1 | 尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人犯罪的,应当负刑事责任,但是可以从轻或者减轻处罚。 | A mentally ill person who commits a crime at a time when he has not yet completely lost his ability to recognize or control his own conduct shall bear criminal responsibility but he may be given a lesser or a mitigated punishment. | |
2 | 市场推销策略便是基于这一时间表制定的。当观众人数多,就推出高投入的片子,清淡时便推出稍次一点的影片。 | Marketing considerations were based on the whole schedule. During periods of great attendance, the most expensive films would be released, and lesser products would fill out the schedule. | |
3 | 首先,加热到一定温度的钢锭在初轧机上开坯,把一、二十吨重的钢锭的横断面减小,并把之切成重量较轻的钢坯。这个阶段叫作初轧或开坯。 | First, steel ingots, after being heated to a proper temperature, are cogged in cogging mills, which break down the mass of 10 to 20 tons of metal to a smaller cross section, and cut it into sizes of lesser weight. The first stage is called primary rolling, or cogging. | |
4 | 斯堪的那维亚半岛也如此,数百家小公司如雨后春笋般建立起来。南欧规模稍小些。 | The same could be said for the hundreds of small companies cropping up across scandinavia and, to a lesser degree, southern Europe | |
5 | 撕脱骨折,扭伤骨折 | avulsion fracture of great and lesser trochanter | |
6 | 他很固执,她也是,只是程度差些 | He’ s stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree, ie not as much | |
7 | 他们在富有的神庙里供奉着马杜克(巴比伦的主神太阳神)、伊师塔(爱神)和其他一些次要的神灵。 | From wealthy temples they enforced the worship of Marduk (city god of Babylon), ishtar (goddess of love)and lesser deities | |
8 | 他沿着自己的轨道环游地球,毫不忧虑那些在它周围运行的小行星。 | He was passing methodically in his orbit around the world, regardless of the lesser stars which gravitated around him | |
9 | 它能使木头的纤维素部分降解到较薄的程度,导致生成一种特有的白色降解的木头。 | The cellulosic portion of wood is attacked to a lesser extent, resulting in the characteristic white color of the degraded wood. | |
10 | 听她说话时,他记忆的耳朵里也响起了凶悍的妇女刺耳的眼噪和劳动妇女和他本阶级的姑娘们虽不刺耳却也不中听的声音。 | As he listened to her, there rang in the ears of his memory the harsh cries of barbarian women and of hags, and, in lesser degrees of harshness, the strident voices of working women and of the girls of his own class | |
11 | 同样的获利,若发生在我们持有80%以上股权的公司,要比其它部分股权投资的效益要高出50%以上。 | As a consequence, a given business result can now deliver Berkshire financial results that are as much as 50% better if they come from an 80%-or-greater holding rather than from a lesser holding. | |
12 | 酮可以参与许多化学反应,虽然它的活性低于与它相关的醛。许多更复杂的有机化合物都有酮作为结构单元。 | Ketones can participate in many chemical reactions, though to a lesser extent than the related aldehydes. Many more complex organic compounds have ketones as building blocks. | |
13 | 微不足道的人 | Small [lesser , young] fry | |
14 | 我累极了。他也很累,但比我稍好些。 | I was very tired. To a lesser extent so was he. | |
15 | 巫山、巫溪、奉节三县联手推出了三峡小金三角旅游环线, | Meanwhile, Wushan, Wuxi and Fengjie Counties join hands together in promoting a ring route across the countries, which is nicknamed the Lesser Golden Triangle of the Three Gorges. | |
16 | 巫山以看巫山神女以及小三峡旅游为重点,巫溪则以大宁河漂流、巫文化景点和红池坝国家级森林公园游为主线。 | the Wushan Mountain Goddess and the lesser Three Gorges in Wushan, and the Daning River rafting, the site of the Wu Culture and the Hongchiba National Forest Park in Wuxi. | |
17 | 无尾、类人灵长类的动物,分有两大科:长臂猿科(较小的类人猿:长臂猿和合趾猿)和猩猩科(较大的类人猿:黑猩猩、小黑猩猩、猩猩和大猩猩)。 | Any of the tailless, anthropoid primates of two families: Hylobatidae (the lesser apes: gibbons and siamangs)and Pongidae (the great apes: chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas). | |
18 | 小安的列斯群岛渔业发展和管理委员会 | Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles | |
19 | 许多长蛇般扭动的绿色闪光与它们纠缠在一起,而这一切的背后则是一片宽阔的微弱的光。 | With these were intertwined undulating snakes of green, and behind these was a broad mass of lesser light | |
20 | 选择两者中较小者 | Chose the lesser evil. | |
21 | 宜允许在所有成员领土内征税,如反倾销税小于倾销幅度即足以消除对国内产业的损害,则该反倾销税是可取得。 | It is desirable that the imposition be permissive in the territory of all Members, and that the duty be less than the margin if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry | |
22 | 已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。 | A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of eighteen who commits a crime shall be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment. | |
23 | 因此,他们一般上对先人的文化遗产不感兴趣。 | Consequently, they tend to have lesser interest in the cultural heritage of their forebears. | |
24 | 因此,我采集了许多葡萄堆在一个地方,在另一个地方又堆了一小堆,又采集了一大堆酸橙和柠檬放在另一个地方。 | In order to this, I gather’d a great heap of grapes in one place, and a lesser heap in another place, and a great parcel of limes and lemons in another place | |
25 | 印度政府申请把他自己11年前所提出的对联合炭化集团前主席沃恩·安德森“过失杀人”的控罪降低到情节较低的“行为疏忽”罪。 | The Indian government had applied to reduce its own eleven year old charge against the former Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson from "culpable homicide not amounting to murder", to the much lesser offence of a "rash and negligent act". 6 | |
26 | 尤其是在1986年租税改革法案通过后,这种租税惩罚更为明显, | The penalty applying to indirect ownership was greatly increased by the 1986 Tax Bill and, to a lesser extent, by the 1987 Bill, particularly in instances where the intermediary is an insurance company. | |
27 | 有子曰:"礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美;小大由之。 | Yu Tzu said: "In the actual practice of propriety, flexibility is important. This is what the ancient kings did so well- both the greater and the lesser used flexibility. | |
28 | 又聋又哑的人或者盲人犯罪,可以从轻、减轻或者免除处罚。 | A deaf-mute or a blind person who commits a crime may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment. | |
29 | 又一个小浪滚来,撞在她的膝盖上,那双惠灵顿靴子里灌满了带泡沫的咸水,但她似乎根本没有注意到。 | Another lesser wave broke around her knees, filling her Wellington boots with foamy saltwater but she didn’t notice | |
30 | 于是,上帝造两个巨大光体,较大之日司昼,较小之月掌夜,并造了星辰。 | So it was;God made the two great lights,the greater to govern the day and the lesser to govern the night;and with them he made the stars. |