属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能关税 太阳黑子
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-驼鹿和人 Of moose and men
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的交通 票战vs站票
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天文学 要太空望远镜吗?
1 | 1935年,BMW推出了配有世界上最早的hydraulically damped telescopic forks系统的R 12和R 17两款摩托车。 | in 1935, BMW launches the R 12 and R 17, fitted with the world′s first hydraulically damped telescopic forks. | |
2 | 1995 Volvo 发布一系列具有较弱生态影响的汽车养护产品--“汽车与生态关注”。 | 1995 Volvo launches Car & Eco Care, a range of car-care products with a low ecological impact | |
3 | AC德科新推出的高强度气体放电灯 | ACDelco now launches the HID-High Intensity Discharge. | |
4 | AC德科新推出的汽车防爆隔热膜,选用产自美国的汽车专用高级金属膜,并采用先进独特的生产工艺。 | ACDelco now launches Automotive Window film, which is the high quality specialized sputtered film imported from U.S.A. Advanced technology is applied. | |
5 | 包括市场启动,新车及MINI活动。 | including market launches , new features and MINI based events. | |
6 | 本快餐厅每逢周末大抽奖,奖品是精美西点一盒。 | This fast-food restaurant launches a lucky draw every weekend. The lucky person will be rewarded with a box of delicate western-style pastry. | |
7 | 此操作启动安装向导。 | This launches an installation wizard. | |
8 | 公司发起了一项大胆的“向百万进军”的会员资格运动,向消费者大规模邮寄了2.5亿张免费的AOL的网络系统,给公司赢得了一个贬损的绰号“美国稍等”。 | The company launches a bold membership drive, “March to a Million,” mass-mailing 250 million free AOL software disks to consumers, The surge in users clogs AOL’s system in February, 1994, earning the company its derogatory moniker “America On Hold.” | |
9 | 关于希特勒准备和发动战争手段的思考 | Thinking of Means that Hitler Prepares and Launches the War | |
10 | 轨道建设开始于1998年下半年,俄罗斯控制舱和美国的连接节点发射升空,由航天飞机的航天员在轨道上串连起来。 | In-orbit construction started in late 1998 with the launches of a Russian control module and a U.S.-built connecting node, which were linked in orbit by space shuttle astronauts. | |
11 | 过了北河南路口的上海总商会以西的一段,俗名唤作“铁马路”,是行驶内河的小火轮的汇集处。那三辆汽车到这里就减低了速率。 | Passing a block west of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce Building on the corner of North Honan Road, where the creek below was usually thronged with steam-launches plying upriver, the three cars slowed down | |
12 | 华硕计算机推出创新构想光盘刻录机及笔记本电脑 | "ASUSTek Computer" Launches Innovative Combo CDRW Drive and Notebook Computer | |
13 | 壳牌杯汽车驾驶综合技能大比武(上海) | Shell launches new road safety initiative in Shanghai | |
14 | 壳牌公司推出新一代多宝T系列润滑油-对原系列进行了较大程度的升级,减少了过滤器的维护工作和腐蚀现象,并提高了设备可靠性。 | Shell launches new generation Turbo T oil-significantly upgraded to reduce filter maintenance, corrosion and improve plant reliability. | |
15 | 壳牌在沪启动天然气清洁燃料试车活动 | Shell launches Shanghai trial of clean fuel from natural gas | |
16 | 壳牌中国集团启动支持中国可持续企业计划 | Shell China launches support for sustainable Chinese businesses | |
17 | 路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的MAC地址装进包的报头并发送该包。 | The router updates its cache, installs the new MAC address into the packet header and launches the packet | |
18 | 磨到近中午,船公司派两条汽船来,摆渡客人上岸。 | Instead, shortly before noon, the steamship company dispatched two launches to the ship to take the passengers ashore | |
19 | 你只要与哈罗德谈起石油价格,他就会开始大谈政府及其国内外的金融政策。 | You only have to mention the price of petrol to Harold and he launches out into a harangue about the government and its financial policies at home and abroad. | |
20 | 手机厂家和网络公司希望下个月诺基亚推出其首批型号后,欧洲市场能够迎头赶上,使这种势头得以继续。 | Such phenomenal take-up is what the phone manufacturers and networks hope will be emulated in Europe after Nokia launches the first models next month | |
21 | 随着星巴克在中国开拓市场的强劲势头,咖啡先锋浸入拥有近5000年茶文化历史的中国,目标是把星巴克建成时新的常去的场所,吸引中国新兴中产阶级品味新的口味。 | As Starbucks launches an aggressive expansion in China coffee frontier steeped in nearly 5,000 years of teaThe goalto build hip hangouts that tap into a new taste for China’s emerging middle class | |
22 | 他词不达意地发表了一通激烈言论攻击因循守旧的人们。 | He launches into an inarticulate tirade against conventional people | |
23 | 选用错误的涡轮机油可导致不必要的维修、高维护成本或更糟糕的结果-持续的故障停机时间。 | Shell launches new generation Turbo T oil-significantly upgraded to reduce filter maintenance, corrosion and improve plant reliability. | |
24 | 英业达OKWAP品牌PDA迈向国际舞台 | Inventec Appliances Launches "OKWAP" Smart Phone Both in Taiwan and the Mainland | |
25 | 这个纲领是容许失败的,甚至在付诸实行之前也是如此,这似乎与好心的乌邦托主义者相违。 | It seems to escape the well-meaning Utopianist that this programme implies an admission of failure, even before he launches it | |
26 | 中国发射了第一个不载人航天飞机。 | China launches first unmanned spacecraft. | |
27 | ||1:美国的关税征收如果得到证实,将会惹恼中国电池板制造商。如果“强烈不满的”中国政府为此实施报复性措施,也许还会惹怒一大群美国出口商。||2:但他们似乎不会给予西方众多太阳能企业以庇护。||3:此次的关税征收酝酿已久(尽管甚至高于预期),在此期间中国出口商在美国囤积了大量库存。 | ||1:The American tariffs, if confirmed, will annoy Chinese panelmakers-and perhaps a wide array of American exporters, too, if China’s "strongly dissatisfied" government launches retaliatory measures.||2:But they are unlikely to save many Western solar firms.||3:The tariffs were long mooted (though they are even higher than expected), which has allowed Chinese exporters to build large inventories in the United States. | |
28 | ||1:小说也不乏坚定的非英雄主义人物,得以幸存。||2:最具挑战性的章节“父母的迷惘”从不同家庭中捕捉场景。||3:一个家庭展开对罂粟种子大的头虱的围剿行动,夜以继日的梳理头发,“孩子们刮伤了头皮”。||4:另一家在暴风雪中驱车穿过田野,车上是四岁的生病的女儿。医院的圣诞树象征:“这些礼物只是空盒子,请抑制打开的欲望。” | ||1: These are unflinching tales not of heroism, so much, but of survival. ||2: The most experimental piece, “Wonder about Parents”, snatches scenes from different homes. ||3: One family launches a crusade against headlice the “size of a poppy seed”, raking out hair night after night, “kids scratched raw”. ||4: Another drives cross-country through a snowstorm with their sick four-month-old daughter; the Christmas tree in the hospital bears a sign: “These gifts are empty boxes. Please refrain from opening.” | |
29 | Japan Airlines (JAL)持有Jetstar Japan(将于7月份投入运营)三分之一的股份。 | Jetstar Japan, which launches operations in July, is one-third owned by Japan Airlines (JAL). | |
30 | 表示NRO很可能本来准备把这两颗卫星用于替代万一发射失败而摧毁的卫星。 | He says that the NRO would probably have ordered spare mirrors to replace any that might have been destroyed by failed launches . |