属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前沿市场 出险招赚大钱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-迷幻药之考验 今非昔比
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-证券化 重新启动
1 | 他们在他的眼里是那样随随便便,那样近于世俗。 | They seemed to him so lax , so nearly worldly | |
2 | 他品格不检。 | He is morally lax . | |
3 | 他品行不端正. | He is lax in morals. | |
4 | 他品行不检。 | He is lax in his morals. | |
5 | 他品行不检。 | He is morally lax . | |
6 | 完成你的职责不要松懈。 | Don’t be lax about fulfilling your obligations. | |
7 | 我认识的一些黑人私下里对这起杀人案不屑一顾,而且还尖酸刻薄地说,多年来白人不是一直在杀黑人吗,而且事后这些白人还能逍遥法外。草率处理白人凶杀案,也没见白人表现出极端的愤怒。 | Some blacks I know privately shrug off the killings with the bitter remark that whites have been killing blacks for years and getting away with it, and there has been no massive explosion of white outrage at the lax treatment of white killers | |
8 | 一个耦合mKdV方程族及其Lax表示与零曲率表示 | A Hierarchy of Coupled mKdV Equation, Lax Representations and xero-curvature Representations | |
9 | 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突出; | The Party′s way of leadership and governance does not yet entirely meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks. Some Party organizations are feeble and lax . | |
10 | 一族新的Lax可积格方程和它的积耦合体系 | A New Hierarchy of Lax Integrable Lattice Equations and Its Integrable Couplings System | |
11 | 用拉克斯方程推导五阶的kdv方程 | Study Five-order Equation of kdv by Using P.D. LAX Equation | |
12 | 有的党组织软弱涣散。 | Some Party organizations are feeble and lax . | |
13 | 在个人自己的案件中或是他所看到的案件中不能有疏忽,因此执法从来不能疏忽。----美国作家马克·吐温 | The administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes.----Mark Twain, American writer | |
14 | 这就放松了党的纪律,甚至保护了一些坏人。 | Consequently, Party discipline has been lax that some bad people have been shielded. | |
15 | 这样一个松散、随意凑合的机构从骨子里就是腐败的。 | Such a lax and haphazard organization was inherently corrupt | |
16 | 最严的恐怕要算俄勒冈州了,而蒙大拿、夏威夷和加州就相当松. | Perhaps the strictest is Oregon, while montana, Hawaii and California, for example, are rather lax | |
17 | ||1:赞比亚原本想用好这笔钱,把钱花在重点项目上。||2:在铜带上筑路是颇明智的选择,因为大量的货物都是通过卡车运送的。||3:但钱来得容易,花得也就随意了。||4:赞比亚政府部门薪酬已然过高。||5:今年的预算赤字可能达到GDP的8%。||6:据说为了弥补空缺,赞比亚已经在筹划发放新一轮欧洲债券。 | ||1:Zambia meant to use its proceeds wisely.The money was to go on targeted projects.||2:New roads in the copperbelt make sense since so much cargo is sent by truck.||3:But easy money leads to lax discipline.||4:The state’s wage bill has become bloated.||5:The budget deficit may be as high as 8% of GDP this year.||6:To help fill the gap, Zambia is said to be plotting another Eurobond. | |
18 | ||1:政府希望减少恐怖分子从资金来源,并已采取行动来惩罚同恐怖活动有金融活动来往的银行。||2:2012美国当局向英国汇丰银行罚款19亿美元,原因是未能有效防控恐怖组织洗钱。||3:巴克莱银行,荷兰国际集团和渣打银行已经由于涉嫌帮助恐怖组织洗钱或违反制裁而受到巨额罚款。||4:法国巴黎银行表示,将面临来自美国10亿美元的罚款。||5:严厉的惩罚成为涉恐案件检察官常用的手段,他们认为这样可以削减资金流向恐怖主义,这种方法是否有效还有待商榷。 | ||1: Governments are understandably keen to cut terrorists off from sources of cash, and have been taking drastic steps to punish banks for involvement in financing dangerous people. ||2: In 2012 the American authorities imposed a $1.9 billion fine on HSBC, a British bank, for lax controls on money-laundering. ||3: Big fines have been meted out to Barclays, ING and Standard Chartered for money-laundering or sanctions-busting. ||4: BNP Paribas of France is said to be facing a fine of as much as $10 billion in America. ||5: Such stiff penalties are popular, and provide great press for ambitious prosecutors. Cut the flow of money to terrorism, their thinking goes, and it will wither. | |
19 | 哈佛大学的心理学家蒂莫西?利瑞(Timothy Leary)就是该领域最为知名的人士之一,不过他也因为其非传统的研究方法和他对对药物不严格的处理而让这个药物声名狼藉,进而广受诟病。 | Timothy Leary, a psychologist at Harvard University, was one of the best-known workers in the field, but it was also he who was widely blamed for discrediting it, by his unconventional research methods and his lax handling of drugs. | |
20 | 有一种说法认为他们在密码上防范疏松的做法乃是源于网上那群不谙世事的年青一代的文化特征-一个专门用于学术研究的网络几乎不需担心黑客入侵。 | One suggestion is that lax password security is a cultural remnant of the internet’s innocent youth—an academic research network has few reasons to worry about hackers. | |
21 | 在金融业繁荣时期实施宽松的借贷政策使得证券化的兴起提前了至少几个世纪。 | Lax lending standards in boom times predate the emergence of securitisation by several centuries at least. | |
22 | “许多父母在分担工作方面真的马虎,但是即使是小孩子也能努力帮忙,”斯坦克说。 | "A lot of parents are really lax in terms of sharing the load, but even small kids can pitch in, " says Stack. | |
23 | “这是在声带比较松弛、次级压力较低时的一种振动模式,”利伯曼博士说。 | "It’s a mode of vibration that happens when the vocal cords are relatively lax , when sublevel pressure is low, " said Dr. Liberman. | |
24 | HomerSimpson在一家核电厂工作,他的老板规定了“可笑帽子日”,却没有制定严格的安全标准。 | Homer Simpson’s employer, a nuclear-power plant, has regular "funny hat days" but lax safety standards. | |
25 | 巴拿马松散的公司法同样招致了各方监察。 | Panama’s lax corporate laws have also attracted scrutiny. | |
26 | 报告点了个人和公司的名,还批评铁路系统安全标准松散的整体风气。 | It named individuals and companies as well as criticising a general culture of lax safety standards. | |
27 | 不过伍德警告说:网络监管宽松的国家很容易出现云攻击。 | But Wood warns that attacks from the cloud could easily take off in countries with more lax web policing. | |
28 | 不过一些评论家亦称,联合国在审查这些工程时较为宽松,因其有创造更多碳信用额度的动机。 | Critics, however, argue that the U. N. is too lax in its reviews because it has an incentive to generate more credits. | |
29 | 布特先生被泰国从看管较松的看守所转到了曼谷控制严密的中央监狱。 | Mr Bout was moved from a relatively lax remand prison to Bangkok’s more secure central jail. | |
30 | 采取与美元固定的汇率结果是使得中国被迫对美国过于松散的政策也照单全收。 | By fixing its currency to the dollar it is, in effect, being forced to adopt America’s overly lax policy. |