属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲赌场 买定离手
1 | 7月,澳大利亚的立法者通过了一项由James Packer这位亿万富文提交的关于在悉尼开始第二家赌场的提案。 | In July Australian lawmakers approved a proposal by James Packer, a billionaire businessman, to open a second casino in Sydney. | |
2 | “我当选是为了保卫,建设,完善社会主义,不是来摧毁它的。”他在议会对起立鼓掌的议员们说。 | "I was elected to defend, build and perfect socialism, not destroy it, " he said to a standing ovation from lawmakers in Parliament. | |
3 | “我们同你们一样失望,”财务总长蒂莫西.盖特纳在本周跟立法者说。 | "We share your frustration, " Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told lawmakers this week. | |
4 | “专项款过去纯粹是立法者的红利,”史蒂夫伊利斯是监管组织常识纳税人协会的副主席如是说。 | "Earmarks used to be a pure bonus for lawmakers , " says Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a watchdog group. | |
5 | 《点名报》定期分析了立法委员们的个人财务公布表。他们通常广泛报告其资产和负债。 | Roll Call regularly analyzes personal financial disclosure forms for lawmakers , who report their assets and liabilities in broad ranges. | |
6 | 2008年,共和党议员以国家安全理由阻碍华为,华为只好放弃了对于互联网企业3Com公司收购尝试。 | In 2008, Huawei gave up on an attempt to acquire the networking company 3Com after Republican lawmakers played the national security card. | |
7 | 22年前,州议员宣誓不效忠于国王或王后,而要效忠于游乐园与旅游业。 | Twenty-two years ago, state lawmakers swore fealty not to king or queen but to amusement parks and tourism. | |
8 | IMF执行董事DominiqueStrauss-Kahn昨天告诉德国立法者希腊可能需要多达1200亿欧元。 | IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn told German lawmakers yesterday that Greece may need as much as 120 billion euros. | |
9 | 阿塞拜疆的立法者正在考虑把该国的名称更改为北阿塞拜疆。 | Lawmakers in Azerbaijan are considering changing that country’s name to North Azerbaijan. | |
10 | 伯南克告诉立法机构,“如果美国经济复苏止步不前,我们必须审视我们的选择。” | "If the recovery seems to be faltering, we have to at least review our options, " Bernanke told lawmakers . | |
11 | 不管碳定价政策会以何种形式出台,立法者对其表示反对心安理得,原因有两大因素。 | Two factors enabled lawmakers to feel comfortable opposing carbon-pricing policies in whatever form they came this year. | |
12 | 不过,马里兰州议会并非在衡量社会进步时将其市民的生活质量考虑其中的第一人。 | But lawmakers in Maryland aren’t the first to take the quality of their citizen’s lives into account when measuring prosperity. | |
13 | 除非立法机构和监管机构立场坚定,金融改革将会胎死腹中。 | Unless lawmakers and regulators stand firm, financial reform will fail. | |
14 | 此养犬管理条例通过前长期以来都是上海人大代表们争论的焦点。 | The new regulation has been the subject of long and heated debate among the city’s lawmakers . | |
15 | 但是,当美国国会准备辩论中国是否应该因为其外汇政策而受到制裁的时候,北京仍然让人民币升值。 | But as U. S. lawmakers prepared to debate whether China should face sanctions for its forex policy, Beijing also sent the yuan rising. | |
16 | 但是,如果允许同性恋者“公民结合”的新泽西州立法者将此事进行投票的话,事情还尚不能定论。 | But it remains uncertain if lawmakers in New Jersey, which already permits same-sex civil unions, will bring the issue to a vote. | |
17 | 但是随着国会秋季会议的结束,议员们明年之前不太可能制定相关的法律。 | But with time running out on this session, lawmakers are unlikely to adopt such legislation before next year. | |
18 | 当卡尔豪结束他的演讲时,南方的立法议员们涌到他的周围,向他表示祝贺。 | When Calhoun finished his speech to the Senate, southern lawmakers crowded around the old man, congratulating him. | |
19 | 当立法者讨论如何修改金融监管法案时,他们的想法是,如果没有意外,金融机构太庞大而不能破产的时代已经结束了。 | As lawmakers debated how to overhaul financial regulations, their mantra was that, if nothing else, the era of "too big to fail" was over. | |
20 | 当然,议员们可以作出另外一种决定,不必以收购抵押贷款的方式疏通金融市场的信贷危机。 | Lawmakers could, of course, decide that there are other ways than buying up mortgages to unclog credit in financial markets. | |
21 | 对于奥巴马总统和民主党派法律制定人的挑战是不要纠缠于这个扭曲的思维倾向。 | The challenge for President Obama and Democratic lawmakers is not to get drawn into that warped mind-set. | |
22 | 而另一项法令则是,对国会议员起诉而产生的相关责任,可以经由司法部长授权,在最高法院进行免除。 | The other would remove responsibility for prosecuting lawmakers from the Supreme Court, vesting it in the attorney-general. | |
23 | 而且它对一些业内专业人士和国会议员也颇具吸引力。 | And it is getting a closer look by some industry professionals and lawmakers . | |
24 | 而最高法院至今尚有29名现任或前任国会议员还押候审,更有39人正接受进一步调查,(罪名是)被证明与准军事集团关系过度亲密。 | The Supreme Court has remanded 29 current or former lawmakers , and is investigating a further 39, over paramilitary ties, proven or alleged. | |
25 | 该州的法律制定者也一直忙于赡养费法律的修订,这被积极分子说为是不公平地偏向女性。 | State lawmakers are also being pushed to revamp alimony laws, which activists say unfairly favor women over men. | |
26 | 该组织目前已经举办了就有关拐骗可能发生的各种途径问题的文明社会和立法人士研讨会。 | The organization recently held workshops for civil society and lawmakers on the various ways in which trafficking may occur. | |
27 | 盖茨补充说在众议院中两党议员都曾呼吁设立禁飞区。 | Gates added that both Republican and Democratic lawmakers in the House had also called for a no-fly zone over Libya. | |
28 | 国会议员们指责盖特纳乃至奥巴马政府处理AIG奖金事件不力。 | Lawmakers castigated Geithner over the Obama administration’s handling of AIG’s bonus payouts. | |
29 | 还剩下不到一个星期的时间,史科洛应该安排对议案进行投票,纽约立法委员必须做正确的事。 | There is less than a week left in the term. Mr. Skelos must schedule a vote, and New York’s lawmakers need to do what is right. | |
30 | 即使内华达州的立法人员通过了这两项法案,你也别指望能在任何时候在方向盘前安全地睡大觉。 | Even if Nevada lawmakers approve of both bills, don’t expect to safely fall asleep at the wheel anytime soon. |