属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-科学家构建经过重新设计的生命形式
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-音乐产业 高举丁日的旗帜
1 | 无边无限的海洋. | the limitless ocean | |
2 | 无极而太极-论武术与儒家在超验心层面的思想会通 | Tai Chi of Limitless -On the Thought Fusion of Wushu and Confucianism | |
3 | 无限的权力;对处外层空间的无限追踪 | Limitless authority; the limitless reaches of outer space. | |
4 | 无限的无法限制或规定范围的;没有边界的 | Impossible to limit or circumscribe;limitless . | |
5 | 无限度的野心、贪欲、财富 | Limitless ambition,greed,wealth | |
6 | 无限维空间中厄米算符的充要条件 | Research on the Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Hermitian Operator in the Limitless Space | |
7 | 无限制的饮水供应 | A limitless supply of drinking water | |
8 | 吾生也有崖,而知也无崖 | My life is limited, while knowledge is limitless . | |
9 | 要这样生活,仿佛你寿命永恒.要这样工作, 仿佛你精力无穷. | Live as though you intend to live forever,and word as though your strength were limitless . | |
10 | 要这样生活,就像你要永生;要这样工作,就像你力量无穷。--伯恩哈特 | Live as though you intend to live forever, and work as thought your strength were limitless .--Sarah Berrhardt | |
11 | 野心勃勃的独裁者. | a dictator whose ambitions were limitless | |
12 | 玉清灵宝无量度人上道 | Highest Dao of Limitless Salvation of the Jade Clarity and Numinous Treasure | |
13 | 元始无量度人上品妙经 | Lofty and Sublime Book of the Primordial Limitless Salvation of Mankind | |
14 | 元始无量度人上品妙经通义 | Comprehensive Meaning of the Primordial, Lofty and Sublime Book of the Limitless Salvation of Mankind | |
15 | 在21世纪到来的前夕,自由的人民现在必须做出抉择,控制资讯时代和全球社会的各种力量,充分发挥我国全体人民的无限潜力,实现更完善的团结统一。 | At the dawn of the 21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union | |
16 | 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。 | There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun | |
17 | 在伊斯兰教中,仅仅为我们的父母祈福是不够的,我们必须发挥无限的怜悯之心,衷心记住当我们还是孩子时,他们为我们所做的更甚于他们为自己所做的。母亲特别值得尊重。 | In Islam, it is not enough that we only pray for our parents, but we should act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children, they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honored. | |
18 | 增长知识的可能性是无限的。毕业只标志着教育的一个阶段。不断获取知识将把我们不断提高到新的台阶。衷心祝你来日成功! | The possibility of enhancing one’s knowledge is limitless , Graduation only marks a stage of one’s education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments. My best wishes for your future success | |
19 | 这个自取灭亡的制度把无限的权力给了极端利己主义者。 | The self-defeating system gives limitless power to egomaniacs | |
20 | 中国的B股市场将会出现无限的商机。敬请投资者关注! | The limitless opportunity for business will appear in the B-share market of China. Would like to ask investors to pay close attention to! | |
21 | 转会费和球员薪水也随之无止境的增加。 | The growth in transfer payments and players’ salaries seemed limitless . | |
22 | ||1:贝聿铭为达拉斯设计的市政厅,是一个面向商业区的大胆悬挑的楔形玻璃和钢结构建筑,它反映出他在那里找到的德克萨斯人的骄傲。||2:他建造肯尼迪图书馆是为了唤起人们对肯尼迪的回忆。图书馆高耸的空无一物的空间架构沐浴在阳光之中,那里挂着一面美国国旗,总结了无限的乐观和国家的损失。||3:为了设计克利夫兰的摇滚名人堂建筑,他让自己的头脑做好了准备,第一次冒险去听摇滚音乐会。这个建筑是由一座高楼,一个凸出的金字塔,还有穿过高楼的一个楔形建筑组成的。 | ||1:His CityHall in Dallas, a boldly cantilevered wedge of glass and steel facing the commercial district, reflected the vaunting Texan pride he found there.||2:He built the Kennedy Library to evoke the man, and its towering empty spaceframe, flooded with light and hung with an American flag, summed up both limitless optimism and the country’s loss.||3:For the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, a tower with a pyramid protruding and a wedge driven through it, he prepared his mind by venturing, for the first time, to rock concerts. | |
23 | 博伊科说:“它们可以通过DNA编写进行编程,从而在分子或化学化合物方面生产出几乎无限范围的产品。这些产品可以取代我们目前通过石油或其它来源生产的物质,以及一些目前甚至不存在的新材料。” | "They can be programmed through DNA writing to produce really an almost limitless range of products in terms of molecules or chemical compounds that that can replace things that we currently make from petroleum or other sources and as well as some new materials that don’t even exist today." | |
24 | 而这条路,便是持续地为音乐爱好者们提供一个几乎毫无限制的线上点播服务。 | based on music fans being offered instant access to a near-limitless online jukebox. | |
25 | “更为复杂是要面对处于无限焦虑的人”。 | "So much more complex is the man who suffers from limitless anxiety" . | |
26 | “既然如此,有什么办法能让事情好起来呢?”他开动脑筋,整合资源,开启无限希望。 | "in that case, what can I do to make things better? " Then he thought over, integrated the resources and opened limitless possibilities. | |
27 | 《嘉莉姐妹》中无心的欲望 | The Limitless Desires in Sister Carrie | |
28 | 《新闻周刊》专题对于中国女性拥有无限抱负的观点,无非也是一概而论罢了。 | The Newsweek feature, playing on the idea of the limitless ambition of Chinese women, isn’t any different. | |
29 | AT&T最近淘汰了无限制的数据套餐,但是之前签约的客户还是可以花每月30美元的价格享受无限制的数据流量。 | AT&T recently phased out unlimited data, although customers who had it earlier continue to enjoy limitless data downloads for $30 per month. | |
30 | Internet应用程序具有无限的潜在用户供应。 | Internet applications have a limitless supply of potential users. |