属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
1 | 人民法院应当对不通晓当地民族通用的语言、文字的诉讼参与人提供翻译。 | The People’s Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality . | |
2 | 设置下列医疗机构,应当向设置地的区、县卫生行政部门提出申请: | For the establishment of the following medical institutions, an application shall be submitted to the District or County Public Health Administrative Department in the locality where the medical institution will be established: | |
3 | 使离开故乡;使离开原地 | To remove from a native or usual locality . | |
4 | 司机对于方位有很强的辨识力。 | A driver has a good sense / Bump of locality . | |
5 | 四级地段空置商品住宅的平均售价,由市建设委员会和市物价局核定;在四级地段安置应得的房屋建筑面积,按照本办法第五条、第六条和第七条的规定计算。 | The average selling price of unoccupied commodity houses in Grade 4 locality shall be appraised and determined jointly by the Municipal Construction Commission and the Municipal Price Control Bureau; and the construction area required for resettlement in Grade 4 locality shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 of the present Procedures. | |
6 | 他说地区的种群或居群是某一地区具有潜在杂交能力的个体的集群。 | He defines the local population or deme as the group of potentially interbreeding individuals at a given locality | |
7 | 同时,又必须充分发挥地方的积极性,各地都要有适合当地情况的特殊。 | At the same time, it is essential to bring the initiative of the local authorities into full play and let each locality enjoy the particularity suited to its local conditions | |
8 | 外国保险公司分公司只能在其所在省、自治区或者直辖市的行政辖区内开展业务。合资保险公司、独资保险公司在其住所地以外的各省、自治区、直辖市开展业务的,应当设立分公司。 | The branch of a foreign insurance company can only conduct business within the territory of the province, autonomous region or municipality where the branch is located. Where the joint-equity insurance company or wholly-owned insurance company is prepared to conduct business in any other province, autonomous region or municipality outside its locality , it shall establish a branch in the place concerned. | |
9 | 外来政客外来者,尤指外来政客,在新地区自行其是地追求地位或成功 | An outsider,especially a politician,who presumptuously seeks a position or success in a new locality . | |
10 | 为了及时掌握《办法》和《细则》的贯彻落实情况,各地税务局要指定专人负责,及时将本地区的宣传贯彻情况及存在的问题反馈给我们,以便统一研究、协调、解决; | In order to promptly grasp the situation regarding implementation of the Methods and Detailed Rules, tax authorities in various localities should assign someone to be in charge, send us a timely feedback situation regarding the locality ’s publicity and implementation and existing problems, so as to facilitate unified study, coordination and solution of these problems; | |
11 | 县级以上地方建立地方各级总工会。 | A locality at county level or above shall establish a local all-level federation of trade unions. | |
12 | 县级以上地方人民政府及其各部门,都要采取切实有效的措施加强政府法制工作机构,使政府法制工作机构的设置和人员配备同本地区、本部门的政府法制工作任务相适应,为他们开展工作创造必要条件,充分发挥他们在政府工作中的参谋、助手作用。 | People’s governments at and above county level and all their departments shall take effective actions to reinforce the institutions for government legislative affairs, make the establishments and the personnel meet the demands of the tasks of government legislative affairs of their own locality or department, create necessary conditions for them to develop the work and give full play to their role as an advisor and assistant in the government operation. | |
13 | 向当地或船舶第一到达港地的船舶检验机构、公安消防监督机关申请检验、鉴定 | To apply for inspection and appraisal with the vessel inspection agency or supervisory organs of public security and fire fighting of the locality or of the first port of arrival | |
14 | 向国家质检总局或者进口旧机电产品的收货人所在地直属出入境检验检疫局申请货物登记备案,并办理有关手续的活动。 | To SIQSAQ or the entry-exit inspection and quarantine administration under the direct control of SIQSAQ in the locality where the consignee of used mechanical and electrical products is located as well as the processing of the relevant formalities | |
15 | 小船…停靠在他因公不得不经常去的地方。 | The boat has been…detained at a locality which his duty compels him to frequent | |
16 | 协助仲裁委员会或其分会在当地安排开庭,但不从事仲裁案件的受理、收费和审理。 | The offices shall assist the Arbitration Commission or the Sub-Commission in arranging oral hearings held in their locality , but they shall not take cognizance of any case, collect fees or charges, nor shall they examine or hear any case. | |
17 | 行政案件由最初作出具体行政行为的行政机关所在地人民法院管辖 | An administrative case shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court in the locality of the administrative organ that initially undertook the specific administrative act | |
18 | 也可以由复议机关所在地人民法院管辖 | May also be placed under the jurisdiction of the people’s court in the locality of the administrative organ conducting the reconsideration | |
19 | 一处降雪表示他处有水气蒸发。 | The descent of snow in one place connotes the evaporation of water in another locality . | |
20 | 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 | The greater the population there is in a locality , the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. | |
21 | 一个地区,一个部门,如果只抓经济,不抓教育,那里的工作重点就是没有转移好,或者说转移得不完全。 | If a locality or a department pays attention only to the economy and not to education, it has failed to shift the focus of its work completely. | |
22 | 一个自然环境或地点 | A natural environment or locality . | |
23 | 医疗机构对超过规定存放期限的尸体,经医疗机构所在地的公安机关同意后,可以代为移送殡葬馆安置,有关费用由死者家属承担。 | For any corpse which is stored beyond the above regulated time limit in the mortuary, the medical institution may transport it to the funeral house for cremation instead with approval of the public security organs in the locality where the medical institution is located; and all the related expenses shall be borne by the family member of the deceased. | |
24 | 因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 | Suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality , time, issue and people involved | |
25 | 用人单位支付劳动者的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。 | The wage paid to a worker by an employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage standard of the locality . | |
26 | 由企业所在地公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》第十九条的规定处罚; | shall be punished by the public security organ in the locality of the enterprise in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of the Regulations of P.R.C.on Administrative Penalties for Public Security; | |
27 | 有的简文还记载某一月份中当地驻军粮食的消耗量。 | Some slips record the monthly grain consumption of the army stationed in that locality | |
28 | 有显著特征的地区或地方. | A region or locality marked by a distinguishing feature | |
29 | 在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,人民法院应当用当地民族通用的语言、文字进行审理和发布法律文书。 | In districts compactly inhabited by a minority nationality or by a number of nationalities, the People’s Court shall hear cases and issue legal documents in the commonly used language in the locality . | |
30 | 在少数民族聚居或者多民族杂居的地区,应当用当地通用的语言进行审讯,用当地通用的文字发布判决书、布告和其他文件。 | Where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together in one area, court hearings shall be conducted in the spoken language commonly used in the locality , and judgments, notices and other documents shall be issued in the written language commonly used in the locality. |