1 | 高雄市凹子底区域发展之地域性结构研究 | Research on Locality Structure of Regional Development of Autzuti, Kaohsiung City | |
2 | 各地方、各部门接到本通知后,要结合本地方、本部门的实际情况,认真研究、落实。 | All localities and departments shall, in accordance with the actual situation of their own locality and department, seriously study and implement this Circular after receiving it. | |
3 | 各地方、各部门要结合本地区、本部门的实际情况落实这一规定, | All localities and departments shall, in accordance with the actual situation of their own locality or department, implement those stipulations, | |
4 | 根据当地情况,风压变化范围大约是从10~15磅;英尺2。 | Depending upon locality , these vary from about 10 to 50 psf. | |
5 | 骨灰寄存设施的建设要根据当地的人口数量及分布情况,合理规划; | The construction of facilities for the storage of ashes shall be planned rationally in the light of the population and its distribution in a locality . | |
6 | 关于地点的记载 | A description of locality | |
7 | 海关要加强与地方的联系沟通和协作配合,及时解决边境贸易发展过程中出现的问题。 | The customs shall strengthen the communication and cooperation with the locality and shall handle the issues emerging during the course of the development of border trade. | |
8 | 合同中不得有违反国国家和地方环境保护法律、法规的内容。 | The contract may not contain anything that runs counter to the laws and regulations of the State or of the locality for environmental protection. | |
9 | 基于IP流本地性的状态检测性能优化方法 | Performance Optimization of State Inspection Based on IP Traffic Locality | |
10 | 基于保局投影的相关反馈算法 | Relevance Feedbacks Algorithm Based on Locality Preserving Projections | |
11 | 及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向当地环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。 | Make the situation known to such units and inhabitants as are likely to be endangered by such hazards, report the case to the competent department of environmental protection administration of the locality and the departments concerned and accept their investigation and decision. | |
12 | 家中虽不甚富贵,然本地便也推他为望族了 | Although neither very rich nor noble, their family was highly regarded in that locality . | |
13 | 剪纸艺术人像是本地传统的民间艺术。 | The paper-cutting artistic figure is a traditional folk art of this locality . | |
14 | 她善于识别方位。 | She has a good sense of locality . | |
15 | 今后,各地方、各部门设立新的执法机构,必须符合法定条件,哪个地方、哪个部门出现不符合法定条件的机关或者组织实施行政处罚的情况,要追究哪个地方或者部门领导的责任。 | From now on, lawenforcing institutions newly established by various localities and departments must be lawfully qualified, or if any locality or department has disqualified organs or organizations implement administrative punishments, the leaders of the locality or department shall be investigated for responsibility. | |
16 | 开除职工须报当地劳动人事部门备案。 | Discharging of workers shall be filed with the labor and personnel department in the locality . | |
17 | 来自某一特定地方的人 | A person from a particular locality . | |
18 | 琅玡山古称“摩陀岭”,公元281到316年间,西晋琅玡王司马曾在此屯兵,遂称“琅玡山”。 | Named Mo’Tuo’ling or Motuo Ridge in ancient times, it got its present name in the Western Jin Dynasty when in A.D. 281-316 Prince Langya, Sima Zhou by name, stationed his army in the locality | |
19 | 每到一处,查对一下这本旅行日记,就能算出早到或迟到多少时间。 | and giving a space for setting down the gain made or the loss suffered on arrival at each locality | |
20 | 美国非本土物种是指从欧洲、亚洲、非洲、南美洲、澳洲和世界的其他地方引入的物种。这也包括人为从美国一个地方移到另一个地方的物种。 | Species exotic to the U.S. include those transported from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and other parts of the world. It also includes any species moved by people from one locality in the U. S. to a new one. | |
21 | 民族自治地方的自治机关在执行公务的时候,依照本民族自治地方自治条例的规定,使用当地通用的一种或者几种语言文字。 | In performing their functions, organs of self-government of ethnic autonomous areas, in accordance with the regulations on the exercise of autonomy in those areas, employ the spoken and written language or languages in common use in the locality . | |
22 | 民族自治地方可以同时使用当地通用的一种民族文字。 | In national autonomous areas a nationality language commonly used in the locality maybe used simultaneously. | |
23 | 某一疾病在某一特定地区的发生可能暗示该病的病原学和性质。 | The occurrence of a disease in a particular locality may indicate the etiology and nature of the disease | |
24 | 那个地方的平均气温是多少? | What is the mean temperature in that locality ? | |
25 | 七、各地区、各有关部门按照本通知精神落实具体措施,方便在外留学人员回国,简化入出境手续,妥善解决留学回国人员工作、生活上的具体问题。 | 7. Each locality and each department shall, in the spirit of this Circular, adopt specific measures to make it convenient for students studying abroad to come home, simplify entry and exit formalities and make proper arrangements for work and lives of returned students. | |
26 | 企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。 | The debt repayment by a bankrupt legal entity is under the jurisdiction of the people’s court in the locality of the legal entity. | |
27 | 企业有正当理由可以使用本地或者异地地名作字号,但不得使用县以上行政区划名称作字号。 | An enterprise may use the name of the locality where it is located or that of another place as its shop name if it has proper reasons, but it may not use the name of an administrative area at or above the county levels. | |
28 | 确因客观条件所限,无法达到规定高度的,经所在地的区、县环境保护部门审批同意,可以适当降低安装高度,但空调设备托架底端距室外地面的最低高度不得小于1. 9米 。 | In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the requirement of 2.5 meters in height can by no means be met, the height of installation may be appropriately lowered with the examination and approval of the district/county environmental protection departments in the locality , but the minimum height from the ground outside to the bottom of the racks shall be no less than 1.9 meters. | |
29 | 人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。 | The People’s Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality . | |
30 | 使离开故乡;使离开原地 | To remove from a native or usual locality . |