属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 奥运经济学 令人沮丧的百米冲刺
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棉花出口 印度颁布棉花禁令
1 | 外部世界对他的意识、思想、感受和情绪的最轻微的刺激也能使它像幽幽的火焰一样闪动起来。 | At the slightest impact of the outside world upon his consciousness, his thoughts, sympathies, and emotions leapt and played like lambent flame | |
2 | 鱼儿跃出水面。 | The fish leapt out of the water. | |
3 | 张阿新蹶然跳了起来,脸像猪肝,涨破了肺叶似的又喊道 | Suddenly, Chang Ah-hsin leapt to her feet, her face suffused with a dark flush, and shrilled at the top of her voice | |
4 | 周仲伟并没觉到徐曼丽他们另有秘密要事,但是那“两点钟”三个字击动他的耳鼓特别有力。他猛然跳起来说一声“再会”,就赶快跑了。 | Nevertheless the words "two o’clock" seemed to have a magical effect on him, for he suddenly leapt to his feet with a "cheerio!" and raced out | |
5 | ||1:屡创新低的失业率震惊了经济学家,日前再次给人们带来惊喜:它从8.5%又降至8.3%,为三年来历史最低点。||2:失业率之所以能从2009年十月的顶峰值10%降至现在的水平,可以说零增长的劳动力起到了一定作用。||3:想找工作的人越少,失业的人数也就越少。||4:但是,这不是一月份劳动力增加二十五万人的原因。||5:归根到底,就业人数激增六十三万零一千人使失业率降低。 | ||1: The unemployment rate, which has repeatedly surprised economists with the speed of its descent, did so again: it fell to 8.3%, a three-year low, from 8.5%. ||2: Its decline from a peak of 10% in October 2009 has been helped by unusually stagnant growth in the labour force. ||3: When fewer people want to work, fewer are counted as unemployed. ||4: That, however, was not the case in January when the labour force grew by 250,000. ||5: The unemployment rate dropped anyway because the number of employed people leapt by 631,000. | |
6 | ||1:在过去的几年里,经济学家们使出浑身解数,想要找到一种能够预测奥运会奖牌数量的可靠模型。||2:一开始,他们认为一个国家在奥运会上所获奖牌的数量可能和这个国家的人口以及人均收入有紧密联系。但这样的想法很快就被排除了。||3:而那些可以不需要考虑显著性差异的预测模型只有当加入第三个变量(即这个国家在上一届奥运会中获得了多少奖牌)时才能够成立。但换句话说,这样的变量也起不了太大的作用。 | ||1: Over the years economists have deployed all sorts of mental gymnastics in their search for a model that can reliably forecast Olympic winners. ||2: Initial expectations that medal tallies would be closely correlated with the population and per-capita wealth of a country were soon dashed. ||3: The models leapt over the hurdle of statistical significance only when a third variable was added—how many medals the country won last time—but this did not add much by way of explanation. | |
7 | ||1:这部电影叫《王子家族》(英文名《无人及你》),此类风格的影片从未在印度屏幕上出现过,一经演出,循规蹈矩、常规守旧的电影圈就炸开了锅,再全国大街小巷中那些潮湿的电影院里,一切都被变了样。||2:在银幕上,山米从不会在肢体上过分与女主角亲近,但是他却用西方式的性感吸引对方,让对方着迷。||3:他扮演花花公子,也演小丑,对喜欢的姑娘会死缠烂打;在行驶的列车上位姑娘弹奏小夜曲;穿着睡衣在飞机上晃来晃去。||4:1961年拍摄的《野性》红极一时,影片中,他从雪山坡上滑下来,一跃而起,性感地敞开皮夹克,向女主角献唱,这够野性了吧?可他还不干休,沉醉于爱情甜蜜,禁不住朝着冰天雪地的原野上放声大喊:“呀…唬!”||5:看到这个场景的年轻人也都竞相模仿,纷纷感受到一种解脱。||6:他用痴狂赢得了姑娘的芳心,当然,这一切并没有征得双方父母的同意。 | ||1: The film was “Tumsa Nahin Dekha” (“Never Seen Anyone Like You”). And India never had. Suddenly, stasis and convention were thrown out of the window. On screen at least, in packed and humid cinemas across the country, everything changed. ||2: Shammiji never came that much closer to his heroines, but he seethed with Westernised sex appeal. ||3: He was a playboy and a clown, a ceaseless ragger of the girls he loved, who would serenade them on moving trains and dangling in bathrobes from helicopters. ||4: And who in his most monstrous hit, “Junglee” (“Wild”), in 1961 slid on his front down a mountainside of snow, leapt up (leather jacket sexily torn open), sang to his heroine that people could call him wild, what could he do, swept up in love, and then roared out over the ice-bound forest, “YAHOO!” ||5: His teenage audiences yelled out with him, suddenly liberated. ||6: He had won the girl just by being his mad self, and had apparently not asked his family or hers. | |
8 | 纽交所相关衍生品的价格一飞冲天。 | Derivative prices leapt on New York’s trading floors. | |
9 | 纽约证券交易市场的相关金融衍生产品价格飞涨。 | Derivative prices leapt on New York’s trading floors. | |
10 | “性别差异在某种程度上非常明显”,心理学教授迈克尔·多斯说。 | The gender differences just sort of leapt out at us, " says co-author Michael Ross, a psychology professor. " | |
11 | 2008年叙利亚通过提高汽油价格,一跃领先于该地区其他国家,尤其是埃及。 | In 2008 the government leapt ahead of its counterparts in the region, notably Egypt, by raising petrol prices. | |
12 | Chrome市场占比从一年前的5%左右上升到了14. | Chrome’s market share leapt to 14. 6% from just over 5% a year ago. | |
13 | Loesser跳出了车,目不转睛地盯着一百码外的码头。 | Loesser leapt out. He gazed toward the pier, a hundred yards away. | |
14 | 不过,律师一说到这点,丹尼斯就会跳起来大声说,不是的,他以为那枪是正常的。 | But no sooner had he made that point then Dennis leapt up and shouted that, no, he had thought the gun was working properly. | |
15 | 彩色的邮票上窜出一只跳跃的羚羊。 | An antelope leapt across a colourful stamp. | |
16 | 出口股受创,因日圆升值.投资者争相购买避险资产,令纽约交易时段日圆跳涨近4%。 | Exporters were hard hit, hurt by a soaring yen JPY= that leapt nearly 4 percent in New York trade as investors rushed to buy safer assets. | |
17 | 但本周席卷新兴市场资产的风暴却来是欧美正在燃烧的危机。 | But the fire storms that swept emerging market assets this week leapt across from the crises burning in Europe and the US. | |
18 | 但实际上,零售价格已从2010年初的不到700元飙升至兔年前夕的逾1300元。 | Retail prices have, however, leapt from less than Rmb700 at the start of 2010 to more than Rmb1, 300 before the Year of the Rabbit. | |
19 | 但是就是刚刚过去的几个小时中,又有一名员工跳楼身亡,另有一人因割腕而紧急送往医院抢救。 | Just hours afterward, another employee leapt to his death, and one more was rushed to the hospital with slashed wrists. | |
20 | 当别人还在再三考虑这件事时,他迅速提出自己的建议。 | While other people were turning over the matter, he leapt in with his proposal. | |
21 | 当餐馆转嫁增值税的全部成本时,饮食的成本也急剧上升。 | The cost of eating out has leapt as restaurants pass on the full cost of VAT. | |
22 | 当车子靠到路边后,宣冲进了镜头,警察和围观者拥挤成了一个混乱的场面。 | As the car pulled over, Xuan leapt into action, as police and onlookers crowded a rather chaotic scene. | |
23 | 当看到如此团聚的情形,我的心跳加速,泪流满面。 | My heart leapt and my tears flowed when I watched that kind of reunion. | |
24 | 当他跨上马鞍的时候,却又回眸,悲哀地看了看年轻的渔夫。 | As he leapt upon the saddle he turned round, and looked at the young Fisherman sadly. | |
25 | 而当刺激计划获得通过的同时奥巴马又宣布了一项新的住房抵押贷款修复计划后,该书的销量再次跃升。 | And sales leapt once again when the stimulus plan passed and Mr Obama announced a new mortgage-modification plan. | |
26 | 而更为乐观的数据则显示,城市固定资产投资较去年同期跃升30%。 | On the brighter side, fixed-asset urban investment has leapt 30 per cent from a year earlier. | |
27 | 而且,新加坡、韩国还有中国的独裁政体也在没有自由化的情况下实现了跃进。 | After all, autocratic regimes like Singapore, South Korea and, above all, China, have leapt forward without liberalising. | |
28 | 而通过长期零售价格指数衡量的通胀率从0.3%跃至2.4%,如此增幅更是三十年来首次。 | Inflation measured by the longer-running retail-prices index leapt from 0. 3% to 2. 4%, the biggest monthly rise for 30 years. | |
29 | 风能电力的销售额从2100万美元一跃增加到1985年的7.48亿美元。 | Sales of wind power leapt from $21 million in 1981 to $748 million in 1985. | |
30 | 封建专制和君权神授倍受攻击——而集二者于一身的国王揭竿维护。 | Absolutism and divine right were under attack. The king, who exemplified both, leapt to their defence. |