属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-西方饮食对人类健康和环境有害
属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国大学生吸食大麻人数首次超过吸烟人数
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 中美贸易争端溜进美国厨房
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美国称朝鲜停止导弹试验即可开启对话
1 | 指责某人不诚实 | Leveled charges of dishonesty. | |
2 | 中国古代小说戏曲中的分层叙述 | Multi-leveled Narration of Chinese Ancient Frictions and Dramas | |
3 | “在中国逐步工业化的这20年间,糖尿病发病率从不到1%上升到了10%。而且该发病率尚未稳定,还在继续上升。这一切正在世界各地,在墨西哥、尼日利亚等国家逐一发生。 | "... from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population having diabetes as they began to industrialize over a 20-year period. And that has not leveled off yet. That is still going up. And that is happening all across the world, in Mexico, in Nigeria and so on, just nation after nation." | |
4 | 21%的学生声称在最近30天内吸食过一次或多次大麻。这比2006年提高了4%。34%的被调查者表示他们在最近一年吸食过大麻,比2006年高出4%。然而,自2014年以来吸食水平似乎已经趋于平稳。 | Twenty-one percent of students reported having used marijuana once or more in the prior 30 days. That is a 4 percent increase from 2006. Thirty-four percent of those questioned said they used marijuana in the prior year, four percent more than in 2006. However, the levels appear to have leveled off since 2014. | |
5 | 尽管《金融时报》报道称,卡塔尔向伊朗和基地组织分支支付了10亿美元赎金,赎回在去伊拉克猎鹰途中被劫持的人质,但是这个同样针对富裕阿拉伯的指控并没有得到证实。 | This accusation, which is also leveled at rich Saudis, is unproven, though the Financial Times reports that Qatar paid $1bn to Iran and an al-Qaeda affiliate for the release of Qatari royals who were taken hostage while on a falcon-hunting trip to Iraq. | |
6 | 近日美国商务部对中国进口的铝箔征收重税。 | The Department of Commerce recently leveled heavy duties on Chinese aluminum foil imports. | |
7 | 美国驻联合国大使尼基·哈利(Nikki Haley)表示,这项决议是有史以来针对朝鲜实施的最大一次经济制裁措施。美国负责亚洲事务最高外交官苏珊·桑顿(Susan Thornton)也指出了中国继续执行制裁的重要性。 | The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, said the resolution was the "single largest economic sanctions package ever leveled against" North Korea. And the top U.S. diplomat for Asia, Susan Thornton noted the importance of China continuing to carry out the sanctions. | |
8 | “我的同事们经历过上述每一项指控。但我发现,这些指控大都失实。” | I’ve heard every one of these charges leveled at colleagues. Rarely, I’ve found, do they turn out to be true. | |
9 | Raja的村庄位于Klaten,在5月27日被夷为平地,地震夺走了她心爱的女儿以及很多邻居的生命。 | Raja’s village in Klaten, Indonesia, was leveled by the May 27 earthquake that killed her beloved daughter and many of her neighbors. | |
10 | 班内分层教学在电工实训教学中的尝试 | Multi-leveled Teaching in Class in Electrical Practice Training Teaching | |
11 | 称如果供给增加,世界原油需求稳定或减退,那么原油的价格会趋于稳定。 | Hanke says oil prices would moderate if supply were increased and world demand leveled off or subsided. | |
12 | 传说中,在1746年将利马夷为平地的一次地震中,只有一幅blackchrist的画像屹立不倒。 | According to legend, a painting of a black Christ was the only thing left standing when an earthquake in 1746 leveled Lima. | |
13 | 此外,抵达震中救援的武警某部官员说,汶川有的乡镇基本上没有房屋了,全部被夷为平地。 | Many towns and villages around Wenchuan County have been leveled to the ground, a staff officer of an armed police troop said. | |
14 | 大学物理设计性实验多层次教学与实践 | Approaches to Multi-leveled Teaching Practice for Designed Experiments in College Physics | |
15 | 但没人对故意操纵选举提出同对独立选举委员会不作为一样可信赖的指控。 | But nobody has leveled credible charges of deliberate manipulation, as opposed to incompetence by the independent election commission. | |
16 | 但是,在种群延续七代后,发现普通苍蝇和性感者数量基本相当。 | After seven generations, however, the numbers of attractive and average flies had leveled out. | |
17 | 但中国制造业产品在国际市场上价格廉、档次低,在产业价值链中处于末端。 | However, the cheap and poor-leveled products made China always in the end of the global value chain. | |
18 | 当宅基地进入他的视线,地面变得平坦。但是地面湿透了。 | When he got in sight of the homestead, the land leveled out but the ground grew soggier. | |
19 | 导学群六位在形成性考核环节中的职能 | On the Function of Local-leveled Evaluation of Learning Process Serviced by Learners’Guidance Group | |
20 | 对我国高水平男子三级跳远运动员身体素质训练水平综合评价的研究 | Research Into the Comprehensive Assessment of Training Level of Performance for China’s High- Leveled Male Triple Jumpers | |
21 | 多层及高层钢筋混凝土房屋震害分析及抗震概念设计 | The Analysis of Earthquake Harm and Earthquake Resistance Concept Design of Multi and High Leveled Reinforcing Bar Concrete Houses | |
22 | 而今天我们通过在午餐休息这一短暂时间就能得到廉价的隆胸手术、腹部拉皮手术及门诊治疗,以在这一领域获得平等的待遇。 | today we’ve leveled the playing field with cheap boob jobs, tummy tucks, and outpatient procedures you can get on your lunch break. | |
23 | 二级齿轮减速器传动系统的参数化建模及机构仿真 | The Parametric Modeling and Mechanism Simulation for the Transmission System of a Two- leveled Gear Retarder | |
24 | 二级医院门诊服务质量与绩效存在问题及对策 | Problems existing in Service Quality and Achievements and Countermeasures for them in the Second-leveled Hospitals | |
25 | 汞原子较高激发态的观测 | Observation and measure of higher-leveled excited state of Hg atom | |
26 | 航拍照片显示饱受摧残的沿海地区一连串的城市村庄都已被海啸夷为平地。 | Aerial photographs of ravaged coastal areas showed a string of cities and villages leveled by the power ofthe tsunami. | |
27 | 基于Petri网的维修保障流程多层次仿真模型研究 | Research on Multi-Leveled Simulation Model of Maintenance Support Process Based on Petri Net | |
28 | 基于分解与动态规划策略的汉语未登录词识别 | Leveled Unknown Chinese Words Resolution by Dynamic Programing | |
29 | 坚持改革、创新与发展建设高水平、有特色的职业技术学院 | Stick to Reform, Creativeness, and Development to Build High- leveled Technical College | |
30 | 建设高水平的政府行政学院 | Building up the High- Leveled Government School of Administration |