属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-猎手与猎物 The hunter and his pr
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
1 | 它创造了一种单条后腿跑跳的新方法,腿像活塞似地左右摆动,既有劲又稳定。 | The remarkable thing was the way he compensated for his missing appendage. He invented a new stroke for his lone rear leg,moving it piston-like from side to side to achieve both power and stability. | |
2 | 它们常于江河岛上的孤树上筑巢。虽被美国列为保育动物,但因河川污染、杀虫剂的应用及营巢地的丧失,白头海鵰的数量已大为减少。 | They nest in lone trees, often on river islands. Though still protected in the U.S., the bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species | |
3 | 我很喜欢走过那种孤寂的暗礁似的小岛的堤岸,海鸟生长在那里,没有人去骚扰它们。 | I shall delight to pass the shores of those lone rock-islets where the sea-birds live and breed unmolested | |
4 | 我们学会珍视和保卫我们热爱的孤星旗,每天下午唱国歌:“戴着锁链而活的人活得可耻”,“为祖国而死的人永垂不朽!” | We were taught to cherish and defend the beloved flag of the lone star, and to sing every afternoon the verses of our National Anthem--’To live in chains is to live in disgrace and in opprobrium’ and ’To die for one’s homeland is to live forever!’ | |
5 | 我那时便知道,国家是鲁钝的,像孤陋寡闻的富婆一样胆小,不知道分清敌友,所以我失去了对它尚存的一点尊敬,觉得它可怜。 | I saw that the State was half-witted, that it was timid o as a lone woman with her silver spoons, and that it did not know its friends from its foes, and I lost all my remaining respect for it, and pitied it | |
6 | 无论是静悄悄的原野上寂寞的羊铃声,还是田园乡村中美的闪耀,还是过路人眼中的灵光一现,人心都会明白,并且作出反应,追上前去。 | Whether it be the tinkle of a lone sheep bell o’er some quiet landscape, or the glimmer of beauty in sylvan places, or the show of soul in some passing eye, the heart knows and makes answer, following. | |
7 | 县里唯一的一个医生 | The lone doctor in the county. | |
8 | 形单影只的骑手(旅行者). | a lone rider (traveller) | |
9 | 一旦FCAM提出合理要求,Y作为合资公司的一方同意向墨西哥经理和其他人员或FCAM主要雇员提供由Y组织进行的现行培训计划的合作。 | Upon reasonable request of FCAM, Y as the joint venture partner, agrees to render cooperation to FCAM by allowing Mexican managers and other staff or key employees of FCAM access to current training programs lone by Y. | |
10 | 一缕孤云在蓝天中飘流。 | A lone cloud floated in the blue sky. | |
11 | 一支筷子容易断,十支筷子抱成团 | The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf | |
12 | 一只孤单的海鸥从空中飞过。 | A lone gull flew across the sky. | |
13 | 一只孤单的海鸥飞过天空。 | A lone gull flew across the sky | |
14 | 一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。 | A lone sea gull flew across the sky. | |
15 | 一只孤独无伴的大秃鹫翱翔在安第斯山峰的上空。 | A lone condor soared above the andean peaks. | |
16 | 营救队船长急切地要求再组织一批营救队寻找那个孤单的幸存者。 | Frantically, the captain called for another volunteer team to go after the lone survivor. | |
17 | 忧愁的哨兵走向岗哨。 | The lone sentinel walked toward his post. | |
18 | 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。 | In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. | |
19 | 在投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马的去干 | When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand. | |
20 | 在投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马地去干 | When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand | |
21 | 在这个团体里作为一名孤独的反对者,她正在逆思潮而为 | As the lone dissenter in the group,she was going against the flow of opinion. | |
22 | 终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林. | I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world. | |
23 | 醉卧不知白日暮,有时空望孤云高。 | Flat you lie, tipsy, forgetting the white sun; but now and then you open your eyes and gaze at a high lone cloud. | |
24 | 作为配体的分子或离子应该有具有作给予用的孤电子对。 | Molecules or ions which act as ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation | |
25 | ||1: 虽然举着“结束美联储”标语牌的一个年轻人被描述为“支持Ron Paul(共和党众议员,于2008年竞选总统失败,并计划参加2012年总统竞选。主张建立小政府,撤销美联储等许多美国政府机构,反对全民医保,曾著有《结束美联储》一书)的人”,而且Ron Paul这位有望获胜的自由意志共和党候选人拥有不少支持者,但是抗议的总体基调是偏左的。 ||2: 民主党民意调查员Doug Schoen调查了200位参与者后发现其中大部分人就美国主流价值观念而言思想偏左。 ||3:几乎是所有人(98%)都认为他们都将采用不合作主义达成目标,几乎有三分之一(31%)的人认为有必要的话将采用暴力。 | ||1: The general tone is left-wing, though a lone youth with an “End the Fed” placard is described as a “Ron Paul person”, and the libertarian Republican presidential hopeful has at least a handful of supporters there. ||2: Doug Schoen, a pollster for the Democrats, surveyed 200 participants and found most were well to the left of the American mainstream. ||3: Virtually all (98%) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31%) would use violence if necessary. | |
26 | ||1:德米特里·杜德科神父开始认识到前苏联大的系统正是国家症结所在。||2:1977年,他向“纽约时报”讲道,说“罪恶的风暴”搅得这个国家天翻地覆。||3:“我们的国家腐败透顶,家庭支离破碎,我们的国家此时就像一个醉汉,卖国贼之间互相叛变。”他没说错。||4:不过,70年代后期国际紧张关系不再处在缓和状态,西方国家不再顾及名声。||5:在脆弱不堪的前苏联领导层面看来,甚至一个单独具有独立思想的神父也成了实实在在并且不能再坐视不管的威胁。||6:异见运动还没孵化就遭到有计划的打击——监禁、流放、强加精神病罪名亦或异见者家人承受着不堪重负的压力。 | ||1: He began to see the Soviet system as the source of his country’s ills. ||2: In 1977 he told the New York Times of the “diabolic storm” that had broken on his country. ||3: “Our nation has become corrupted, the family has fallen apart, the nation has got drunk, traitors have betrayed each other.” That was true. ||4: But by the late 1970s detente was ending. Fame in the West was no protection. ||5: Even a lone independent-minded priest was an existential—and intolerable—threat for the brittle Soviet leadership. ||6: The fledgling dissident movement was systematically crushed—by imprisonment, exile, coercive psychiatry or ferocious pressure on family members. | |
27 | ||1:令人惊叹的还有这位摄影家强烈庄重的构图感,比如1948年在中国拍摄的照片。||2:摄影总监对作品的选择看似有几分奇特,图片说明平添了一点尴尬。||3:例如,有一个部分介绍了卡蒂埃·布列松对“美国人的粗俗、贪婪和种族主义”的批评。||4:观众对20世纪种种变化的非凡记录所震撼:工业化的崛起、殖民主义的衰落、重商主义的蔓延和世界秩序的天翻地覆,一切都被一个人和他的照相机收入眼底。 | ||1: There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture the photographer’s powerful sense of formal composition. ||2: Some of the curator’s choices seem a bit odd and the written descriptions, which add little, are occasionally heavy-handed. ||3: One section, for instance, is introduced as Cartier-Bresson’s criticism of “American vulgarity, greed and racism”. ||4: But the visitor is left with a remarkable chronicle of the transformations of the 20th century—the rise of industrialisation, the fall of colonialism, the spread of commercialism and the grand-scale shift in world order—all captured by a lone man and his camera. | |
28 | 据说一部新法将于1月生效, | A new law, which supposedly came into effect on January 9th, allows a lone business-owner to set up an Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada: | |
29 | 要求可能放宽了些。据说一部新法将于1月生效,其中允许一人设立有限责任公司(简称Eireli)。 | Things may have just got a little easier. A new law, which supposedly came into effect on January 9th, allows a lone business-owner to set up an Empresa Individual de Responsabilidade Limitada (Eireli for short): a single-holder limited-liability firm. | |
30 | “(当时)直觉告诉我他没有得到应得的评价,但我也不能肯定他就是一个独行侠,”他说。 | "My gut tells me he didn’t get his due, but I’m not sure he was a complete Lone Ranger, either, " he said. |