1 | 人民解放军横渡长江,南京的美国殖民政府如鸟兽散。 | When the People’s Liberation Army crossed the Yangtse River, the U.S. colonial government at Nanking fled helter-skelter | |
2 | 人民解放军已经不但能打运动战,而且能打阵地战。 | The People’s Liberation Army was already able to conduct not only mobile warfare but positional warfare as well | |
3 | 人民解放军主力兵团的作战将要摆脱现在还存在的某些游击性,进入更高程度的正规化。 | In their operations the main formations of the People’s Liberation Army will discard certain survivals of guerrilla habits and reach a higher level of regularization | |
4 | 撒哈拉各省摩洛哥解放军退伍军人协会 | Association of Former Members of the Moroccan Liberation Army in the Saharan Provinces | |
5 | 社会主义的最终目标是解放生产力,消灭剥削,消除贫富两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。 | The main goals of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces, the elimination of exploitation and polarization between the rich and the poor and the final achievement of common prosperity. | |
6 | 声援和支持南部非洲解放乔治敦宣言 | Georgetown Declaration of Solidarity and Support for the Liberation of Southern Africa | |
7 | 苏丹内战于一九八三年开始迄今,当时"苏丹人民解放军"起兵,从北方信奉回教、阿拉伯化的苏丹人手中,解救信仰基督教与万灵论的南方人。 | The sudanese civil war began in 1983 when the "sudanese People’s Liberation Army" started the war to save the Christian southerners from the northern Muslim and Arab sudanese | |
8 | 他的双亲均在解放前饿死。 | Both his parents died of starvation before liberation . | |
9 | 他给《解放日报》写了一篇稿。 | He contributed an article to the Liberation Daily. | |
10 | 他们不择手段破坏民族解放运动。 | They stopped at nothing to undermine the national liberation movement. | |
11 | 他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的高涨。 | They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement. | |
12 | 他为了中国人民的解放事业献出了生命。 | He gave his life for the cause of liberation of the Chinese people. | |
13 | 他于一九七二年参加了解放军。 | He joined the Liberation Army in 1972. | |
14 | 为了坚决地彻底地实行土地改革,巩固人民解放军的后方,必须整编党的队伍。 | To carry out the land reform resolutely and thoroughly and to consolidate the rear areas of the People’s Liberation Army, it is necessary to educate and reorganize the ranks of our Party | |
15 | 伟大的胜利的中国人民解放战争和人民大革命,已经复兴了并正在复兴着伟大的中国人民的文化。 | The great, victorious Chinese People’s War of Liberation and the great people’s revolution have rejuvenated and are rejuvenating the great culture of the Chinese people | |
16 | 我们坚决支持被压迫民族争取解放的正义斗争。 | We firmly back the just struggle of the oppressed peoples for liberation . | |
17 | 我们应当帮助那些仍在为解放而斗争的人们。 | We should help those still struggling for liberation . | |
18 | 下岗是对生产力的一次大解放-给自己一个重新选择的机会。 | Lay offs are a great liberation of productive forces-give yourself a chance to make a fresh choice. | |
19 | 现在,数百万人民解放军的野战军已经打到接近台湾,广东,广西,贵州,四川和新疆的地区去了,中国人民的大多数已经获得了解放。 | At present the field armies of the People’s Liberation Army, several million strong, have pushed the war to areas near Taiwan, Kwangtung, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Szechuan and sinkiang, and the great majority of the Chinese people have won liberation | |
20 | 向非洲统一组织所承认的非洲区域民族解放运动提供援助 | Assistance to national liberation movements recognized in its area by the Organization of African Unity | |
21 | 一般人们认为这就是以各种身体永无休止的再生或转生的循环中的解脱。 | This has usually been conceived as liberation from and endlessness cycle of reincarnations or rebirths in different bodies | |
22 | 一九四七年三月一日美军向长春和九台间的和气堡人民解放军阵地进行军事侦察。 | On March 1, 1947, U.S. troops made a military reconnaissance of the position of the People’s Liberation Army at Hohsipao, situated between changchun and Chintai in northeastern China | |
23 | 在北平附近的安平镇,在长春附近的九台,在唐山,在胶东半岛,美国的军队或军事人员曾 | At the town of Anping near Peiping, at Chiutai near changchun, at Tangshan and in the Eastern Shantung Peninsula, U.S. troops and other military personnel clashed with the People’s Liberation Army and on several occasions were captured.[2] | |
24 | 在解放前的一次饥荒中,他丧失了两个儿子。 | He lost his two sons in a famine before liberation . | |
25 | 在解放运动的最前锋 | In the forefront of the liberation movement. | |
26 | 在解放运动的最前锋也作在此意义上也可称作 | in the forefront of the liberation movement.Also called In this sense,also called foreground | |
27 | 在联合国主持下召开一次国际会议,以制定恐怖主义的定义,并对恐怖主义与各国人民的民族解放斗争加以区分 | convening, under the auspices of the United Nations, of an international conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of peoples for national liberation | |
28 | 这次会议是中共中央、国务院在新世纪开端之年和西藏和平解放50周年之际召开的一 | The forum is an important meeting convened by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in the initial year of the new century that marks the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet | |
29 | 这个反革命集团,在解放以后是发展了,如果不加制止,还会发展下去。 | After liberation , this counter-revolutionary clique expanded and, if unchecked, would go on expanding | |
30 | 这个论点,武装了中国人民的思想,加强了中国人民的胜利信心,在人民解放战争中,起了极其伟大的作用。 | This thesis armed the people of our country ideologically, strengthened their confidence in victory and played an exceedingly great role in the People’s War of Liberation |