属类:文学表达-外国名著-George Gordon Byron
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-只为重建信心 For those who have l
1 | 奢侈地游乐一番 | Entertained on a lavish scale. | |
2 | 奢侈宴席. | a lavish feast | |
3 | 他给慈善事业捐款非常慷慨。 | He is lavish in donating money to charity. | |
4 | 他花钱大手大脚且喜欢摆阔。 | He is lavish and ostentatious. | |
5 | 他说,对于这位一手将他抚养大的女人用什么东西作为回报也不为过,这种细腻的方式可以用来弥补他不能陪伴母亲的遗憾。 | Nothing is too good for the woman who brought him up single-handedly, he says, and it’s a small way to try and made up for the time he is unable to lavish on her." | |
6 | 小钱不节省,大钱必乱花 | He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound | |
7 | 小钱不节省,大钱必乱花. | He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. | |
8 | 一般来说,古代铭文常在皇室纪念碑或奢华的陵墓中发现,用来纪念统治者或其他官方人物。 | Ancient inscriptions are typically found on royal monuments or on lavish tombs, commemorating rulers and other official figures | |
9 | 因为我知道,维尔福先生对我的这种赏脸平时不是轻易肯给的,但是,这种荣幸不论多么可贵,却仍然不足以与我内心里所感到的满足相比。” | for I am aware that M. de Villefort is not usually lavish of the favor which he now bestows on me,--a favor which, however estimable, is unequal to the satisfaction which I have in my own consciousness." | |
10 | 在…上挥霍钱财 | Lavish one’s money on | |
11 | 在奢侈品方面大量开支. | lavish expenditure on luxu-ries | |
12 | 这个乡下姑娘不习惯他们奢侈的生活方式。 | The country girl was not used to their lavish mode of living | |
13 | 整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。 | Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery | |
14 | 整个社会转而对他采取敌对态度,对他进行恶意的诽谤和诬蔑,其过分的程度就如当初对他进行赞美和吹捧那样。拜伦不愿继续忍受这种侮辱,他离开了英国,一去不复返。 | Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery. Byron would not stay to be insulted; he left England for good. | |
15 | ||1:Cineworld决定在明年前关闭位于美国和英国的所有电影院,因为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影《No Time to Die》的上映日期再次被推迟到4月份。||2:由于社交距离限制措施导致影院空空如也,Cineworld已经在勉强维持,该公司本来寄希望于这部有望今年最大票房亮点的影片。||3:其他电影也被推迟上映,一些电影直接通过流媒体的途径上映。||4:许多业内人士认为,为了制造最重要的轰动效应,豪华大片需要先在电影院上映。 | ||1:Cineworld decided to close all its cinemas in America and Britain until next year, after the release date of “No Time To Die”, the next James Bond film, was again postponed, until April.||2:Already struggling as social-distancing keeps the crowds away from its venues, Cineworld was banking on what would have been this year’s biggest box-office draw.||3:Other films have been delayed, some have gone straight to streaming.||4:Many in the industry believe lavish blockbusters need to be seen in cinemas first in order to create the all-important buzz. | |
16 | ||1:Meltzer提出三个解决方案。||2:受国家保护的部门,特别是教育和医疗,应该对外开放,接受竞争。||3:税收政策应该在两方面做出改变。||4:首先,应该利用税收政策来让津贴和津贴来源变得更透明。||5:比如,按揭贷款扣除应该叫做租赁税;乙醇生产带来的丰厚利润应该被冠以汽油税。||6:其次,税收政策该被用来代替复杂的规章,并且用在对让社会承受巨大代价的领域,比如环境污染和银行短期债务的使用(因为它会造成社会不稳)。 | ||1:Mr Zingales makes three proposals.||2:Protected sectors, notably education and health care, should be opened up to competition.||3:Tax policy should be changed in two ways.||4:First, it should be used to make subsidies and their costs more transparent.||5:The deduction on mortgages, for example, should be termed a tax on renting; the lavish benefits provided for ethanol production should be regarded as a tax on petrol.||6:Secondly it should be used as a substitute for complicated regulation and applied against areas that cost society, such as pollution and (because it creates instability) the use of short-term debt by banks. | |
17 | ||1:电影制作成本的下降对独立电影业的发展有着推波助澜的效果。||2:演员们的薪水依然不高,各独立电影制作公司精于利用州与州,国与国之间的竞争关系,从中获取慷慨的补助。||3:海岸娱乐的老板莫里斯.若斯金表示,最重要的是,信贷宽松时期充斥着被委托制作的电影,如今终于熬出头了。||4:他谈到:"那个供应饱和的市场已经远去,现在市场对电影变得趋之若鹜。" | ||1: It helps that films have become cheaper to make. ||2: Actors’ salaries remain depressed, and indies have become expert at exploiting competition between states and countries, which lavish subsidies on them. ||3: Most important, says Morris Ruskin, the head of Shoreline Entertainment, a glut of films commissioned in the era of loose credit has at last worked its way through the pipeline. ||4: "We’ve gone from a market that was saturated with films to a market that is hungry for them," he says. | |
18 | ||1:基斯进入记者圈是那种很老套的方式,先在地方报纸做,然后进入伦敦报业街,但是他最远到了香港,供职于《远东经济评论》。||2:他热爱亚洲,尽管他对亚洲的看法还像是一个19世纪的殖民地官员。他喜欢艺妓。||3:他曾这样评论一个不出活却享受高价聘用金的记者:“我想也许这样,假如我们明年收不到他的信的话,我们应该给他寄一封。”||4:他虽然不是小伙子,却渴望去暹罗、新疆和鞑靼。他还对太平洋诸岛产生了兴趣,而且真的在那里找到了故事。 | ||1: Keith came into journalism the old-fashioned way, through provincial papers and Fleet Street, but got as far as Hong Kong, where he worked for the Far Eastern Economic Review. ||2: He loved Asia, though his view of it was really that of a 19th-century colonial administrator. He had a soft spot for geishas. ||3: Of one correspondent, non-productive though enjoying a lavish retainer, he once remarked: “I think perhaps if we do not hear from him next year, we should send him a note.” ||4: Though no stripling, he would hunger to get to Siam, Sinkiang or Tartary. He developed a fondness for the Pacific islands, and actually found stories there. | |
19 | ||1:瓦特·拉克尔是一位杰出的欧洲历史学家,现居于美国,他已经成为欧洲衰落的主要预言者。||2:他的新作《衰落之后》总结了许多目前备受关注的主题:欧盟的经济陷入虚弱状态,主要原因是太慷慨的福利状况、太少的改革能力,不断缩小的人口,以及最糟糕的是,太多的穆斯林移民。 | ||1:A distinguished European historian who now lives and works in America, Walter Laqueur has turned into a leading prophet of European decline.||2:His new book, “After the Fall”, stands as a summary of many pet themes: that the European Union has a weak economy with too lavish a welfare state and little capacity for reform, a shrinking population and, worst of all, too many Muslim immigrants. | |
20 | “就在全国各地银行纷纷陷入困境的危难之际,这个女孩却在举办奢华的茶话聚会,”“财政负责公民”发言人琳达·卡尔森说。 | "This is a girl who held lavish tea parties while banks across the country were failing, " CFR spokesperson Linda Carlson said. | |
21 | 1840年,第一个狂欢节是还只是富人们和权贵们的游戏。 | In 1840, the first Carnival was a lavish masked ball thrown for the wealthy and powerful. | |
22 | 1849年10月,肖邦“痛苦呜咽”,孤苦凄凉地与世长辞;他的盛大葬礼在巴黎举行,引来成千上万人为之哀悼。 | He died, lonely and sad, emitting "horrifying sobs" , in October 1849; yet his lavish funeral in Paris drew thousands of mourners. | |
23 | 1991年罗先曾单独宣布成立经济特区并得到了联合国开发计划署的巨额资金援助。 | Rajin-Sonbong itself was originally declared a special zone in 1991, and had lavish backing from the United Nations Development Programme. | |
24 | 2006年,《夜宴》,一部服饰美艳奢华的古装片,再一次在国内打破票房纪录,在海外同样被忽略。 | In 2006 The Banquet, a lavish costume drama, again broke the box office at home but was mostly ignored abroad. | |
25 | 2007年以来,中国共产党已加大力度来限制地方政府修建豪华办公楼的热潮。 | Since 2007 the Communist Party has been stepping up efforts to curb a rash of lavish office building by local governments. | |
26 | 2月28日他的预算案引起一些观察家的一致好评,普遍认为尽管下月将举行邦议会大选,但他的预算案却没有太多奢华。 | His budget on February 28th drew praise from some observers for not being too lavish despite big state elections due next month. | |
27 | 按照国际标准,那些独居的人是没有资格得到救济金的,只有那些拥有小孩的家庭才有享受救济金的权利。 | By international standards, benefits are not lavish for people living alone. But they are for families with children. | |
28 | 奥巴马说,公众不喜欢去救助金融部门,认为只会看到钱消失得更快,因为其巨额的花费。 | The president said the public dislikes the idea of helping the financial sector, only to see the hole get bigger because of lavish spending. | |
29 | 不过,日益攀升的公众养老金数字已引发了诸多不满,这一点可不容小觑啊。 | The backlash against ever more lavish public pensions hasbegun, and it won’t be pretty. | |
30 | 筹划这样大量的生产,从经济上考虑简直就行不通。 | It’s simply not economically feasible to stage such a lavish production. |