属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-会计造假 抓住他们!哥谭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-律师事务所 砰然毁灭,轻轻消亡?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类进化史 似曾相识
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-杜威路博国际律师事务所 砰然毁灭
1 | 墙上悬着一排肖像,都是贝灵汉家族的先祖,有的胸前护着铠甲,有的则穿着衬有环状皱领的乎日的长袍,但个个面露威严 | On the wall hung a row of portraits, representing the forefathers of the Bellingham lineage , some with armour on their breasts, and others with stately ruffs and robes of peace. | |
2 | 清初歙县槐塘程氏的文化建构 | Compiling Lineage Genealogy and Salt Gazetteer: The Cultural Invention of the Huaitang Chengs in Early Qing | |
3 | 清洗社会衰败和垂死的成分。不过,每一个中国人,帝王也好,起义领袖也好,革命者也好,都自认是炎黄子孙,都声明要继承华夏遗产。谁也不想祸起萧墙,自挖墙脚。每当危机之秋,人人都争相救国。 | They cleanse society of decaying and moribund elements. However, everybody, be it emperor, or rebel or revolutionary, claims lineage of the Yellow Emperor and legacy of the culture. Nobody wants to damage the walls or split the house. In times of crisis everybody rushes to the rescue of the country. | |
4 | 人类学家自己内部之间的矛盾通常出现在某人关于我们世系的宏论,由于几块石头和骨头的出土而受到挑战的时候。 | The feuds of anthropologists normally begin when someone’s grand theory of our lineage is contradicted by the unearthing of a few stone or bones | |
5 | 人胚胎间充质干细胞向平滑肌细胞定向分化标志蛋白的选择 | Selection of Specific Marker Protein for Smooth Muscle Lineage Differentiation from Human Embryonic Mesenchymal Stem Cells | |
6 | 塞种源流及李唐氏族问题与老子之瓜葛-汉文佛教文献所见中、北亚胡族族姓疑案 | The Relation of Two Disputable Issues of Central and North Asian Ethnic Origins-the Sakas; the Tang Royal Lineage -To Laozi as Evinced in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Sources | |
7 | 松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述 | A Survey of Song Family’s Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation | |
8 | 宋代成都宇文氏族系考 | On the Lineage of the Yu-wen Clan of Ch’eng-tu in Sung China | |
9 | 宋代四明士族人际网络与社会文化活动-以楼氏家族为中心的观察 | Literati Networks and Socio-cultural Activities in Siming during the Song Dynasty-The Example of the Lou Lineage | |
10 | 宋明以来宗族制形成理论辨析 | The Discrimination on Theories of the Formation of Patriarchal Lineage System since Song and Ming Dynasties | |
11 | 虽然有些大型血盟偶尔会有些大型盟战,不过除此之外的玩家对玩家战斗在天堂二里并不常发生。 | While some larger guilds of players have staged bigger battles player-versus-player combat is otherwise very infrequent in Lineage II | |
12 | 他没有料到这个漂亮的牧羊童会是王族出身。 | He did not suspect the pretty shepherd boy came of royal lineage | |
13 | 他在诗中写的是古色古香的事物;老人、旧建筑物、血统、面对秘不可解的死亡的儿童。 | His poetry often deals with antiquity: old men, old buildings, lineage , children confronted with the ancient mystery of death | |
14 | 体外诱导大鼠脂肪间充质干细胞向肝细胞方向分化的研究 | Study on Differentiation of Rat Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Hepatic Lineage in Vitro | |
15 | 天堂二显然的从日式动画中得到很多启示,而且美术设定相当的有风格而且一致。 | lineage II clearly draws inspiration from Japanese animation and its art design is stylized and consistent | |
16 | 为了防止侄女雷亚·西尔维亚生育后代从而继承王位,阿穆利乌斯强迫她去当女祭司,宣誓永葆贞洁。 | In order to prevent his niece, Rhea Silvia, from having offspring and so continuing Numitor’s lineage , Amulius forced her to become a vestal virgin | |
17 | 我们固然以自己体内流着华族血液为荣,但是,种族与国籍之间的观念还是必须搞清楚的。 | Although Chinese lineage is our proud heritage, we must recognise the difference between race and nationality. | |
18 | 血统关系好的人. | a man of good lineage | |
19 | 一代家族某种特殊世家的后代 | One generation of a specific lineage . | |
20 | 云南稻瘟病菌系谱与致病型的关系 | Relationship between Genetic Lineage and Pathotype of Pyricularia grisea in Yunnan Plateau | |
21 | 在线游戏玩家表现与其人格特质之研究-以“天堂”为例 | A Research of Performance and Personality of On-line Game Players in "Lineage " | |
22 | 这是由于它直接来自原始巫舞之故。 | This is due to their direct lineage from primitive sorcery dance. | |
23 | 中国农村的变与常:村落社会中的宗族组织 | The Dynamics of Rural China: The Lineage Organization of the Village Society | |
24 | 中国以血缘关系为纽带形成的政治制度和社会体制--宗法制,源远流长。 | China’s patriarchal clan system, based on blood lineage in both political and social realms, had a long past | |
25 | 转型时期的农村宗族及其嬗变―以20世纪下半叶江西为中心 | The Rural Lineage and Its Change in the Transitional Tunes-A Study of Jiangxi in the Later Stage of 20th Century | |
26 | 纂修族谱与宗族认同的强化:以上海地区族谱为例 | Edition of Genealogy and Consolidation of Lineage Identification: Case Study of Genealogy in Shanghai | |
27 | ||1:同种类的另外一家机构Citron Research,其领导人为安德鲁·莱福特,他有一点十分自豪,那就是别人从未成功地因诽谤而将他告上法庭。||2:一些对冲基金也想加入到他们的队伍当中——其中最瞩目的莫过于比尔·阿克曼的潘兴广场,它将对营养补充品公司康宝莱进行调查,指控后者为金字塔式非法传销公司。||3:这些基金公司的财务调查史可以追溯到2001年另一位对冲基金经理詹姆斯·查诺斯对安然公司造假案的成功揭露。 | ||1:Another such outfit is Citron Research, whose leader, Andrew Left, prides himself on never having been successfully sued for defamation.||2:A few hedge funds like to kick up a similar stink—most notably Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square, which is out to prove that Herbalife, a nutritional-supplements firm, is a pyramid scheme.||3:Their lineage can be traced back to the successful shorting of Enron in 2001 by James Chanos, another hedge-fund manager. | |
28 | ||1:与此同时Miller先生指出,HRO并未像杜威那样承担大量的银行债务。||2:华尔街日报称,直到四月底杜威才与银行协商扩大信用额度。||3:领导层必须在随后的几星期内果断采取行动,已经走过了一个世纪的杜威才可能走得更远。||4:其他律师事务所也紧张的关注着事态发展,他们无法幸灾乐祸,——毕竟一次小小的不走运足以把他们也推向危机的边缘。 | ||1: But Mr Miller points out that his firm did not take on big bank debts, as Dewey did. ||2: According to the Wall Street Journal, the firm has until the end of April to negotiate the extension of a credit line. ||3: Dewey’s lineage goes back a century. It may survive for another century, but only if its leaders act decisively in the coming weeks. ||4: Other firms watch not with glee but with nervousness, knowing that a short run of bad luck could put them on the same wobbly precipice. | |
29 | 2008年在南非一个洞穴内发现一个新物种化石,称做南方古猿sediba。约翰内斯堡金山大学的李·伯格尔领导的最初研究结果表明南方古猿sediba在化石记录中出现的年份过晚而无法被认定为人类的祖先。 | Fossils of the new species, Australopithecus sediba, were discovered in 2008 in a cave in South Africa. Initial research, led by Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, concluded that the species came too late in the fossil record to be the ancestor of the Homo lineage . | |
30 | 领导层必须在随后的几星期内果断采取行动,已经走过了一个世纪的杜威才可能走得更远。 | Dewey’s lineage goes back a century. It may survive for another century, but only if its leaders act decisively in the coming weeks. |