他们却逃过了您那狭隘的目光。 | and that the men whom God has put above those office-holders, ministers, and kings , by giving them a mission to follow out, instead of a post to fill--I say that they escape your narrow, limited field of observation | |
17 | 法国国王有许多特权,其中一个就是可以决定贵族们的亲事。 | The power of bestowing their nobles in marriage was one of the many privileges of the kings of France | |
18 | 凡尔赛宫自1682年至1789年是法国皇室住所和政府中心,有1,000名廷臣和4,000名侍从居住在这里。 | It was the principal residence of the French kings and the seat of government from 1682 to 1789, with some 1,000 courtiers and 4,000 attendants residing there. | |
19 | 斐尔杜西:波斯英雄史诗诗人,他的《列王记》(1010年)记叙了波斯从波斯人的到来至阿拉伯征服的历史. | Firdausi:Persian epic poet whose Book of Kings (1010)recounts the history of Persia from the arrival of the Persians to the arab conquest. | |
20 | 古埃及有两种庙宇:祭祀庙以祭奉死去的国王,有一个小礼拜堂以供奉祭品;神庙则供有神像。 | Ancient Egypt had two kinds of temple: mortuary temples for the cults of dead kings , with a chapel in which offerings were presented, and cult temples that held images of deities. | |
21 | 古代的埃及国王为了死后尸体不被盗窃,金银财宝得以保全,建筑了坚固的墓穴。 | The kings of ancient Egypt planned strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures. | |
22 | 古代英国国王拥有绝对的权力,所以没有议会。 | In ancient times the kings of England ruled without a parliament, having complete power. | |
23 | 国王、贵族和教士、律师等这类寄生虫都宣传这种学说,并且用在死后冥界里得到补偿的诺言使这个学说容易为人所接受。 | It had been preached by kings and aristocrats and by the priests, lawyers, and the like who were parasitical upon them, and it had generally been softened by promises of compensation in an imaginary world beyond the grave | |
24 | 国王财政自理原则与英国基本赋税理论-都铎王朝末期突破国王财政自理原则的实证考察 | The Principle That "The King Shall Live of His Own" and the English Basic Theory of Taxation-A Quantitative Analysis of Tudor Kings ’ Not Breaking the Principle That "The King Shall Live of His Own" | |
25 | 国王的领土都是有限的,或限于山脉河流,或限于风俗习惯的改变,或限于语言的不同。 | The dominions of kings are limited either by mountains or rivers, or a change of manners, or an alteration of language | |
26 | 国王管理人民应公正。 | Kings ought to rule with justice. | |
27 | 国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。 | Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies. | |
28 | 国王和熊,常使守护人忧心忡忡。 | Kings and bears oft worry keepers. | |
29 | 国王们想把自己提升到神那样的位置上,于是一代一代的国王不断地扩建,所以它就越建越大。 | And the kings wanted to elevate themselves to a godlike status and progressive kings enlarged upon it. | |
30 | 过去人们相信君权神授。 | People used to believe in the divine right of kings . |