属类:经济金融--财 税 融 资
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其的明天 驶向往日荣光
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场"
1 | 部分平息了市民对政府的愤怒 | dissipating some of the public anger levelled at the administration | |
2 | 村庄里是一片悲惨的景象。许多屋顶被完全吹掉了,另一些房屋则被夷为平地。 | In the village the scene was dreadful. Roofs were blown completely off houses in many cases; and in others the houses themselves were levelled with the ground. | |
3 | 低分的一端分数需往上提 | marks at the lower end need to be levelled up | |
4 | 对部长提出了严厉的指控。 | Serious accusations have been levelled against the minister | |
5 | 加料后,通过一根从高炉底门插入的碾辊,使之沿煤表面移动,把煤扒平。 | On completion of charging, the coal surface is levelled in the oven by inserting a leveller bar through an oven end door and passing it along the coal surface. | |
6 | 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料. | She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula. | |
7 | 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。 | She levelled the surface of the cake mixtured with a metal spatula. | |
8 | 她用一根木头把未干的混凝土整平。 | She levelled off the wet concrete with a piece of wood. | |
9 | 你使他的光辉止息,将他的宝座推倒于地。 | You have put an end to his glory: the seat of his kingdom has been levelled to the earth. | |
10 | 三通一平(水通、电通、道路通、施工场地平) | three connections and the one levelling" assuring that a construction site is connected to water, electric power and roads, and that the land is levelled before a building project is begun | |
11 | 实行中央银行体制, 以人民银行为领导 | establishing a cooperative, multi-levelled and multi-functioned banking organizational system which is bed by the People’s Bank of China | |
12 | 他拉平了地面,岂不就撒种小茴香,播种大茴香,按行列种小麦,在定处种大麦,在田边种粗麦呢? | When the face of the earth has been levelled , does he not put in the different sorts of seed, and the grain in lines, and the barley in its place, and the spelt at the edge? | |
13 | 土地平整了,有水渠控制水量,这样的问题就不再发生了。 | With the fields levelled and irrigation channels controlling the volume of water, no such problem arose again. | |
14 | 推土机很快就把工地整平了。 | The bulldozers quickly levelled off the site | |
15 | 我们平整了这块地以便在上面踢足球。 | We levelled the piece of ground so that we could play football on it. | |
16 | 我要这样拆毁你们那未泡透灰所抹的墙,拆平到地,以致根基露出,墙必倒塌,你们也必在其中灭亡。你们就知道我是耶和华。 | So I will let the wall, which you were covering with whitewash, be broken down; I will have it levelled to the earth so that its base is uncovered: it will come down, and destruction will come on you with it; and it will be clear to you that I am the Lord. | |
17 | 先把地平整好再植草坪 | The ground should be levelled before you plant a lawn | |
18 | 一块一块把石移,高山也可变平地 | If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled | |
19 | 一块一块把石移,高山也可变平地;愚公移山,精卫填海。 | If you remove stone by stone, even a mountain will be levelled . | |
20 | 一枝步枪瞄准着人质的头 | The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head | |
21 | 在他女儿询问的凝视之下,面对着那两条带有疑问表情的美丽的黑眉毛,他小心地转过头去,立刻用谨慎的铁腕平静了自己。 | Under the fixed and inquiring gaze levelled at him from under those beautiful black eyebrows, he prudently turned away, and calmed himself immediately, daunted by the power of a resolute mind | |
22 | 这飞机在三万英尺高空作水平飞行。 | The plane levelled off at 30,000 feet. | |
23 | 中国当代学术史上的“批判者断承现象”-从1958年对林庚的批判说起 | Let’s Bring Up the Criticisms Levelled at Lin Geng in 1958 | |
24 | ||1:此次大衰退给富人们造成了严重的损失。||2:2007-2009年间,调整通胀后,占人口99%的较低收入者的收入削减了11.6%,是大萧条以来的最大降幅。||3:1%的富人的降幅则更大,达到36.3%,足以有超过先前趋势的可能。||4:大萧条时期20世纪30年代,美国的收入分配大幅趋平,这种情况持续到了20世纪80年末(见上图)。||5:这次似乎又是一次循环。 | ||1: The recession then took a heavy toll on the rich. ||2: Between 2007 and 2009 the inflation-adjusted income of the bottom 99% dropped by 11.6%, the largest decline seen since the Depression. ||3: The top 1% suffered a much larger drop of 36.3%, substantial enough to suggest the possibility of a break in the previous trend. ||4: The distribution of incomes in America levelled off sharply in the 1930s and remained flat until the late 1980s (see chart). ||5: A repeat performance seemed possible. | |
25 | ||1:然而路特的当选显然说明南方浸信会已经在这方面取得进步。||2:进步也是必不可少的。||3:该教会有望成为美国仅次于天主教(一千六百万教友)的第二大基督教会,但是他们(美南浸信会)的教友数目最近有持平的趋势,甚至可能有所下降。||4: 美南浸信会要想发展壮大,必须在少数人群中寻找新会员, 这种行动已经缓步开展: 1990年时南方浸信会成员白人占95%,而今的白人只占80%。 | ||1: Mr Luter’s accession will be the most visible sign yet that Southern Baptists are making progress on this front. ||2: And progress is necessary. ||3: They may be America’s second-largest group of Christians after Catholics—16m strong—but their numbers have levelled off, and have probably even waned a bit. ||4: If the denomination wants to flourish, it will have to find new members among minorities. It is slowly doing so: whereas in 1990 95% of Southern Baptist congregations were white, only 80% are nowadays. | |
26 | ||1:有好几名董事不满意佩里斯诺托的表现,主要是认为他在任期间,忠利保险的表现很差。||2:而且,最近的数据尤其令人担心:2010年的利润有17亿欧元,2011年下降到12亿欧元,2012年第一季度利润相比上年同期又有减少。||3:另外,忠利保险的股票表现比欧洲同行差得多。||4:自2011年初以来,苏黎世保险股价下跌了21%,可是忠利保险的股价竟下跌了37%。||5:难怪一名董事直接对佩里斯诺托说他工作做的很差。 | ||1: The main charge that several directors levelled at Mr Perissinotto was that Generali had performed poorly on his watch. ||2: Recent figures bear that out. Profits slumped last year to 856m Euro(1.2 billion Dollar) from 1.7 billion Euro in 2010, and net profits in the first quarter of 2012 were down on the same period last year. ||3: Moreover, the Italian insurer’s stockmarket performance has been far worse than that of European competitors. ||4: Since the beginning of 2011 Generali’s shares have lost 37% while Zurich’s have declined by only 21%. ||5: Little wonder that one director told Mr Perissinotto bluntly that he was not up to the job. | |
27 | ||另一个无法忽视的问题就是腐败。AK党内部越来越多人发现要处理针对埃尔多安和他的核心集团的指控并不是那么轻松了。||而政府的做法则是更换起诉人和要求涉事警界人员真一只眼闭一只眼。之前有一个16岁的学生因为说埃尔多安是“小偷”而被拘留。 | ||Another big issue is corruption. A small but growing group in AK feel uneasy about the charges that have been levelled against Mr Erdogan and his inner circle.|| The government’s response of shifting the prosecutors and police concerned raised eyebrows. A 16-year-old student was briefly detained for calling Mr Erdogan a “thief”. | |
28 | 少有美洲豹敢于招惹一大群五百公斤(约一千一百磅)、双角水平的圣马尔蒂内若斯牛。 | Few jaguars dare to challenge a massed group of 500kg (1,100-pound) San Martineros, their horns levelled . | |
29 | 1956年以来,英国的酒消费量一直在或多或少的增长,只是在过去几年才呈现平稳态势。 | Alcohol consumption in Britain rose more or less continuously after 1956 and has levelled off only in the past few years. | |
30 | 本场比赛中,日本队在上半场率先破门,香港队在下半场将比分扳平。 | The Japanese team opened the scoring in the 1st half but Hong Kong levelled in the 2nd half. |