属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASME A 112.19.14M-2001
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:保时捷911 R正式发布
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-科学家在北极雪中发现大量微塑料颗粒
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-绿色和平组织称塑料和化学污染蔓延到南极
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-黏液可以防止细菌侵入
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-史上五大最为成功的众筹项目
1 | 中性的指定平衡溶液在每升溶液中含有一克等重溶质的 | Designating a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution. | |
2 | 装有双冲水装置的6升抽水马桶 | Six Liter Water Closets Equipped with Dual Flushing Device | |
3 | 采用4.0L平列式六缸发动机,六挡手动变速箱。 | The car contains Porsche’s 4.0-liter flat-six-cylinder engine and a six-speed manual transmission. | |
4 | 该研究发现,阿尔卑斯山脉巴伐利亚段的微塑料含量最高。采自该地区的一个雪样中每升含有15.4万个微塑料颗粒。从北极采集的雪样的含量要低很多。然而研究发现,即使采自北极的雪样中每升也含有多达1.4万个塑料颗粒。 | The study found the highest levels of microplastics came from the Bavarian Alps. One snow sample from the area had 154,000 microplastic particles per liter . Samples collected from the Arctic had much lower levels. However, even samples from the Arctic contained up to 14,000 particles per liter, the study found. | |
5 | 绿色和平组织的路易莎·卡森(Louisa Casson)表示,“每升样本中至少有一片微塑料。当我们将此问题扩大到整个南极海洋时,问题就非常显著了。” | "It was about one microplastic piece at least per liter . When you think of extrapolating that out to the scale or the Antarctic Ocean, it’s really, really significant," said Greenpeace’s Louisa Casson. | |
6 | 我们的身体每天能产生超过一升黏液。它是什么东西呢? | Our bodies can produces more than a liter of it every day. So what is it? | |
7 | 这种埃利奥汽车在高速公路上油耗为84英里每加仑,即35.7公里每升。驾驶员坐在前排座位,乘客坐在后排座位。 | The Elio car gets 84 miles per gallon (35.7 km per liter ) on the highway. The driver sits in the front seat and the passenger sits in the back seat. | |
8 | 1升95号无铅汽油: | One liter of gas, unleaded 95 octane: | |
9 | 20立升高速混合机的设计 | Design of 20 Cubic Liter High Speed Mixer Machine | |
10 | 40升(20.5加仑)树液才能熬制出1升(2品脱)糖浆。 | It takes 40 liters (20. 5 gallons) of sap to make one liter (two pints) of syrup. | |
11 | 40升的容器在150的大气压下包含6立方米的氦气。 | The 40 liter container under pressure of 150 atmospheres contains 6 cubic meters of helium. | |
12 | 661匹马力的6升V-12型发动机,使得599GTO成为法拉利史上最强劲的公路车。 | The new model’s 661-hp 6-liter V-12 makes the 599 GTO the most powerful road-going Ferrari ever. | |
13 | 6个月以后这些人被鼓励每天设法摄取一升的水分。 | After 6 months, the men urged to drink more water had managed to boost their daily fluid intake by an average of about a liter per day. | |
14 | 不同的血铅水准对儿童健康的风险有别,以下数值单位为微克每升 | Health risks in children at various blood lead levels, in micrograms per liter | |
15 | 步骤一:将2升装的汽水瓶子打开(注:减肥苏打水效果会更好,而且在打扫得时候应该会不怎么黏乎乎的) | Step one: Open the 2-liter pop bottle (note: diet soda seems to work better and is less sticky come clean-up time) | |
16 | 测量杜瓦瓶的容积最常用的单位是升。 | The most common unit of measure for the capacity of a dewar is the liter . | |
17 | 大型塑料瓶明确了其中您可以剪下顶端。我用2升矿泉水瓶。 | A large clear plastic bottle off of which you can cut the top. I used a 2 liter spring water bottle. | |
18 | 当你喝下一杯16盎司(0.5升)的冰水,身体燃烧卡路里的情况如下: | Let’s figure out exactly what you’re burning when you drink a 16-ounce (0. 5 liter ) glass of ice water: | |
19 | 当沃蓝达的电池耗尽时,1.4升四缸燃气发动机就开工带动74马力的发电机。 | When the Volt’s battery pack is discharged, the 1. 4-liter gas-powered four-cylinder engine kicks on to spin the 74-hp generator. | |
20 | 当这款汽车在欧洲于07年春季上市,它配置有奥迪越来越无所不在的4.2升V8。 | When the car is launched in the spring of 07 (that’s soon) in Europe, it will be offered with Audi’s increasingly ubiquitous 4. 2-liter V8. | |
21 | 导游把酒与一公升液体混合的罪过掩饰起来。 | The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid . | |
22 | 对不起,我正在找三公升的百事可乐,就是本周特价的那一种。 | Excuse me, I’m looking for your 3-liter Pepsis, the ones that are on sale this week. | |
23 | 该平台所有车型都与M5轿车一样搭载3.8升6缸发动机加5速(或6速)变速器的豪华配置组合。 | It had the same sumptuous 3. 8-liter six-cylinder engine and five- (or six-) speed gearbox as the M5 sedan. | |
24 | 幻影以6.75升发动机和柔软的皮革内饰作为标准。 | The Phantom comes with a 6. 75 liter engine and soft leather upholstery as standard. | |
25 | 尽管按升计算,柴油的价格高出汽油,但是,驾驶柴油驱动的汽车却更便宜。 | Even though diesel is more expensive than gasoline, liter for liter, it’s cheaper to run a diesel car. | |
26 | 据估计,2升的水才能得到商店货物架上1升的瓶装水。 | By some estimates, it takes about two liters of water to make every liter you see on store shelves. | |
27 | 例如,升的测量单位代码是L。 | For example, the unit of measure code for liter is L. | |
28 | 两个四缸发动机可供选择,包括1.4升涡轮增压版本,手动变速时可获得每加仑40英里的油耗。 | Two four-cylinder engines are available, including a 1. 4-liter turbocharged version that will get 40 mpg with a manual transmission. | |
29 | 旅行中,使用可折叠或卷曲的16盎司(大约半升)的水瓶,比其它选择更合理。 | Traveling with a 16oz (almost half liter ) water bottle that folds or rolls up simply makes more sense than any other option. | |
30 | 美国肥胖协会副总裁朱迪思·斯特恩注意到,现在发送的每杯软饮料是一升。 | Soft drinks are now delivered in one-liter cups, observesJudith Stern, vice president of the American Obesity Association. |