属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯和卢布 自己种下的恶果自己承受
1 | 一些不法分子私印私售、伪造变造、倒买倒卖发票,利用发票骗取出口退税、走私贩私、侵吞国家财产的违法犯罪活动猖獗。 | some lawless elements print and sell invoices without authorization, forge, alter and illegally traffic in invoices, they engage in rampant illegal criminal activities by exploiting invoices to cheat export tax reimbursement;smuggle and traffic in smuggled goods and appropriate state property. | |
2 | 在像索马里这样中央政府权力很弱、没有法律的国家,美国将会寻找一支可以信赖的代理部队。 | In lawless states like Somalia, which lack a strong central government, they’re trying to find reliable proxy forces. | |
3 | 这些人民来信大都是有问题要求我们给他们解决的,其中许多是控告干部无法无天的罪行而应当迅速处理的。 | Most of the letters appeal to us to help solve problems, and many contain accusations against certain cadres whose lawless behaviour requires prompt attention | |
4 | 这些无领袖,无法律,无食品的幸存者们开始恢复秩序。 | The survivor--leaderless,lawless ,foodless--begin to return to order. | |
5 | 这种振奋人心的决定对于一个刚刚逃脱自己心灵禁锢的囚犯来说,有如踏上一片未受基督教化的、尚无法律管理的荒土,让他呼吸到那旷野的自由空气。 | It was the exhilarating effect-upon a prisoner just escaped from the dungeon of his own heart-of breathing the wild, free atmosphere of an unredeemed, unchristianised, lawless region. | |
6 | 总之,唯有当严刑峻罚加之于违法之徒时,才能维持社会安定。 | To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless , can social stability be maintained. | |
7 | 组织、领导和积极参加以暴力、威胁或者其他手段,有组织地进行违法犯罪活动,称霸一方 | Whoever organizes, leads, or actively participates in an organization with characteristics of a criminal syndicate, which carries out lawless and criminal activities in an organized manner through violence, threat, or other means, with the aim of playing the tyrant in a locality | |
8 | ||1:短期来看,普京不能让俄罗斯摆脱掉他制造的这个困境。||2:紧接着前期的大幅上涨,本周利率大幅上升,但并没有起作用。||3:资本控制不是解决问题的答案。||4:资本控制有时在对抗短期投机买卖方面能起到有效作用,但是在这个问题中,投资者有理由担心一个这么依赖于某一方面的经济是否可靠。||5:不管怎样,在这样一个目无法纪的地方,资本控制将会有很多漏洞,而且会引发挤兑,这点国家将很难承担。||6:俄罗斯还有3700亿美元储备金,但是他还有超过6千亿美金的外债。 | ||1:In the short term, there is not a great deal that Mr Putin can do to get his country out of the mess that he has made.||2:A huge interest-rate rise this week, following previous large increases, has not worked.||3:Capital controls are not the answer.||4:They can sometimes be effectively employed against short-term speculation, but in this case investors are rightly worried about an economy that is so reliant on one sector.||5:Anyway, in such a lawless place, capital controls would be porous and could trigger runs on the banks which the country could ill afford.||6:Russia still has reserves of $370 billion, but it also has foreign-currency debts of more than $600 billion. | |
9 | 加夫尼教授说,毒贩只是将他们的运作转移到了其它贫民区。但他补充说,社区维和警察给曾经的不法街区带来了一些秩序。 | Professor Gaffney says the drug traffickers just move their operations to other favelas. But he adds that the UPP have brought some order to once lawless neighborhoods. | |
10 | 在1个小时22分钟的演讲中,特朗普总统用了17分钟严厉批评了边境地区的无法无天的状态。 | Trump used about 17 minutes of a speech that ran one hour in 22 minutes to hammer against the lawless state of the border. | |
11 | Rosarno位于意最南端的卡拉布里亚区,这是一个法律无法触及的地方。 | Rosarno is in Calabria, the toe of Italy, a lawless place at the best of times. | |
12 | 被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。 | After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice. | |
13 | 不法行政行为下受损企业的司法救济 | The judicial relief to the aggrieved enterprise under the lawless administration action | |
14 | 此地区尚无法律,是塔利班组织的聚集地,是美军战斗机的长期袭击对象。 | The lawless region, a haven for members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, has been repeatedly targeted by US drones. | |
15 | 对奥巴马来说,巴基斯坦边境的无法无天的普什图地区对世界的安全造成了最大的威胁。 | For Mr Obama, the Pakistani side of the lawless Pashtun belt poses the biggest threat to global security. | |
16 | 对于幸存者,他们的经历更为凄苦,中国劳工在休战后没有法律约束的几个月内被指责参与了多起犯罪活动。 | The story ended bitterly for survivors, too. The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice. | |
17 | 富油的南部什叶派地区一年前还被认为相对稳定,但现在也“无法无天”了。 | Even the oil-rich Shia south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless (see article). | |
18 | 国家媒体以迅雷不及掩耳之势将开罗的反政府示威者描绘成了非法的惹是生非者,并轻描淡写了他们造成的影响。 | The state-owned media were quick to portray Cairo’s anti-government demonstrators as lawless troublemakers and played down their impact. | |
19 | 海盗组织在无法律约束的索马里不断繁衍壮大,他们袭击过路船只,扣押人质并索要人质和船的赎金。 | Pirates flourish off largely lawless Somalia by attacking passing ships, taking hostages and demanding ransoms to free them and the vessels. | |
20 | 后来,他在塔利班控制的巴基斯坦部落地区重建突厥伊斯坦党训练营。 | He later reestablished camps for the Turkistan Islamic Party in Pakistan’s lawless , Taliban-controlled tribal areas. | |
21 | 即将离任的美国五角大楼亚洲事务高级官员理查德•劳利斯(RichardLawless)上周五表示,美国政府已就这一问题向中国政府打过招呼。 | Richard Lawless , the departing senior Pentagon official for Asia, on Friday said that Washington had flagged the issue with Beijing. | |
22 | 即使在盛产石油的什叶派南方,与一年前或更久前的相对稳定相比,也已变得无法无天了。 | Even the oil-rich Shiah south, considered comparatively stable a year or so ago, is lawless . | |
23 | 将运转尚可的旁遮普省和毫无法纪的部落地区相提并论使得官员们十分恼火。 | Officials bristle at comparisons between Punjab, which is moderately well run, and the lawless tribal areas. | |
24 | 尽管不忠就像一个无法无天的秘密王国,人们在那里私下决定如何行动,但偷情确实也有规则。 | Infidelity may seem like a secret, lawless realm in which people make private decisions about how to behave, but affairs do have rules. | |
25 | 库雷希说,完全证实此事要在权威人士抵达南瓦济里斯坦(导弹击中的违法地区)之后。 | Qureshi said full confirmation was not possible until authorities reached South Waziristan, the lawless area where the missiles struck. | |
26 | 另一个理由是,“黑暗”地区经常缺乏法律,叛乱分子很容易组织或潜藏,例如黑暗中的索马里。 | Another is that the "dark" areas are often lawless , and thus an easy place for rebels to organise or hide. Just think of dark Somalia. | |
27 | 论县域违法用地治理与耕地保护——以湖南醴陵市为例 | Preventing Lawless Land-use and Protecting Arable Land on Economically Advanced Counties | |
28 | 穆斯林叛军曾在法纪松弛的菲律宾南部绑架多名记者,但得到赎金后将记者悉数释放。 | Several have been kidnapped by Muslim rebels in the lawless southern Philippines, but all have been freed after payments of ransom. | |
29 | 那些中国人被指责在停战后兽性大发的几个月里犯下多项罪行。 | The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice. | |
30 | 尼泊尔拥有人口数量高达2800万,是一个贫困不堪,没有法纪,独断专行的国家。 | Nepal, a country of 28m people, is a poor, lawless and fractious place. |