1 | 公司财产能够清偿公司债务的,分别支付清算费用、职工工资和劳动保险费用,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务。 | To the extent that the company is able to repay its debts, it respectively pays all liquidation expenses, wages of staff and workers, labour insurance fees and taxes owing, and shall repay the company’s debts. | |
2 | 公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产后,清算组应当将清算事务移交给人民法院。 | After a company is declared bankrupt by a ruling of the people’s court, the liquidation group shall transfer liquidation matters to the people’s court. | |
3 | 公司破产、解散清算结束后,不申请办理注销登记的,由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。 | If a company does not apply for the cancellation of registration after the liquidation of bankruptcy or dissolution has concluded, the business license shall be revoked by the company registration authority. | |
4 | 公司清算结束后,清算组应当制作清算报告,报股东会或者有关主管机关确认,并报送公司登记机关,申请注销公司登记,公告公司终止。 | After liquidation of the company is completed, the liquidation group shall prepare a liquidation report and present it for confirmation to a meeting of the shareholders or to the relevant responsible authority, apply to the company registration authority for cancellation of the company’s registration and publish by public notice of the termination of the company. | |
5 | 公司清算组织负责人签署的注销登记申请书 | An application for cancellation of registration signed by the person in charge of the company’s liquidation group | |
6 | 公司违反法律、行政法规被依法责令关闭的,应当解散,由有关主管机关组织股东、有关机关及有关专业人员成立清算组,进行清算。 | A company which is ordered according to law to close down for violating laws and administrative regulations shall be dissolved, and the relevant responsible authority shall organize the shareholders, relevant institutions and professional personnel to establish a liquidation group to carry out liquidation procedures. | |
7 | 公司因不能清偿到期债务,被依法宣告破产的,由人民法院依照有关法律的规定,组织股东、有关机关及有关专业人员成立清算组,对公司进行破产清算。 | In the case of a company legally declared bankrupt because it is unable to repay debts due, the people’s court in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws organizes the shareholders, relevant organizations and relevant professional personnel to establish a liquidation group to carry out bankruptcy liquidation procedures with respect to the company. | |
8 | 公司在合并、分立、减少注册资本或者进行清算时,不按照本法规定通知或者公告债权人的,责令改正,对公司处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。 | In the event of a merger, division, reduction of registered capital or liquidation , if the company does not send notice to or publish public notices for its creditors in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the company is ordered to remedy the situation and is subject to a fine of at least RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB 100,000. | |
9 | 公司在合并、分立、减少注册资本或者进行清算时,不按照规定通告或者公告债权人的 | In the event of a merger, division, reduction of registered capital or liquidation , if the company does not send notice to or publish public notices to its creditors in accordance with the relevant provisions | |
10 | 公司在进行清算时,隐匿财产,对资产负债表或者财产清单作虚伪记载或者未清偿债务前分配公司财产的,责令改正 | If at the time of liquidation , a company conceals its property, makes false entries on its balance sheet or its inventory of property, or distributes the company’s property before repaying its debts, the company is ordered to remedy the situation | |
11 | 股东会或者有关机关确认的清算报告 | Liquidation report confirmed by the shareholders’ meeting or the competent authority | |
12 | 股份有限公司的清算组由股东大会确定其人选 | The liquidation group of a company limited by shares is determined by a general meeting of the shareholders. | |
13 | 合伙企业解体和停止经营的过程称为清算。 | The process of breaking up and discontinuing a partnership business is called liquidation . | |
14 | 合同约定的结算和清理条款,不因合同的解除或者终止而失去效力。 | The contractually agreed terms for the settlement of accounts and liquidation of a contract shall not become invalid because of the rescission or termination of the contract. | |
15 | 合营期满或提前终止合营,合营公司应依法进行清算。 | Upon the expiration of the duration or termination before the date of expiration of the joint venture, liquidation shall be carried out according to the relevant law. | |
16 | 合营期满或提前终止合营时,董事会应提出清算程序、原则和清算委员会人选,组成清算委员会,对合营公司财产进行清算。 | the board of directors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation , nominate candidates for the liquidation committee, and set up the liquidation committee for liquidating the company’s assets. | |
17 | 合营期满或提前终止合营时,董事会应提出清算程序、原则和清算委员会人选。 | Upon the expiration or termination of the joint venture before its term ends, the board of directors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation , nominate candidates for the liquidation committee | |
18 | 进行变卖商品的交易 | Trafficked in liquidation merchandise | |
19 | 进行变卖商品的交易;和匪徒做交易 | Trafficked in liquidation merchandise;traffic with gangsters. | |
20 | 那家商号自动停业清算债务. | The firm went into voluntary liquidation . | |
21 | 普通股拥有所有权的传统权利--投票权、股利分享权和清算资产的剩余产权。 | Common stock possesses the traditional rights of ownership-voting rights, participation in dividends, and a residual claim to assets in the event of liquidation . | |
22 | 其债权债务由主管部门或者清算组织负责清理。 | The department in charge or a liquidation organization shall be responsible for settling its creditor’s rights and liabilities. | |
23 | 企业法人被撤销、被宣告破产的,应当由主管机关或者人民法院组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织,进行清算 | When an enterprise as legal person is dissolved or is declared bankrupt, the competent authority or a people’s court shall organize the organs and personnel concerned to establish a liquidation organization to liquidate the enterprise. | |
24 | 企业法人解散,应当成立清算组织,进行清算 | When an enterprise as legal person is disbanded, it shall establish a liquidation organization and go into liquidation. | |
25 | 企业一旦停止经营,优先股有权要求在普通股支付之前,全额支付其票面值或较高的设定清算价值。 | If the business is terminated, the preferred stock is entitled to payment in full of its par value or a higher stated liquidation value before any payment is made on the common stock. | |
26 | 汽车金融公司因解散、依法被撤销或被宣告破产而终止的,其清算事宜,按照有关法律法规的规定办理。 | The liquidation of an auto financing company whose operation is terminated because of dissolution, closure or bankruptcy, shall be carried out in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. | |
27 | 强制破产清算,强制清算,强制性清理 | compulsory liquidation ;forced liquidation;enforced liquidation | |
28 | 清理债务完结的证明或者清算组织负责清理债权债务的文件。 | A certificate showing the completion of the clearing up of its liabilities, or a document showing that a liquidation organization will be responsible for clearing up its creditor’s rights and liabilities. | |
29 | 清算费用和清委员会成员的酬劳应从合营公司现存财产中优先支付。 | The liquidation expenses and remuneration to the members of the liquidation committee shall be paid in priority from the existing assets of the joint venture company. | |
30 | 清算结束后,合营公司应向审批机构提出报告 | On completion of the liquidation , the joint venture company shall submit a liquidation report to the original examination and approval authority, |