1 | 托尔斯先是将英文的"马萨诸塞州"和阿拉伯文的"基地组织"(本-拉登的恐怖主义组织)合在一起组成了Massalqaeda,然后将"自由的"和"恐怖分子"合在一起组成了liborrist。 | Toles has concocted them by blending first Massachusetts and al-Qaeda (Usama bin Laden ’s terrorist organization), second "liberal" and "terrorist" | |
2 | 万家寨水电站水中含沙对空化压力的影响 | Effect of sediment-laden Flow on Cavitation Pressure Inside of Hydraulic Machineries in Wanjiazhai Hydropower Station | |
3 | 文章说,在南亚活动的“东突”恐怖组织不但得到了本·拉登的大力支持,同时又是本·拉登恐怖势力的重要力量。 | The "East Turkistan" terrorist organization based in South Asia has the unstinting support of Osama bin Laden , and is an important part of his terrorist forces | |
4 | 我敢说,假如船上没有装货,而我又是船主的话,他会把船买下来的。 | I believe, if she had not been laden , and I had been her master, he would have bought her | |
5 | 我国多泥沙河流水电站水轮机磨蚀状态检修系统 | Condition-based Maintenance System for Hydraulic Turbine under Abrasion and Corrosion in Hydropower Station on sediment-laden River in China | |
6 | 我们既然找不到本·拉登,又何谈阻止他? | How are we supposed to deter Osama bin Laden when we can’t find him | |
7 | 我们可以提供五种构造方法,大小可到18英寸的球墨铸铁、碳钢、各种不锈钢、蒙耐合金、镍和其他合金的大量选择(近海处)如果涉及到纯氧,或者植物生长在海岸充满盐的空气中,蒙耐合金的用途就不得不被考虑(石油及天然气期刊) | Five-way configurations are offered in sizes to 18 in.of ductile iron,carbon steel,various stainless steels,monel,nickel,and a large selection of other alloys(Offshore)If pure oxygen is involved,or if the plant is near a sea coast with a salt-laden atmosphere,the use of monel may have to be considered(Oil&Gas Journal) | |
8 | 我们是从锡接丘兹装谷物来的。 | We were coming from syracuse laden with grain | |
9 | 我选择的道路充满机遇,也有辛酸与绝望.失败的同伴数不胜数,叠在一起,比金字塔还高。 | The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth. | |
10 | 现年三十五岁的佛登说,他广搜"未曾在西方媒体曝光"的消息人士提供的资料,对宾拉登好好研究一番。 | The 35-year-old Foden said that he researched Bin Laden by using sources provided by informants that have "not come to light in the western media" | |
11 | 小姑娘啊,我即将来临,满载着喜悦的阳光在身,有蜜汁给蜜蜂有花朵给树丛。 | I am coming, little maiden, with the pleasant sunshine laden , With the honey for the bee, With the blossom for the tree. | |
12 | 挟沙水流浓度脉动特性研究 | Study on Turbulent Fluctuation Characteristics of Temporal Signal of Sediment Concentration in sediment-laden Flow | |
13 | 新烹饪法:1960年代和1970年代在法国发展起来的一种国际烹饪技术,强调新鲜、清淡和味道纯正,以区别于油脂过多和热量过高的传统烹饪法。 | Nouvelle cuisine Style in international cuisine developed in France in the 1960s and ’70s that stresses freshness, lightness, and clarity of flavour, as distinct from the richer and more calorie-laden classic haute cuisine. | |
14 | 悬沙冲淤问题的湍流两相模型 | Improved two-phase Turbulent Flow Model for Simulating Suspended Sediment Laden Flows | |
15 | 学术服装的发展及其承载的意义和价值 | The Development of Academic Dress and Its Laden Meaning and Value | |
16 | 一队驮着秘鲁矿中金银的骡子正缓慢行进。 | A train of mules laden with gold and silver from the mines of Peru was slowly approaching | |
17 | 一份尘封了半个多世纪的珍贵史料―陈洪《绕圈集》解读 | A Valuable Historical Literature Rediscovered after a Dust-laden Half Century-Explanatory Reading of Rao Quan Ji by Chen Hong | |
18 | 一个小姑娘走在队列最前面,她一路抛撒鲜花,预示着新娘一生的道路上也将开满鲜花,永远幸福。 | Leading the procession: a small girl strewing, blossoms along the road, so the bride’s path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers | |
19 | 一天他发现一个山林老人负载着珍贵的兽皮。 | One day he spied an old woodsman laden with rich furs | |
20 | 一位曾在沙特阿拉伯精英学校教过本-拉登的英国老师说,拉登小时侯是一个安静的、非常害羞的小学生。 | Osama bin Laden was a quiet and shy pupil, a British teacher who taught him English at an elite Saudi Arabian school was quoted | |
21 | 用表面活性剂和反硝化细菌协同处理含硫化亚铁颗粒污油 | Synergistic Treatment of Iron Sulfide Laden Slops by Use of Surfactant and Denitrifying Bacteria | |
22 | 载重吨位(简写为DWT):指一个交通工具完全装满后可载的英吨重量。 | Deadweight tonnage-DWT: The weight in long tons that a vessel can carry when fully laden . | |
23 | 载着干草的运货车 | A hay-laden cart | |
24 | 在吃饭间有一架餐柜,里面排列着闪闪发光的酒具、器皿和玻璃装饰品。这餐柜的安排完善是不容置疑的。 | In the dining-room stood a sideboard laden with glistening decanters and other utilities and ornaments in glass, the arrangement of which could not be questioned. | |
25 | 在积水处(如锡罐、旧轮胎)和充满污水的下水道里繁殖的节肢动物媒介是世界性问题。 | Arthropod vectors breeding in accumulations of water (e. g. , tin cans, old tires)and sewage-laden water are a problem worldwide. | |
26 | 在那里,那些高大的丁香树丛上开满了硕大的、松果状的花朵,压得枝几乎弯到了地上。 | There were the towering lilac bushes, so laden with the huge, cone-shaped flower clusters that they almost bent double | |
27 | 在自由广场的抗议者高举标语,上面写着ⅸ不要为石油流血,不要攻打伊拉克ⅹ以及ⅸ皮诺契特、宾拉登、海珊都是中情局的产物ⅹ。 | Protesters in Freedom Square were hoisting placards with wording like, "Do not shed blood for oil, do not attack Iraq" and "Augusto Pinochet, bin Laden and Saddam are all products of CIA" | |
28 | 债台高筑的人 | A debt-laden man | |
29 | 战乱的土地和悲惨的人民渴望减轻身心苦难和创伤,饥不择食。在引人中国的最初250年间,佛教在天下大乱的温床中得到迅猛的传播。 | The war-tom country and the misery-laden people were hungry for anything working as a relief of physical suffering and a soother of psychological trauma. In the two and a half centuries following its appearance in China it made rapid headway in the hotbed of chaos. | |
30 | 这次他们谈的是一笔大生意,即要在一艘船上装载土耳其地毯,勒旺绒布和克什米尔毛织品。 | This time it was a great matter that was under discussion, connected with a vessel laden with Turkey carpets, stuffs of the Levant, and cashmeres |