属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最新小说 温馨食物
1 | 疼痛好几个星期才渐渐消失. | The pain linger ed on for weeks. | |
2 | 位于世界一流城市中心位置的星级宾馆,雄伟壮丽的建筑,豪华典雅的装饰定会令人流连忘返。 | The star-graded hotel located in the centre of a world-class city makes you linger among the magnificent buildings with luxury facilities and elegant decor. | |
3 | 我不听闲话、不游手好闲,不与不务正业的人来往。 | Where there are idle mouths I will listen not; where there are idle hands I will linger not; where there are idle bodies I will visit not. | |
4 | 我独自去旅游,我可以决定什么时候出发上路,在什么地方多玩一会儿。 | Travelling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer. | |
5 | 我还能呆多久? | How much linger am I staying? | |
6 | 我看到她几周地徘徊在痛苦和无意识之中,而我们,她的亲人,站在那里倍受折磨。 | I saw her linger in pain and without awareness for weeks as we, her family, stood by tortured | |
7 | 我们并不因此就掩饰在对于宗教的认识上,还有偏见和误解需要纠正。 | We have no intention to hide the fact that prejudices and misunderstandings still linger and need to be redressed | |
8 | 夏日悠悠,贝西尔。 | Days in summer, basil, are apt to linger | |
9 | 闲逛空闲地呆在某地周围;漫无目的地闲逛 | To stand idly about;linger aimlessly. | |
10 | 消磨整个暑假. | linger away the whole summer vacation | |
11 | 音乐会后她徘徊不去,希望能遇见明星。 | She linger after the concert,hoping to meet the star. | |
12 | 在你秀发的阴影中我看见了你的眼睛,仿佛旅行者在树林的阴影中看见溪流清清;我说,“哎!我柔弱的心在呻吟,要驻停,并在那甜蜜的寂静中畅饮,沉入梦境” | I looked and saw your eyes \\In the shadow of your hair \\As a traveller see the stream \\In the shadow of the wood; \\And I said, “My faint heart sighs \\Ah me! To linger there, \\To drink deep and to dream \\In that sweat solitude” | |
13 | 在十字路口徘徊. | linger about(around) on the cross roads | |
14 | 正在人生路口徘徊、正在犹豫是否要选择光明大道的年轻人啊,你们一定要记住:当你青春已逝,又足在黑暗的群山中举步为艰、跌跌撞撞的时候,你才会痛心疾首、徒劳无益地呼喊:“啊,回来吧,青春!啊,把我美好的年华还给我吧!” | Those who still linger on the entrance of life, hesitating to choose the bright road, remember that when years are passed and your feel stumble on the dark mountains you will cry bitterly, but in vain: “ O youth, return! Oh give me back my early days!” | |
15 | ||1:但是许多美国人开办的购物中心在经济衰退期来临前就已陷入困境,而美国新生的复苏势头不太可能让他们得到复苏。美国的零售业很可能建设过度了,根据美国房产经纪人协会的统计,2011年第四季度的房屋空置率为16.9%。||2:购物中心容易遭受系统冲击带来的影响,如果某家“锚”店停业了,或者房屋持续空置,其余的商家也很快遭殃。||3:还有很多类似在繁荣时期建立起来的购物中心开始变得陈旧起来。||4:新的时尚是提倡“多用途混合式发展”的建筑群,即户外购物中心要建得像个市中心的购物区。||5:在一些城市里,人们回归故态,爱去真正的市中心购物区,这可是新生代城市规划家梦寐以求的事。 | ||1: But many American malls had run into trouble before the recession started, and the country’s nascent recovery is not likely to revive them. America’s retail sector is probably overbuilt; in the fourth quarter of 2011, according to the National Association of Realtors, its vacancy rate was 16.9%. ||2: Malls are vulnerable to systemic shocks; if an “anchor” stores closes, or if vacancies linger , other vendors quickly suffer. ||3: And many of the malls that were built in the heyday of the genre are starting to look shopsoiled. ||4: The new fashion is for mixed-use developments, or the outdoor malls that are designed to look like a friendly downtown shopping district. ||5: In some cities, people are returning to actual downtown shopping districts, as new urbanists always dreamed they would. | |
16 | ||1:当然,她也会中规中矩的合乎礼仪。||2:从1974年8月到1977年1月,在任第一夫人期间,她总能做到举止得体。||3:必要的场合,她甚至会带上白色手套(“那种露指手套”)。||4:在他们弗吉尼亚州家中,墙上本悬挂着一个与房间一样长的架子上陈列的全是她的衣服,但因为太多,架子都塌了下来。||5:她是如此喜欢衣服,但在各种公共场合装淑女却让她很不自在。她喜欢一直在床上赖到大概九点半,然后悠闲自在地化妆,所以白宫紧凑的公共行程安排也让她郁闷。||6:有好几次,她出现在阳台上向大家问好时,正装下是还未及更换的睡衣。||7:“嗨,贝蒂!”大家总是这样回应她的问候。 | ||1: Of course, she could be proper too. ||2: In her brief stint as First Lady, from August 1974 to January 1977, she was always immaculately turned out. ||3: She wore white gloves (“these mitts”) whenever she had to do so. ||4: But, much as she adored clothes—the room-long rack at her house in Virginia had fallen off the wall, she had so many—all the ladylike public behaviour could be a bit of a strain. ||5: So too could the split-second scheduling, when she liked to linger in bed in the mornings till 9.30 or so, putting on her makeup in her own good time. ||6: It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat. ||7: “Hi, Betty!” they would shout back. | |
17 | ||1:伦敦国王学院的克丽丝 哈姆尼特说,在很多欧洲国家,少数名族学生一般在底层扎堆。过去在英国也是这样——但现在完全不同了。||2:每一个在普通中等教育证书考试中输给英国白人的少数民族学生通常在他们16岁的时候就能赶上英国人。孟加拉裔过去曾不如白人;但现在他们更加优秀。 | ||1:In much of Europe, pupils from many ethnic minorities linger at the bottom of the heap, says Chris Hamnett of King’s College London. That used to be true in Britain too—but not any more. ||2:Every ethnic-minority group that trails white Britons in GCSE exams, normally taken at 16, is catching up. Bangladeshis used to perform worse than whites; now they do better. | |
18 | 他们等待登机的时间并不长: | Passengers do not linger long: | |
19 | 作者Majmudar先生也是一个诗人,短语和隐喻混合着调味品的温香,弥漫在字里行间。 | Mr Majmudar, who is also a poet, imbues his prose with phrases and metaphors that linger with the warmth of spices. | |
20 | HandyKaren和一小撮其他人表示我们为什么不能跳过斜塔的形成而在佛罗伦萨多驻足片刻。 | Handy, Karen, and a few others wondered why we couldn’t skip the tower and linger in Florence. | |
21 | Sparrow说我站在一个屏幕前停留时,带有射频扫描的小车可以记录下我感兴趣的这个商品。 | This RFID-equipped cart senses when I linger in front of a display and flashes up themed offers on a built-in screen. | |
22 | 奥茨是个惊人的多产作家,但她此前从未把目光如此强烈地停驻在自己身上。 | An unnervingly prolific writer, Ms Oates has never before let her gaze linger so strongly on herself. | |
23 | 被收购公司的老板可能会被要求留任在一个高薪但多半是象征性的职位。 | The bought firm’s bosses may be asked to linger in well-paid but largely symbolic roles. | |
24 | 不过,游客停留时间最久的通常还是礼品店。 | But it’s often the house’s gift shop where visitors linger the longest. | |
25 | 穿过厨房就是起居室。当你看到前廊的时候,你不会想在起居室里久待。 | Through the kitchen is the living room. You won’t want to linger there long when you see the front porch. | |
26 | 从欧洲经验来看,我认为,任这种情况发展下去,结果肯定会演变为结构性失业。 | My answer, from European experience, is that one way to ensure it becomes structural is to let it linger . | |
27 | 但分析人士表示,由于缺乏熟练工作人员,即使新机场投入使用,机场拥堵的老毛病仍将持续。 | But analysts said chronic congestion will linger even with the addition of new airports, because of shortages in skilled personnel. | |
28 | 但若我们还不尽快采取重大举措,仍旧坐以待毙,这种低靡可能将萦绕多年。 | But it will be if we don’t take dramatic action as soon as possible. If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years. | |
29 | 但是对PaulKagame总统独裁统治的怀疑一直萦绕。 | But doubts linger over the authoritarian nature of the rule of Paul Kagame, the president. | |
30 | 但是周日涌入的示威者没有长时间停留。 | But Sunday’s influx of protesters did not linger . |