属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:新泽西一男子怀抱两儿子跳桥自杀 孩子奇迹生还
1 | 这部影片中有许多搞笑的镜头,吸引了不少观众,票房收入跃居第一. | This new film is full of amusing scenes that is has attracted many viewers and its box-office value has leaped to first place. | |
2 | 这当儿,一个剧烈的震动使小船全身摇晃了一下,他们已经到达目的地,一个水手跳上岸去,一条铁索拖过滑轮,水手们已经在用缆绳系住小船。 | At this moment the boat came to a landing with a violent shock and one of the sailors leaped on shore, a cord creaked as it ran through a pulley, and Dants guessed they were at the end of the voyage, and that they were mooring the boat | |
3 | 这个想法突然闪过他的脑海。 | The idea leaped into his mind. | |
4 | 警方称,男子是37岁的斯宾肯,抱着年仅1岁和3岁的儿子,从287号州际公路沃纳基桥上跳下。 | Police added that the man, 37-year-old John Spincken, was holding the boys, ages 1 and 3, when he leaped from the Wanaque Bridge on Interstate 287. | |
5 | 2007年,因为产生幻觉,感到有人在追他,他从三层楼上跳了下去,摔断了腿。 | In 2007, she said, Mr. Yang leaped from a third-floor window to escape imaginary pursuers, breaking his leg. | |
6 | 波涛一个接一个汹涌而起,然后摔落在海滩上,发出愤怒的轰鸣。 | The waves leaped up, one at the other’s heels and beat down on the beach with an angry roar. | |
7 | 差一分六点……布兰福德的心怦怦乱跳。 | One minute to six . . . Blandford’s heart leaped . | |
8 | 但是出口却相较于去年同期同样强势的数字,跃升了38.1%,但进口额仅仅提升了22. | But exports leaped 38. 1 percent from an already strong showing in the same month last year, while imports rose a more modest 22. 7 percent. | |
9 | 当她走出门时我的心都快跳出来了。 | When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped . | |
10 | 当念到他们孩子名字的时候,你可以听到激动的喊叫声从他们嘴里跳出。 | When their sons’ names were called out, all you could hear were the roars of excitement that leaped from their tongues. | |
11 | 当一枪把马吕斯打倒时,冉阿让如老虎般敏捷地一蹦,向他扑过去,象擒住一个猎物那样,把他带走了。 | When a shot laid Marius low, Jean Valjean leaped forward with the agility of a tiger, fell upon him as on his prey, and bore him off. | |
12 | 对推进军事人才建设跨越式发展途径的战略构想 | The Strategic Thought of the Ways on How to Improve the Leaped Development of Military Talents Construction | |
13 | 工人们急切地开始修补仓库的屋顶。 | The workers leaped into the work of repairing the roof of the storehouse. | |
14 | 加快建设现代农业步伐推进种植业跨越式发展 | Speed up the building of modern agriculture and accelerate the leaped -over development of cropping industry | |
15 | 杰克翻身站起,平举手枪,穿着蓝色长罩衫的家伙满怀恐惧地看着他,把手中的武器抛在地上。 | Jack leaped to his feet and leveled his weapon. The man in the blue duster looked up fearfully, then let the weapon fall from his grip. | |
16 | 她说的很快,好象那个男孩的话让他的心都跳到嗓子眼上了。 | She spoke hurriedly, as if her heart had leaped into her throat at the boy’s words. | |
17 | 据官方数据显示,1980年间进入中国的外国人有740000人,而这一数字到去年已攀升至2千700万。 | The number of foreigners entering China leaped from 740, 000 in 1980 to more than 27 million last year, according to official figures. | |
18 | 拉尔夫•比凯尔(RalphBurkel),这位51岁,来自慕尼黑的媒体经理从酒店高楼层的窗户跳出,重重地摔到地面。 | Ralph Burkel, 51, a media manager from Munich, leaped from an upper floor window of the hotel to escape but fell heavily. | |
19 | 刘璇在平衡木上腾空而起的优美姿势 | The grace with which Liu Xuan leaped into the air over the balance beam | |
20 | 你想想,亲爱的,咱们这么心急火燎地演出了金玉良缘这场戏,哪有时间高谈阔论。 | But if you’ll recall, my love, the way we leaped into this marriage caper didn’t allow much time for discussion. | |
21 | 潜伏一旁的野狗盯上了这只猎物,正当小猴命悬一线之时,母猴跳了出来。 | Lurking nearby was a wild dog that sensed an easy kill. But just when the baby’s fate seemed sealed, its mother leaped to the rescue. | |
22 | 冉阿让扶着珂赛特,顺着屋顶滑下去,滑到那菩提树,又跳在地面上。 | Jean Valjean allowed himself to slide down the roof, still holding fast to Cosette, reached the linden-tree, and leaped to the ground. | |
23 | 山羊同意并稳住脚后,狐狸跃到它的背上 | Goat readily assented and the Fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the Goat’s | |
24 | 上个星期新闻报道,德国六月份的出口较之五月份上涨了7%,预示了对GDP增加的解读。 | News last week that German exports leaped 7 percent in June over the previous month foreshadowed a strong reading on gross domestic product. | |
25 | 甚至那些没有看见过杰克逊在电视里跳舞的人来说,也能听到收音机冒出像《我要你回来》等5首歌。 | His voice leaped out of the radio in Jackson 5 songs like "I Want You Back, " even for those who didn’t see how he danced on television. | |
26 | 他们的壮马立在两只后蹄上,跨过行列,从枪刺尖上跳过去,巍然落在那四堵人墙中间。 | Their great horses reared, strode across the ranks, leaped over the bayonets and fell, gigantic, in the midst of these four living wells. | |
27 | 他向上一跃,抓住扶手保持平衡,进入顶部的安全舱口,继续向上爬。 | He leaped up and balanced on the handrail. He accessed the escape hatch at the top and climbed up. | |
28 | 他毅然跳入泥泞冰冷的海水,拖着伤腿,一拨又一拨游向陆地。 | He leaped into the muddy, icy water and tried to swim to land. | |
29 | 它们在蓝色的溪流中游着跳着。 | So they swam and they leaped where the stream runs blue. | |
30 | 跳跃式经济发展模式的协调机制探讨 | A Discussion on The Coordinated System of the Model of The Leaped Economical Development |