1 | "Riccione的游泳迷公园是意大利东北海岸的一个渡假胜地。公园宣布世界接吻日大赛在星期日举行,比赛项目从""投篮接吻""到""水下接吻"",估计有近10,000个吻在这里上演。" | "The Acquafan park in Riccione, a holiday resort on Italy’s northeastern coast, proclaimed the World Kissing Day Games open on Sunday and estimates 10,000 kisses were performed in events ranging from “basketball kissing” to “underwater kissing.”" | |
2 | "我们本打算明年再举办一次世界接吻日比赛,但是既然这次取得了巨大的成功,我们很想今年夏天再举办一次。""他说。" | "”We were going to hold another World Kissing Day next year but after the huge success we’re tempted to do it again this summer,” he added." | |
3 | “噢,妈妈,谢谢你,”我说道,拥抱着她,亲吻她的面颊。 | Oh, mama, thank you, I said, hugging her and kissing her cheek | |
4 | “我看上了一个胆小鬼,”格丽卿说着,吻吻他的耳朵。 | "I’m in love with a coward," gretchen said, kissing his ear | |
5 | “曾闻山海古榆关/今日行经眼界宽/万顷洪涛观不尽/千寻绝壁渡亦难”。 | I have heard of the ancient pass Shanhaiguan/Now here I see unfold before me an unbroken view /Of the seas running for mile and mile with billows/And sheer sky-kissing cliffs barring every trespasser | |
6 | Nicole:人们对如何染上HIV或爱滋病有很多错误的理解。他们认为接吻或蚊虫叮咬会感染病毒,其实不是这样的。 | Nicole: There are a lot of misunderstandings about how you can get HIV and AIDS, and often people think you can get it from kissing or from a mosquito bit when that’s not necessarily the case | |
7 | 矮密鲈(C.lalia),长6公分,具红和蓝色鲜艳条纹;吻鲈(Helostoma temmincki),淡绿或粉白色,以特殊的"亲吻"行为见称 | "the dwarf gourami (C. lalia), 2.5 in. (6 cm)long, brightly stripped in red and blue; and the kissing gourami (Helostoma temmincki), a greenish or pinkish white fish noted for its "kissing" activities. " | |
8 | 比如,讲接吻的迷你书会模拟出接吻声,而介绍烹饪的迷你书则会在按下一个按钮后称赞:"真好吃。" | "So a book on kissing makes the right kind of sound and a cookbook says ""delicious"" when a button is pressed." | |
9 | 采用双枪式血管内支架置放之紧急血管成型术-13个月后血管内超音波追踪-“相嵌的支架” | "Inter-lacing" of Stents: 13-Month Follow-up by Intravascular Ultrasound after Primary Simultaneous Kissing Stenting | |
10 | 当存畏惧事奉耶和华,又当存战兢而快乐。 | Give worship to the Lord with fear, kissing his feet and giving him honour, | |
11 | 电影以他们两人相吻结束。 | The movie ended with the two of them kissing . | |
12 | 孩子安静地躺在那儿,握着父亲的手,不时地吻一吻,一会儿就睡觉了。 | Lying there very quietly, holding his father’s hand, occasionally kissing it, the child presently fell asleep | |
13 | 孩子们从桌子下面爬了出来,满手满脸沾满了糖酱,使劲地亲起小娃娃来。 | The boys emerge from under the table, and, with hands and faces well plastered with molasses, began a vigorous kissing of the baby | |
14 | 海伦对年青男子的举止有坚定的看法,动情的深吻是一回事,轻挑的动手动脚是另一回事。 | Helen had firm views on how her young man should behave.Decisive kissing was one thing;irresolute pawing about was quite another. | |
15 | 还有更要紧的一件,再不许吃人嘴上擦的胭脂了,与那爱红的毛病儿. | Most important of all, you must stop kissing the rouge on girls’ lips and running after everything in red. | |
16 | 接吻能传染乙型肝炎。 | Kissing helps transmit the hepatitis B virus. | |
17 | 杰森跟我说他亲眼目睹他老婆正在跟别的男人接吻。 | jason told me that he witnessed his wife kissing another guy | |
18 | 开始她只让他吻,可不久就反过来吻他,吻了他几下面颊,吻到他的嘴唇就反复地吻,好像非要把他的气吸光不可似的。 | The girl at first did not return any of the kisses but presently she began to and after she had put several on his cheek, she reached his lips and remained there, kissing him again and again as if she were trying to draw all the breath out of him. | |
19 | 可以互行接吻礼的亲戚; [俚] 关系融洽的人; 可以相容的事 | kissing cousin [kin, kind] | |
20 | 拉班清早起来,与他外孙和女儿亲嘴,给他们祝福,回往自己的地方去了。 | and early in the morning Laban, after kissing and blessing his daughters, went on his way back to his country. | |
21 | 拉班听见外甥雅各的信息,就跑去迎接,抱着他,与他亲嘴,领他到自己的家。雅各将一切的情由告诉拉班。 | and Laban, hearing news of Jacob, his sister’s son, came running, and took Jacob in his arms, and kissing him, made him come into his house. and Jacob gave him news of everything. | |
22 | 拉住那少年人,与他亲嘴,脸无羞耻对他说, | So she took him by his hand, kissing him, and without a sign of shame she said to him: | |
23 | 列王必作你的养父,王后必作你的乳母。他们必将脸伏地,向你下拜,并舔你脚上的尘土。你便知道我是耶和华,等候我的必不至羞愧。 | and kings will take care of you, and queens will give you their milk: they will go down on their faces before you, kissing the dust of your feet; and you will be certain that I am the Lord, and that those who put their hope in me will not be shamed. | |
24 | 美国人与一般人所认定的典型不同,他们并不会到处拥抱、亲吻遇见的每一个人。 | Contrary to some stereotypes, Americans don’t go around hugging and kissing everyone they meet | |
25 | 那么,公开地表示感情,例如拥抱以及亲吻,又该如何呢? | What about overt displays of affection, like hugging and kissing ? | |
26 | 那书上准会提到,主教穿的是细布袖套,法官穿的是貂皮长袍。有手枷,有脚镣,有踏车,有鞭挞,市长大人开盛宴,亲吻教皇脚丫子。 | There would be mention of the bishops in their lawn sleeves, the judges in their ermine robes, the pillory, the stocks, the treadmill, the cat-o’-nine tails, the Lord Mayor’s banquet, and the practice of kissing the Pope’s toe | |
27 | 你们笑什么? 没见过接吻吗? | What are you sniggering at? Haven’t you seen people kissing before? | |
28 | 抛掷石头有时,堆聚石头有时。怀抱有时,不怀抱有时。 | a time to take stones away and a time to get stones together; a time for kissing and a time to keep from kissing; | |
29 | 情人间的热情搂抱、接吻等 | Lively cuddling,kissing ,etc between lovers | |
30 | 然而他却跑到我的面前,双手抱住我,很亲切地吻我,以一种说不出的热情紧紧地拥抱着我。 | However, he flew to me, took me in his arms, and, kissing me very eagerly, and with the greatest passion imaginable |