1 | (兴建或改建建筑物前当局授予的)建筑许可证. | Planning permission(licence to build a new building or change an existing one,granted by a local authority) | |
2 | “开银行要等财政部批准,日子迁延 | Now you know it takes a long time to get a licence from the Ministry of Finance for a banking company, but we can’t really afford to wait | |
3 | “先领了执照就好比我们上戏园子先定了座位。”回答的还是王和甫,似乎对于唐云山的“太外行”有一点不耐烦了。 | "Yes, but taking out a licence first," explained Wang Ho-fu testily, becoming impatient of Tang Yun-shan’s naivety, "is just like making advance bookings at a theatre." | |
4 | 135.关于进口许可证的发放和管理,中国代表表示,许可证审批需2至3个工作日。 | 135. concerning the granting and administration of import licences, the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days | |
5 | 9.许可证持有者用以支付得到许可证的进口产品所必需的外汇,应与无需进口许可证货物的进口商在相同基础上获得。 | The foreign exchange necessary to pay for licensed imports shall be made available to licence holders on the same basis as to importers of goods not requiring import licences | |
6 | 颁发结婚证书 | Grant a marriage licence | |
7 | 出口证(纺织品)表格五〔“蓝证”或“配额出口证”〕〔TIC表格第353A款〕 | "Export Licence (Textiles)Form 5 ["blue" licence or "quota" licence] [TIC 353A]" | |
8 | 出售酒类的许可证 | A licence to sell spirits | |
9 | 担任因违法被吊销营业执照的公司、企业的法定代表人,并负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年 | persons who were legal representatives of a company or enterprise which had its business licence revoked due to a violation of the law and who are personally liable, where less than three years have elapsed since the date of the revocation of the business licence | |
10 | 当政府批出新的服务牌照时,将积极拓展宽频网络服务 | Apply to set up Boardband Internet Service when licence becomes available. | |
11 | 得到许可的进口产品不得由于运输过程中产生的差异、散装货装载时偶然产生的差异以及其他与正常商业做法一致的微小差异而导致货物的价值、数量或重量与许可证标明的数额有微小差异而被拒绝。 | Licensed imports shall not be refused for minor variations in value, quantity or weight from the amount designated on the licence due to differences occurring during shipment, differences incidental to bulk loading and other minor differences consistent with normal commercial practice. | |
12 | 第三十九条 生产国家明令淘汰的产品的,责令停止生产,没收违法生产的产品和违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,可以吊销营业执照。 | Article 39 Where a product which has been officially eliminated by the State is produced, the producer shall be ordered to stop the production, the products and earnings illegally produced and made shall be confiscated. And a fine from twice to five times the unlawful earnings shall be imposed concurrently, and the business licence may be revoked. | |
13 | 第四十四条 伪造检验数据或者伪造检验结论的,责令更正,可以处以所收检验费一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。 | Article 44 Whoever forges inspection data or inspection conclusion of a product shall be ordered to make rectification, and a fine from twice to three times the inspection fee may be imposed. If the circumstance is serious, the business licence shall be revoked; where the case constitutes a crime, the person held directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 167 of the Criminal Law. | |
14 | 第四十条 销售失效、变质产品的,责令停止销售,没收违法生产的产品和违法所得,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,可以吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 40 Where invalid or deteriorated products are sold, the seller shall be ordered to stop the sale, the products for illegal sale and the unlawful earnings shall be confiscated. And a fine from twice to five times the unlawful earnings shall be imposed concurrently, and the business licence may be revoled; if the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. | |
15 | 吊销驾驶执照 | Revoke an driving licence | |
16 | 对符合本法规定条件的,予以登记,发给公司营业执照;对不符合本法规定条件的,不予登记。 | Registration is granted and a business licence issued if all the conditions set out in this Law are met. Registration is not granted if the conditions set out in this Law are not met. | |
17 | 对社会开展经营性修理计量器具的企业、事业单位,办理《修理计量器具许可证》,可直接向当地县(市)级人民政府计量行政部门申请考核。 | Enterprises and institutions which do business in measurement instruments repairs may apply for examination directly to the administrative departments for measurement of the local people’s governments at the county (municipality)level in order to obtain the Licence for Repairing Measurement Instruments. | |
18 | 对于配额在供应国之间分配的情况,许可证应明确规定国别(一国或多国) | In the case of quotas allocated among supplying countries, the licence shall clearly stipulate the country or countries | |
19 | 凡易地经营的,须经所到地方的人民政府计量行政部门验证核准后方可申请办理营业执照。 | If they move to do business in other places, they must send the original licence to the administrative department for measurement of the local people’s government where they have moved, for verification and approval before they can apply for new business licences. | |
20 | 该术语可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。 | The seller must obtain at his own risk and expense any export licence or other official authorisation and carry out, where applicable1, all customs formalities necessary for the transit of the goods. | |
21 | 刚开始,就他这方面来讲,他对自己的放纵抱有一种难以摆脱的负疚感。 | At first, he could not get rid of a culpable sense of licence on his part | |
22 | 公司登记机关对符合本法规定条件的,予以登记,发给公司营业执照;对不符合本法规定条件的,不予登记。 | Where the conditions required by this Law are met, the company registration authority registers the company and issues a company business licence . Where the conditions of this Law are not met, the company is not registered. | |
23 | 公司营业执照签发日期,为公司成立日期。公司成立后,应当进行公告。 | The date of issue of the business licence is the date of establishment of a company limited by shares. After the company is established, a public announcement shall be made. | |
24 | 公司营业执照签发日期,为有限责任公司成立日期。 | The date of issue of the business licence is the date of establishment of a limited liability company. | |
25 | 股份有限公司成立后设立分公司,应当由公司法定代表人向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照 | Where a branch or branches are to be set up after the establishment of a company limited by shares, the legal representative of the company shall apply to the company registration authority to register them and obtain business licence (s). | |
26 | 驾驶执照、租约、信用卡、合同、协议等的期满 | The expiry of a driving licence ,lease, credit card,contract,agreement,etc | |
27 | 结婚特别许可(不限在通常规定的时间或地点举行婚礼). | Special licence ( licence allowing a marriage to take place at a time or place not usu authorized) | |
28 | 进出口许可证制度 | import and export licence system | |
29 | 经考核合格取得《修理计量器具许可证》的,方可准予使用国家统一规定的标志和批准营业。 | Only those enterprises and institutions which have obtained Licence for Repairing Measurement Instruments by passing the examination may be allowed to use the uniform marks stipulated by the State and start business operations. | |
30 | 经营销售残次计量器具零配件的,责令其停止经营销售,没收残次计量器具零配件和全部违法所得,可并处二千元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由工商行政管理部门吊销其营业执照。 | Those who sell damaged and substandard spare parts and components of measurement instruments shall be ordered to stop their business. The instruments and total amount of illegal gains shall be confiscated and a fine of 2,000 yuan or less may be imposed simultaneously; in more serious cases, the business licence shall be revoked by administrative departments for industry and commerce. |