1 | 《恒星的诞生、发展和死亡》一书是著者在恒星领域里工作一生的结果,经历了太阳活动周期的所有相位,然而却丝毫看不出所谓在太阳活动极小期缺乏特色的迹象。 | "Stars: Their Birth, life, and Death" is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum | |
2 | NF3具有相对短的大气寿命(740年),比C2F6和CF4.更容易分解。HF最终扩散到大气中,在大气中它通过湿沉积被除去。 | NF3 has a relatively short atmospheric lifetime (740 years)and dissociates more readily than C2F6 and CF4.HF ultimately diffuses down to the troposphere where it is removed by wet deposition. | |
3 | 巴恩斯由于第2次违规,有可能面临终身禁赛,他在1990年的瑞典马尔莫运动会上由于服用禁药,自1991年起曾被罚禁赛2年。 | Barnes faces a possible lifetime ban for his second offence.He was suspended for two years starting in 1991 for banned substance at a meet in Malmo,Sweden in 1990. | |
4 | 把他终生束缚在轮椅上的残疾 | A crippling disease which sentenced him to a lifetime in a wheelchair | |
5 | 本·约翰逊希望重返田径场的愿望破灭了。星期一,多伦多高级法院拒绝解除对他服用类固醇而实施的终生禁令。 | Ben Johnson’s hopes of a return to track and field were dashed on Monday when an appeal court in Toronto refused to lift his lifetime ban for steroid use. | |
6 | 本厂生产的婴儿系列用品,给您的宝宝开创完美和谐的一生。 | Our factory’s series of articles for infants will give beginning to a perfect and harmonious lifetime of your darling. | |
7 | 本鞋业公司的鞋愿成为你的人生伴侣。 | The shoes made by this company will be your lifetime companion. | |
8 | 壁画讲述着伊斯兰教徒去麦迦朝圣的习俗。那是教徒一生中至少要履行一次的责任,鲜活的壁画的也将代代相传。 | These painted walls tell us about the Islamic custom of going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. A duty which should be carried out at least once in a lifetime , an event that is to be passed down to descendants with a vivid fresco. | |
9 | 曹雪芹也正是在这里开始构思创作他的毕生之作《红楼梦》的。 | It is just here that Cao Xueqin began to conceive his lifetime work, Dream of the Red Chamber | |
10 | 超米粒组织元的生存时间大约是一天,而不像米粒组织那样为几分钟。 | The lifetime of supergranulation elements is about a day, rather than a few minutes as for the granulation | |
11 | 从一生的经历中得出的有益的教训. | Useful advice distilled from a lifetime ’s experience | |
12 | 当灯泡寿命终结时要予以更换.必须以同样型式和规格的灯泡进行更换. | Change lamp when lifetime expired. Replace expired lamp only with same type and rating | |
13 | 当他的孩子、孙子、曾孙、玄孙都在他面前时,他对他们说:“我这一生,救过很多动物,给你们积了德。 | When his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchldren had all gathered before him, he told them, "During my lifetime , I have saved many animals, so I have accumulated much merit for you." | |
14 | 的确,在非洲的事业是我生命中的一个转机,可是你---米歇尔,让我的梦想成真。 | Sure, my career in South Africa is a chance in a lifetime , but you, michelle, are my dream come true | |
15 | 灯泡寿命终止,请合格维修人员更换灯泡 | The lamp lifetime is overdue. Return the projector to qualified service personnel for lamp change | |
16 | 肺癌率最低的是终生居住在乡村的不吸烟者。 | Lowest lung cancer rates were found in lifetime rural nonsmokers | |
17 | 伽利略在世之日一直是激烈的论战中心。 | In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of the controversy. | |
18 | 根深蒂固的偏见;一生的根深蒂固的习惯 | ingrained prejudice;the ingrained habits of a lifetime . | |
19 | 公民可以与集体所有制组织签订遗赠扶养协议。按照协议,集体所有制组织承担该公民生养死葬的义务,享有受遗赠的权利。 | A citizen may enter into a legacy-support agreement with an organization under collective ownership which, in accordance with the agreement, assumes the duty to support the former in his or her lifetime and attends to his or her interment after death, in return for the right to legacy. | |
20 | 硅和锗体内少数载流子寿命测定光电导衰减法 | Standard test methods for minority carrier lifetime in bulk germanium and silicon silicon by measurement of photoconductivity decay | |
21 | 哈罗德·比彻姆所提供的是一个千载难逢的机会。 | Harold Beecham’s offer was the one chance of a lifetime | |
22 | 红外辐射加热器寿命试验方法 | Test method for lifetime of infrared heater | |
23 | 怀特豪斯指出:“对那些了解和接受这些问题并采取果断行动的人来说,这可能是一个千载难逢的机遇。” | "For those who come to understand and accept the issues, for those who take decisive action, this can be the opportunity of a lifetime ," says Whitehouse | |
24 | 她以毕生精力从事动物学研究。 | She devoted her lifetime to the study of zoology. | |
25 | 介子轻子族中的一种基本微粒(非介子),其质量为电子的209倍,是一种负电荷,平均寿命为2。2?0-6秒 | An elementary particle in the lepton family(not a meson,having a mass209times that of the electron,a negative electric charge,and a mean lifetime of2.2?0-6second. | |
26 | 美国TOTO深信这款面盆具有最高的品质,款式也很难过时。这款面盆备有3孔4英寸或8英寸,或者单孔规格可供选择。 | The TOTO name on it assures the highest quality of porcelain for a lifetime of enjoyment. It is available as a three-hole 4-inch or 8-inch-center, or single-hole faucet style. | |
27 | 美满幸福的一生 | a lifetime of perfect felicity | |
28 | 你能甘心一辈子失业吗 | Could you reconcile yourself to a lifetime of unemployment? | |
29 | 你一生是什么样子,你在党内搞了几十年,人们都是看到的,有个客观评价。 | If you have worked in the Party for decades, people know what you have accomplished in your lifetime and can form an objective evaluation. | |
30 | 企业欲承诺终生的质量保证,必须始终坚持“顾客至上”的原则。 | If it wants to honour a lifetime guarantee, an enterprise must adhere to the principle of "customers our hospital. |