1 | 他把这件发生在身上的事作为一桩不幸的落入政治上的异国情调的失足来谈论。 | He spoke of this as a regrettable lapse into political exoticism on his part | |
2 | 他思想一不集中,就结结巴巴起来。 | The moment he relaxes his concentration,he will lapse into a stutter. | |
3 | 他知道她会彻底忘记他,会离开他,会远走高飞地飞到天涯海角,于是他再也找不到她。 | He knew she might lapse into ignorance of him, lapse away from him, farther, farther, farther, till she was lost to him. | |
4 | 谈话中的间隔 | A lapse in the conversation. | |
5 | 弯销延时抽芯的压铸型设计 | Design of Die Casting Die with Dog-led Cams for Time-Lapse Core Pulling | |
6 | 我记错了。 | I had a lapse of memory. | |
7 | 我开始用手吃豌豆,但我想没有人注意到我的小错误。 | I started to eat the peas with my hands, but I don’t think anyone noticed my little lapse | |
8 | 我想他又失检了. | I fear he has lapse d again. | |
9 | 陷入沉思沉默 | Lapse into meditation(silence) | |
10 | 陷入一片沉静. | lapse into silence | |
11 | 陷入谵妄状态,说起胡话来. | lapse into delirium | |
12 | 心情十分沮丧,这种沮丧,无法拿人世间的任何心情来比拟,除非把它比作过足鸦片烟瘾的人从梦幻中回到现实生活里的那种痛苦心情。 | With an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the afterdream of the reveler upon opium; the bitter lapse into everyday life, the hideous dropping off of the veil. | |
13 | 信仰上的动摇(作风上的不体面,道德上的败坏). | a lapse from faith (respectabi-lity, virtue) | |
14 | 一段长时间. | a long lapse of time | |
15 | 一眼望去,湖水既无出口,又无入口,可是湖也有自己的历史,它的历史就在它起伏的波浪,岸边的磨光的卵石,和周围绵延不绝的松树。 | Without outlet or inlet to the eye, it (the lake)has still its history, in the lapse of its waves, in the rounded pebbles on its shore, and in the pines which grow down to its brink. | |
16 | 因出现几句谩骂,辩论会不欢而散 | The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling | |
17 | 油藏水驱开采时移地震监测岩石物理基础测量 | Petrophysical Measurements for time-lapse Seismic Monitoring of Reservoir Waterflooding Recovery | |
18 | 于一九九三年二月八日本公司采纳雇员购股权计划("计划"),其将于二零零三年二月七日失效。据此,本公司可向本集团之雇员(包括执行董事)授购股权,以认购本公司股份,惟最多可认购本公司不时已发行股份数目之10%(不包括因行使雇员购股权而发行之股份)。 | On 8th February, 1993, the Company adopted a share option scheme (“Scheme”)which would lapse on 7th February, 2003, pursuant to which it might grant options to employees (including executive directors)of the Group to subscribe for shares in the Company, subject to a maximum number of shares not exceeding 10% of the number of issued shares of the Company from time to time, excluding for this purpose shares issued on exercise of options. | |
19 | 源自拉丁语l?sus,源自l?旱墓?シ执?消逝,终止]。 | FromLatin l?sus,from past participle of l? [ to lapse ]. | |
20 | 在此种情况下,如作出关于补贴或损害的否定裁定,则承诺即自动失效,除非此种裁定主要是由于承诺的存在而作出的。 | In such a case, if a negative determination of subsidization or injury is made, the undertaking shall automatically lapse , except in cases where such a determination is due in large part to the existence of an undertaking | |
21 | 在相隔许多凄风苦雨的岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经在那上面遭到世人轻辱的白眼。 | Where, long since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world’s ignominious stare. | |
22 | 在伊利斯的奥林匹亚,为了纪念宙斯,每到第五年(间隔四年)的七月份举行一次全国性的节日盛会,即奥林匹亚竞技会。 | At olympia, in Elis, a festival had assumed national importance, was held in his honour in the month of July every fifth year, that is after the lapse of four clear years | |
23 | 暂时的不合理过失--扭转亚洲的冲销 | A momentary lapse of unreason-reversing sterilization in Asia | |
24 | 沾染坏习惯;在一赛季中途变成表现平庸的球队 | Lapse into bad habits;a team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season. | |
25 | 这一变幻得千姿百态的现象,并非表明外观上起了变化,只是说明观察这些熟悉景现的人内心发生了重要的突变,以致在他的意识上有了"一日不见、如隔三秋"之感。 | This phenomenon, in the various shapes which it assumed, indicated no external change, but so sudden and important a change in the spectator of the familiar scene, that the intervening space of a single day had operated on his consciousness like the lapse of years. | |
26 | 这一事故被看作是一次严重的安全疏忽。 | The incident was being seen as a serious security lapse . | |
27 | 这种气氛很难称为家庭气氛。这种家庭生活靠习惯的力量和传统观念维系着,随着时间的推移,会变得越来越干枯--最终成为一团火绒,很容易着火,把一切烧毁。 | Such an atmosphere could hardly come under the category of home life. It ran along by force of habit, by force of conventional opinion. With the lapse of time it must necessarily become dryer and dryer--must eventually be tinder, easily lighted and destroyed. | |
28 | 只要该成员向理事会说明该修改或撤销不能等待第21条第1款规定的3年期限期满的理由。 | provided that the Member shows cause to the Council that the modification or withdrawal cannot await the lapse of the three-year period provided for in paragraph 1 of Article XXI | |
29 | 珠儿立刻挣脱她母亲拉着她的手,跑到小溪边上,猫下身子,洗起她的额头,直到那不受欢迎的亲吻完全给洗净,散进潺潺流逝的溪水之中。 | Hereupon, Pearl broke away from her mother, and, running to the brook, stooped over it, and bathed her forehead, until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off, and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water. | |
30 | 自当事人知道或者应当知道其权利受到侵害之日起至合同法施行之日超过两年的,人民法院不予保护。 | if there was a lapse of more than two years between the date on which the party knew or should have known that its right was infringed and the operative date of the Contract Law, the People’s Court will no longer enforce such right; |