1 | 库务局副局长林郑月娥 | Deputy Secretary for the Treasury Carrie Lam Cheung Yuet-ngor | |
2 | 立法会议员昨日表示,担心林焕光的调职,会减慢公务员制度的改革。 | Legislators yesterday voiced fears of a slow-down in civil service reform with the transfer of Mr Lam . | |
3 | 联检TB-DNA、LAM-IgG和ADA诊断小儿结核性脑膜炎 | Combined Detection of TB-DNA, LAM -IgG and ADA in CSF as a Predictor to Infantile Patients with Tuberculous Meningitis | |
4 | 林东(化名)现着重宣誓并凭证如下: | Dong Lam , being first duly sworn, deposes and says as follows: | |
5 | 林静华表示,沃尔玛不单单买进供应商的商品,而是着重发展与供应商的合作伙伴关系。 | Lam continues to say that Wal-Mart attaches great importance to partnership with suppliers. | |
6 | 流行歌手陈慧琳的歌唱事业现正一帆风顺。 | Pop diva Kelly Chen Wai-lam ’s singing career is in perfect harmony right now. | |
7 | 毛叶枣与冬枣原生质体分离体系的建立 | Establishment of a Protoplast Isolation System for Zizyphus mauritiana Lam . and Ziziphus jujuba Mill. | |
8 | 民航处处长林光宇 | Director-General of Civil Aviation Mr Albert Lam Kwong-yu | |
9 | 内皮(细胞-白细胞粘着因子,内皮(细胞)-白细胞粘附因子 | endothelial-leucocyte adhesion molecule(E-LAM ) | |
10 | 那个可怜的妇女说了些什么使你那样地责骂她? | What did the poor woman say that made you lam into her like that? | |
11 | 那个可怜的人说了些什么使你这样地责骂他? | What did the poor man say that make you lam into him like that? | |
12 | 那骗子溜之大吉,再没露过面。 | The swindler took it on the lam and was never seen again. | |
13 | 南顺产品品质优良,获香港工业总会颁发Q唛荣誉。 | Lam Soon has received the Hong Kong Q-Mark from The Federation of Hong Kong Industries as a recognition of its supreme product quality. | |
14 | 南顺的名字,跨越大半个世纪,成为高品质的保证。 | For more than half a century, the Lam Soon name has been synonymous with only the highest standards. | |
15 | 南顺更重视人力资源,集团聘请的专业人材,均经严格挑选,配合集团自动化生产设施上的重大投资,以确保长期维持最高水准的生产流程及业务经营。 | Much emphasis has been placed on human resources in the Lam Soon Group. Talents are carefully chosen to complement the substantial investment in the latest automated production technology and equipment. This ensures our high standards of quality are maintained in the manufacturing process, as well as in the business. | |
16 | 南顺集团,凭着其悠久历史,一直以来饮誉东南亚。 | Lam Soon is recognised as a leading name in Southeast asia, a reputation that has been built up over the group’s prolonged and proud history in the region. | |
17 | 南顺旗下的红灯牌食油早已深入国内数以千万计的家庭;而另一品牌斧头牌洗洁精及洗衣粉等一系列家居清洁用品亦已成功打入中国市场。 | "Lam Soon’s""Red Lantern Brand"" is already well known throughout millions of mainland homes, and the ""aXE"" line of liquid detergents, powder detergents and other cleansers have successfully penetrated the market." | |
18 | 南顺于30年代在新加坡成立,最初主要从事食油、食米及干椰贸易。到了40年代,随着公司的业务不断扩展,南顺开始在新加坡及马来西亚经营油脂加工处理业务。 | Founded in Singapore in the 1930s, Lam Soon first began trading in edible oils, rice and copra. as the company continued to develop and expand, Lam Soon started its oils and fats processing business in Singapore and Malaysia in the late 1940s. | |
19 | 南顺在香港的业务始于一九六一年;时至今日,已成为业内翘楚,带领着香港的食油及家庭用品市场,设于国内的蛇口面粉有限公司是中国最大的外资面粉加工企业,而南顺更是台湾最大的一个铝罐制造商、以及是中国最大的专业易开盖制造商之一。 | In 1961, Lam Soon began operating in Hong Kong, and the group is now a leading entity in the food supply market. Not only is Lam Soon the major player in edible oils and home care products in Hong Kong, it also owns the largest foreign-owned flour processing enterprise in China, and is the largest can maker in Taiwan and is one of the largest independent Easy Open Ends maker in China. | |
20 | 南顺扎根于香港超过四十年,信誉卓著,旗下牌子如刀唛、红灯、维康牌食油,及斧头牌清洁用品等早已深入民心,成为家喻户晓的名字。 | "Lam Soon’s reputation in Hong Kong has been firmly established for over 40 years. Its oil product brands such as ""Knife"", ""Red Lantern"", ""Vecorn"" and ""aXE"" detergent products have become popular household names." | |
21 | 柠条灌木林的营造和管理 | Afforestation and Management of Caragana microphylla (Pall.)Lam | |
22 | 柠条叶片光合速率日变化特征的研究 | The Diurnal Variations of Photosynthesis in Leaves of Caragana microphylla Lam | |
23 | 潜逃中的罪犯 | escaped convicts on the lam . | |
24 | 任白慈善基金景林安老院〔基督教家庭服务中心〕 | Yam Pak Charitable Foundation King Lam Home for the Elderly [Christian Family Service Centre] | |
25 | 社会福利署署长林郑月娥 | Director of Social Welfare Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor | |
26 | 台农57号甘藷组成成份含有抗氧化和抗癌细胞增生的活性 | Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam ’Tainong 57’)Constituents | |
27 | 天冬胺酸型蛋白酶水解台农57号甘藷块根储藏性蛋白质-胰蛋白酶抑制因子 | An Aspartic Type Protease Degrades Trypsin Inhibitors, the Major Root Storage Proteins of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.)Lam cv. Tainong 57) | |
28 | 为了确保产品的优良质素,南顺一向积极投资新科技,集团在香港及中国大陆的厂房,均采用最先进的机械设施,并聘请外国专家担任技术顾问。 | At Lam Soon, our assurance to guarantee the best quality is by investing in technology. Our plants in Hong Kong and China are installed with the most advanced equipment and facilities, and we recruit overseas professionals to provide technical consultancy to these installations. | |
29 | 我帮不了你啦,我正忙着做饭。 | I can’t help you because lam in the middle of cooking dinner. | |
30 | 西蒙1号番薯毛状根生物碱成分的研究 | Alkaloids of the Hairy Roots of Ipomoea batatas Lam |