1 | 卖方必须自担风险和费用,取得任何出口许可证或其他官方许可或其他必要文件,以便将货物交经买方处。 | The seller must obtain at his own risk and expense any export licence or other official authorisation or other document necessary for placing the goods at the buyer’s disposal. | |
2 | 你的驾驶执照何时到期 | When does your driving licence expire? | |
3 | 牌照[号码牌](如汽车上的). | A licence -/number-plate,eg on a car | |
4 | 批准某人作开业医生 | Licence sb. to practise as a doctor | |
5 | 批准使用香港船舶捕获、拖曳或加工处理鲸的牌照 | licence authorizing the use of a Hong Kong ship for taking, towing or treating whales | |
6 | 批准使用香港飞机捕获或拖曳鲸的牌照 | licence authorizing the use of a Hong Kong aircraft for taking or towing whales | |
7 | 批准在位于香港的工厂加工处理鲸的牌照 | licence authorizing the use of a factory situated in Hong Kong for treating whales | |
8 | 七十岁或以上人士申请正式或学习驾驶执照所须进行之体格检验 | Medical Examination for an Applicant of 70 Years of Age or More for a Full or Learner’s Driving Licence | |
9 | 汽车执照被没收 | forfeit a motor licence | |
10 | 侵略者表现出来的放肆。 | The licence shown by the invaders. | |
11 | 全部或部分土地承租人或再承租人之分租,以及该等人士许可任何人租用全部或部分该土地 | The subletting by a lessee or sublessee of the whole or any part of the land or for the granting by such person of a licence to any person to occupy the whole or any part of the land | |
12 | 任何根据已撤销之《房屋条例》(第283章,2964年版)或已撤销之《徙置条例》(第304章,2972年版)订立而于本条例开始实施时已生效之批约、租约、租用官地暂准证或许可证,将继续有效 | Any lease, tenancy permit or licence ranted under the repealed Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283, 1964 Ed.)or the repealed Resettlement Ordinance (Cap.304,1971Ed.)and in force at the commencement of this Ordinance shall continue in force | |
13 | 任何满足进口成员的法律和管理要求的个人、公司或机构均有同等资格申请许可证并予以考虑。 | Any person, firm or institution which fulfils the legal and administrative requirements of the importing Member shall be equally eligible to apply and to be considered for a licence . | |
14 | 如进口超过前一许可证水平,则可在以后的许可证分配中做出补偿性调整。 | Compensating adjustments may be made in future licence allocations where imports exceeded a previous licence level. | |
15 | 如你此次旅游由单位支付费用,请提供一份单位公函以及能证明你单位效益良好的证明(例如:单位营业执照,介绍材料等)。 | This may be a letter from your work unit if they are paying for the trip as well as evidence that the company is a viable business, e.g. copy of business licence , advertising material etc. | |
16 | 如许可证申请未获批准,则应请求,申请人应被告知其中的原因,且申请人有权依照进口成员的国内立法或程序进行上诉或进行审查 | If the licence application is not approved, the applicant shall, on request, be given the reason therefore and shall have a right of appeal or review in accordance with the domestic legislation or procedures of the importing Member | |
17 | 若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。 | This term should not he used if the seller is unable directly or indirectly to obtain the import licence . | |
18 | 商业牌照资料总汇中心〔将由工业署成立〕 | Business Licence Information Centre [to be set up by the Industry Department] | |
19 | 设立股份有限公司的同时设立分公司的,应当就所设分公司向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。 | Where a branch or branches are to be set up at the same time as the establishment of a company limited by shares, application shall be made to the company registration authority to register them and obtain business licence (s). | |
20 | 设立外资企业的申请经批准后,外国投资者应当在接到批准证书之日起三十天内向工商行政管理机关申请登记,领取营业执照。 | After an application for the establishment of an enterprise with foreign capital has been approved, the foreign investor shall, within 30 days from the date of receiving a certificate of approval, apply to the industry and commerce administration authorities for registration and obtain a business licence . | |
21 | 设立有限责任公司的同时设立分公司的,应当就所设分公司向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。 | If a branch or branches of a limited liability company are established at the same time a limited liability company is established, application for the registration of the branch(es)shall be made to the company registration authority to obtain the business licence (s). | |
22 | 申请[领取]驾驶执照 | Apply for [take out] a driving licence | |
23 | 申请程序和在适用情况下的展期申请程序应尽可能简单。应允许申请者有一段合理的期限提交许可证申请。 | Application procedures and, where applicable, renewal procedures shall be as simple as possible. Applicants shall be allowed a reasonable period for the submission of licence applications. | |
24 | 授权放手做某事 | Give full licence to do sth | |
25 | 他的驾驶执照处于危险之中。 | His driving licence is in jeopardy. | |
26 | 他的驾驶执照上有违章记录。 | His driving licence has been endorsed. | |
27 | 他的驾驶执照上载有违规纪录。 | His driving licence had been endorsed. | |
28 | 他的驾驶执照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销。 | His licence was suspended for drunk driving. | |
29 | 他那美其名曰夏季别墅的花园棚. | His garden shed which, with a certain amount of poetic licence ,he calls his summer-house | |
30 | 他终于获得了驾驶执照, 这使他颇为得意 | He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence |