1 | 他们虽然只见了一面, 但已是一见如故了 | Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship | |
2 | 台湾版画与福建的渊源及关系 | The Relationship and Kinship between Taiwan Block Print and Fujian | |
3 | 图腾崇拜对图腾的信仰或因与某一图腾所共有的紧密联系对血亲关系的信仰 | A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem. | |
4 | 我觉得与他十分投契。 | I feel a strong kinship with him. | |
5 | 我没有勇气直接讯问他与那些头颅的亲缘关系。 | I didn’t have the nerve to ask a direct question about his kinship with those heads | |
6 | 我愿意把我和班卓看做是异乎寻常的亲属关系,一种值得记载和铭记的关系。 | I’d like to think Banjo and I shared an extraordinary kinship , one worthy of being recorded and remembered. | |
7 | 乡土社会的血缘关系―以四川省羌村调查为例 | Kinship in Provincial Society-Based on the Case of Qiang Village in Sichuan Province | |
8 | 新加坡是个多元种族的国家,除了华人、马来人和印度人,很多新加坡人还和马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国的部分地区及印度有着很近的血缘关系,并能使用他们的语言。 | In multiracial Singapore, we have besides the Chinese; Malays and Indians, who have the language and close kinship ties to Malaysia, Indonesia, parts of Thailand and India. | |
9 | 血统组织占有很重要的地位。 | kinship groups were very important | |
10 | 血缘关系、民族和保罗·吉罗伊的流散概念 | Kinship , nation, and Paul Gilroy’s concept of diaspora | |
11 | 依附者还是构建者?-关于妇女亲属关系的一项民族志研究 | Dependant or Constructor: An Ethnographical Study of the Women’s Kinship | |
12 | 殷周金文中的亲属称谓“姑”及其相关问题 | The Kinship Term "Ku 姑" in the Shang and the Chou Bronze Inscriptions and Related Kinship Issues | |
13 | 应该保留的价值观,我认为是对家庭和亲属关系的重视,包括对父母和长者的尊敬。 | What I would like retained are family and kinship ties and attendant values like respect for one’s parents and elders. | |
14 | 由于在这片水域内收集资料达一个世纪之久,他们对布列塔尼地区的海洋生物有一种亲切感情。 | With more than a century of data collected from these waters, they felt a kinship with the marine organisms of the brittany coast | |
15 | 有下列情形之一的.禁止结婚:一、直系血亲和三代以内的旁系血亲;二、患麻风病未经治愈或患其他医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病。 | No marriage may be contracted under any of the following circumstances: (1)if the man and the woman are lineal relatives by blood, or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship ; (2)if the man or the woman is suffering from leprosy, a cure not having been effected, or from any other disease which is regarded by medical science as rending a person unfit for marriage. | |
16 | 这次航海者定居下来,与那里的波利尼西亚人通婚,从而建立了一个部族社会,在这个社会中,亲属关系以及与土地的关系是特别重要的因素。 | The voyagers inter-married with them and established a tribal society in which kinship and links with land are key elements | |
17 | 这些狗,马和他哥儿俩之间,仿佛存在着一种血统关系,比他们的交情还要来得深。 | Between the hounds and the horses and the twins there was a kinship deeper than that of their constant companionship | |
18 | 宗族一种基于亲戚关系的巨大的市民组织,它组成了古希腊城邦的最大的政治分支 | A large citizens’organization based on kinship ,constituting the largest political subdivision of an ancient Greek city-state. | |
19 | 尊敬的法官先生,若干年以前,我发现我跟所有的生物都是血肉相连的。我还断定,我不比地球上最卑贱者优越一分一毫。 | Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth | |
20 | ||1:从一个国家到另一个国家,书中还给出了一些有趣的国家组合。||2:拿印度和中国对比已经不新鲜了,于是沙尔曼发现了印度和巴西的文化相似性,比如他们都“饭点很迟”、“个性十足”还很“随意不拘束”。||3:他希望菲律宾能够避开墨西哥式的“大亨经济”——在国内市场庇护下,大企业家主宰却不利国家整体经济发展的经济模式。||4:凯末尔曾强加给穆斯林教徒政教分离政策,作者将其与东欧那昙花一现的共产主义类比。||5:他认为在温和派领导人埃尔多安的领导下,土耳其已成为了一个自由的国度,其流行文化横扫中东,可与风靡亚洲的“韩流”相媲美。 | ||1: As it jumps from one country to the next, the book throws up some intriguing juxtapositions. ||2: Dissatisfied with the obvious parallels between India and China, Mr Sharma sees a cultural kinship between India and Brazil, countries united in their “late dining habits”, “colourful personalities” and “casual informality”. ||3: He hopes that the Philippines will escape Mexico’s fate as a “tycoon economy” dominated by fat cats in sheltered domestic markets. ||4: He likens Kemal Ataturk’s imposition of secularism on Turkey’s Muslim population to the imposition of communism on eastern Europe. ||5: Under the moderately Islamic leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he argues, Turkey is now free to be itself. Its pop culture is rolling across the Middle East like the “Korean wave” sweeping Asia. | |
21 | ||1:第二种解释是,尽管斯里兰卡没有圣战恐怖主义的历史,甚至穆斯林和基督徒之间也没有多少紧张关系,但它却处于极端主义的海洋之中。||2:近几十年来,南亚一些不宽容的伊斯兰派别排挤了过去占主导地位且包容的宗教形式。||3:这为圣战分子提供了沃土。||4:马尔代夫距离斯里兰卡只有很短的飞行距离,它向伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国派遣的新成员占该国人口的比例超过了其他任何国家。||5:孟加拉湾对岸的孟加拉国,在过去6年里遭受了一波针对世俗活动人士和少数民族的伊斯兰主义袭击。||6:据报道,斯里兰卡的自杀式炸弹袭击者和来自这两个国家的退伍军人有关。||7:国际圣战者也在印度泰米尔纳德邦的帕尔克海峡出现。在那里一名伊斯兰国嫌疑人被捕,据说他传递给斯里兰卡政府一些情报(后被忽视)。 | ||1:A second explanation is that, although Sri Lanka has no history of jihadist terrorism, nor even of much tension between Muslims and Christians, it sits in an ocean of bubbling extremism.||2:In recent decades in South Asia, intolerant strands of Islam have edged out the broad-minded forms that used to predominate.||3:That has created fertile ground for jihadists.||4:The Maldives, just a short flight from Sri Lanka, sent more recruits to is in Iraq and Syria as a proportion of its population than any other country.||5:Bangladesh, across the Bay of Bengal, has suffered a wave of Islamist attacks on secular activists and minorities in the past six years.||6:Sri Lanka’s suicide-bombers reportedly contacted is veterans from both those countries.||7:International jihadists have also cropped up across the Palk Strait in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, which is bound to northern Sri Lanka by ethnic kinship . | |
22 | ||1:接着,肯尼亚大地上发生了许多让她为之忧虑的变化。||2:马塔伊一生亲近土地,家里做房子,她帮忙和泥浆砌墙,家里的地板是她和母亲一起铺好的,她喜欢玩湿软的泥土,“手指与泥土相摩擦,几乎能感知到泥土的生命。”||3:又好水,孩提时,总被卡努恩姑涌过的清澈水流吸引,那是一条地下河,边上有株圣洁的无花果树。 | ||1: Another change soon started to concern her. ||2: All her life she had had a kinship with the land, helping to make the mud plaster for the walls of the family house, tilling the fields with her mother and delighting in wet soil which, “when you rubbed it between your fingers you could almost feel the life it held”. ||3: She was drawn to water, too, especially, as a child, to the clear, clean water that gushed from an underground stream called Kanungu, close to a sacred fig tree. | |
23 | ||1:美国最富1%的身份变化不大;每年有四分之三的家庭在下一年继续属于这个阶层。||2: 尽管随着时间的推移,能够一直留在前1%的家庭比例在不断下降,但一项研究 发现绝大多数进入前1%的家庭在10年后依然能跻身前10%。 ||3:亲属关系至关重要:富裕的父母更有可能养育出富裕后代。高水平的教育和稳定的家庭对此有帮助。||4:根据盖洛普公司调查结果,1%们中有72%有大学学位,有一半获得研究生学位,比例是其他99%们的两到三倍。||5:1%们结婚和养育下一代的比例更大。 | ||1: Membership in America’s 1% is relatively stable; three-quarters of the households in the percentile one year will still be there the next. ||2: Although the proportion shrinks over time, one study found that the vast majority of the top 1% were still in the richest 10% a decade later. ||3: Kinship plays a big part: rich parents tend to produce rich kids. High levels of educational attainment and stable families help in this. ||4: According to Gallup, 72% of the 1% have a college degree, and half have a postgraduate degree; those are two to three times the proportion of the other 99%. ||5: The 1% are more likely to be married and to have children. | |
24 | 尽管如此,由于它们都是食肉目哺乳动物类(像狗,猫,鬣狗,猫鼬,海豹等),所以确实有一些相同的血缘关系。 | They do, though, share a limited kinship , for both are members (along with dogs, cats, hyenas, mongooses, seals and so on) of the mammalian order Carnivora. | |
25 | “我确实是,”她说,然后她做了一个很好的每个学者的结构都会接纳的区分。 | "I am, " she said, and then she drew a fine distinction that any scholar of kinship structures would appreciate. | |
26 | 《亲属关系的基本结构》.(摘录) | Levi-Strauss, Claude. The Elementary Structures of Kinship . (Excerpts. ) | |
27 | 1991年到2011年间,为投资者发放的签证(与因为亲属关系发放的签证相对)所占比例已经从18%下降到了13%。 | The share of permanent visas granted for economic reasons (as opposed to kinship ) fell from 18% to 13% between 1991 and 2011. | |
28 | 称“父”为“叔”是黄河三角洲地区一种颇具地方特色的民间亲属称谓制度。 | "Addressing father as uncle" is a kind of kinship terminology in the Yellow River Delta. | |
29 | 从丧礼看妇女在亲属体系中的身份归属--以山东济宁农村个案为例 | Women’s Identity in Chinese Kinship Revealed in Death Ritual--a case of a village of Jining, Shandong | |
30 | 从谚语考察朝鲜族亲属关系 | A Study of the Korean Kinship in Proverbs |