属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-托利党巨人退休 才华横溢国会议员告别
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-货币市场基金 伪造面值
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-曼恩·阿尔萨尼亚 沙特巨头冲突
1 | 我怕她又失检了。 | I fear she has lapsed again. | |
2 | 我知道我在比喻和狂喜的辩论中造成了遗误。 | I see that I have lapsed into parable and ecstatic declamation | |
3 | 有时候,我会莫名其妙地哈哈大笑,对毫无谐趣的东西,如报纸上的经济版之类,忍俊不禁。 | Sometimes I lapsed into laughing jags, chucking in uncontrolled amusement at such unchuckly fare as the financial pages of the newspapers | |
4 | 在一赛季中途变成表现平庸的球队 | A team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season. | |
5 | 沾染坏习惯;在一赛季中途变成表现平庸的球队 | Lapse into bad habits;a team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season. | |
6 | 这个法律失效了。 | This law has lapsed . | |
7 | 这项邀约在期限过后,便会自动失效。 | This offer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit. | |
8 | 这一租约已经失效。 | The lease has lapsed . | |
9 | 重新采用某事物(如终止或取消后) | Bring sth back into use,eg after it has lapsed or been withdrawn | |
10 | ||1:他做了一些了不起的事:重塑这个他发现道德”惊人“沦丧的部门的信誉,包括重新强调学习语言和其他失效技能的重要性。||2:他还扩大了部门的运作范围,新派出了20个驻外使团,特别是在印度和中国这些商业动力的中心。||3:早些时候,他也十分大胆地支持卡梅伦对阿拉伯之春的拥护,还包括2011年对利比亚的干预。||4:黑格认为他们在2013年没能赢得议会对叙利亚统治下罢工的支持是他”最糟的体验“之一。 | ||1:He did some excellent things—restoring confidence to a department he found to be “shockingly” demoralised, including through a renewed emphasis on learning languages and other lapsed skills.||2:He also expanded its operations, opening 20 missions, especially in India and China, the focus of a commercial push.||3:He was also bold, early on, supporting Mr Cameron’s championing of the Arab spring, including the intervention in Libya in 2011.||4:Mr Hague describes their failure to win parliamentary support for strikes on Syria’s regime in 2013 as one of his “worst experiences”. | |
11 | ||1:这股恐慌情绪反过来影响到依靠短期债务的企业信贷,激起人们对系统性崩溃的担忧。||2:对此,美国财政部不得不对货币市场基金提供临时担保。||3:在2010年与2012年,美国证券交易委员会加强了对各类证券资金的购买限制。||4:但它否决了一项要求基金如银行般持有缓冲资本方案,以免其进一步削弱遭受重创的业务。 | ||1:The panic, in turn, crunched credit for firms that relied on short-term debt and fanned fears of a systemic meltdown.||2:In response, the Treasury provided temporary guarantees for money-market funds, now lapsed .||3:In 2010 and again in 2012 the SEC tightened restrictions on the kinds of securities funds could buy.||4:But it rejected a plan to require funds to hold buffers of capital like banks, for fear it would further dent a battered business. | |
12 | 2015年,尽管出现了干旱,埃塞俄比亚也避免了饥荒,但交易所几乎没有起到作用:由于担心粮食出口会危及国内粮食供应使得玉米和小麦的合约在那时已经失效。 | In 2015, despite a dire drought, Ethiopia did avoid famine, but the ECX played little role: its maize and wheat contracts had lapsed by then because of concerns that exports would jeopardise domestic food supplies. | |
13 | 但他说这在90年代就取消了,一项根据具体情况签署文件的较为狭义的授权也于2003年被取消。 | But that was revoked in the 1990s, he says, and a narrower authority to sign documents on a case-by-case basis lapsed in 2003. | |
14 | 通过威胁国会在USMCA以及已失效的NAFTA之间做选择, | By threatening a choice between the USMCA and the chaos of a lapsed NAFTA, | |
15 | 2006年,在澳博失去垄断权4年后,澳门超越拉斯维加斯大道,成为全球最大的赌博市场。 | In 2006, four years after SJM’s monopoly lapsed , Macao eclipsed the Las Vegas Strip as the world’s biggest casino market. | |
16 | 2009年12月国会宣告到期失效后,这项减税优惠已经失效一个年头了。 | That credit had lapsed for a year after Congress allowed it to expire in December 2009. | |
17 | 不能接受父亲的死和妹妹1994年的自杀,他不断地酗酒。 | Unable to cope with his father’s death and sister’s suicide in 1994, he repeatedly lapsed into alcoholism. | |
18 | 但他说这在90年代就取消了,一项根据具体情况签署文件的较为狭义的授权也于2003年被取消。 | But that was revoked in the 1990s, he says, and a narrower authority to sign documents on a "case-by-case" basis lapsed in 2003. | |
19 | 但最终,拉米承认自己冒险失败了,已经进行了6年的多哈回合重新被搁置。 | But eventually Mr Lamy admitted that his gamble had not come off, and the six-year-old round lapsed back into limbo. | |
20 | 佛教在元朝之前经历了几百年的衰落时期,元朝时得到复兴。 | The yuan dynasty oversaw a revival of Buddhism in China, which had lapsed in preceding centuries. | |
21 | 根据两名捷克精神病学家的说法,一抛开胡萝卜,该男子和其他两名患者就会陷入易怒情绪。 | According to two Czech psychiatrists, when carrots were withdrawn, he and the other patients lapsed into heightened irritability. | |
22 | 广角红外线探测望远镜需要扫描天域2遍以便生成时间释放图像,天文学家将用这些图像侦测外太阳系的天体。 | WISE needs to scan the sky twice in order to generate the time-lapsed images astronomers use to detect objects in the outer solar system. | |
23 | 恢复已终止的专利 | restoration of a lapsed patent | |
24 | 假如美国重新恢复2004年失效的突击武器禁售令,也许都会给墨西哥带来更大的协助。 | Mexico would be even better served if the United States renewed a ban on the sale of assault weapons that lapsed in 2004. | |
25 | 她嫁给当地一个男人,怀了孕,生孩子时耗了三天时间,然后陷入昏迷,产下一个死婴。 | She married a local man, became pregnant and after three days of labor, she lapsed into unconsciousness and the baby was stillborn. | |
26 | 她没有达到我们希望她达到的高水准。 | She has lapsed from the high standard we have come to expect of her. | |
27 | 距上次险些滑入战争已过去八年后,马其顿仍然是一个脆弱的国家;而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。 | Macedonia remains fragile eight years after it almost lapsed into war. Testy relations with its neighbours do not help. | |
28 | 连接中国和世界的丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路逐渐被废弃。 | The Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Route, which had linked China to the world, lapsed into disuse. | |
29 | 论广告公司人才流失的祸与福 | Discussion on Lapsed Talents of Advertising Agency | |
30 | 热挤压模具失效形式分析及预防措施 | Analysis and preventing measure on the lapsed form of hot extrusive die |