1 | 这个恐怖主义集团及其头子,一个名叫奥斯马?本?拉丹的人,跟分布在世界各国的许多其它组织有联系,如埃及的伊斯兰吉哈德(圣战)组织、乌兹别克斯坦的伊斯兰运动组织。 | This group and its leader, a person named Osama bin Laden , are linked to many other organizations in different countries, including the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. | |
2 | 这个人,我们已经知道,是个流浪汉,被别人发现在田野中,拿 | This man, as the reader already knows, was a vagabond who had been found in a field carrying a branch laden with ripe apples, broken in the orchard of a neighbor, called the Pierron orchard | |
3 | 这是一个装满哀愁也许是装满罪恶的人心,在不知不觉地,对人类伟大的心胸,泄露出它的罪恶或是哀愁的秘密;它每时每刻,每一个音响,都在祈求同情与饶恕,而且绝不是没有效果的! | The complaint of a human heart, sorrow-laden and perchance guilty is telling its secret, whether of guilt or sorrow, to the great heart of mankind, beseeching its sympathy or forgiveness--at every moment--in each accent and never in vain! | |
4 | 这些极端分子包括阿拉伯籍流亡在外的宾拉登,也就是据传涉及多起国际恐怖活动的回教军事网络的领导人。 | Among these extremists was Osama bin Laden , the expatriate Saudi Arabian leader of Al-Qaeda, a network of Islamic militants that had engaged in numerous acts of terrorism. | |
5 | 这些记号相当有规律,大概是故意留下来的,有几处已被覆盖化一丛丛鲜花盛开着的香桃木底下,或寄生的地衣底下。 | Occasionally the marks were hidden under tufts of myrtle, which spread into large bushes laden with blossoms, or beneath parasitical lichen | |
6 | 这些食品就把人们的谈话暂时塞住。 | The table was laden with eatables, and all conversation was suspended while the guests attacked them | |
7 | 这种啮齿动物与人紧密相邻,人们因吸入含有病毒的啮齿动物排泄物和细小颗粒(气溶胶)而被感染。 | This species of rodent lives in close proximity to man and humans can be infected by inhalation of tiny droplets (aerosols)of virus-laden rodent excreta. | |
8 | 整个车子的重量都压在他的胸口上。 | The cart was quite heavily laden | |
9 | 正房炕上横设一张炕桌,桌上堆着书籍茶具 | On the kang under the window was a low table laden with books and a tea-service. | |
10 | 纵使该批货物或部分货物并未装船运载,除非该提货单持有人收取提货单时事实上已获通知,知悉有关货物其实并未有装船 | notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped, unless such holder of the bill of lading has had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board: |