属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最粗鲁的裁汰 The cruellest cut
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第21期:怎么知道自己在做梦
1 | 这部书对经典电动力学讲解得非常透彻。 | This book provides an exceptionally lucid treatment of classical electrodynamics | |
2 | ||1: 其中一些就是关于 Bragg阁下的,在英国他是众多谗言攻击的目标,那些诋毁他的人经常毫不掩饰地表现出对他的成功和他所从事的纯粹行业的嫉妒(除了其他工作,他还是一个多产作家和电台主持人)。 ||2:在这里他看上去似乎是一个思路清晰柔顺的分析者,对不同艺术流派及其变化发展有着颇具价值的看法;他了解电视和电影的相对优势,例如,两者表演方法的各自魔力。||3:他善于察言观色,是访谈技巧方面的大师:有张有驰,亦紧亦松,收放自如。 | ||1: One is about Lord Bragg. In Britain he is the target of much backbiting, often motivated by ill-disguised envy for his success and his sheer industry (he is a prolific writer and radio presenter, among other commitments). ||2: Here he comes across as a lucid , supple and valuable analyst of many artistic genres and their varying different potential; he is good on the relative merits of television and film, for example, and on the alchemy of acting. ||3: He is a fine reader of faces, and a useful tutor in the craft of interviews: when to press, when to sit back, when to needle and when to leave be. | |
3 | ||1:约翰·加迪斯掌握着几十年里符合自己观点的资源,所创作出的传记引人入胜又清晰明了。||2:传记的前半部读起来几乎就是一部小说的翻版。||3:读者们一起与乔治·凯南在纳粹兴起时造访德国;1931年在挪威,一起与这位笨拙的青年会见之后陪伴了他73载未婚妻的父母;1933年与之一起建立美国第一个驻苏联大使馆;和他一道与希特勒一起来到捷克斯洛伐克并目睹了第二次世界大战;之后又一块在斯大林对其俄语技巧令人起鸡皮疙瘩般的恭维下于1945年返回莫斯科。||4:而描写乔治·凯南事业取得重大突破的章节—在1946年通过其从莫斯科发往华盛顿的5,000字“长电”,一举改写了美国外交政策—尤为精彩。||5:就如同乔治·凯南自己给自己的评价一样:“功成名就,四海扬声。” | ||1: Mr Gaddis has mastered the sources that came his way over the decades. The resulting biography is engaging and lucid . ||2: The first half of the book almost has the sweep of a novel. ||3: Readers join Kennan in Germany as the Nazis rise; in Norway in 1931 as the awkward young man meets the parents of his fiancée, to whom he would remain married for 73 years; in the Soviet Union in 1933 as he establishes the first American embassy; in Czechoslovakia as Adolf Hitler arrives and the world descends into another war; and back in Moscow again in 1945 when he receives skin-crawling personal compliments from Joseph Stalin on his Russian language skills. ||4: The chapter detailing Kennan’s breakthrough—achieved by redesigning American foreign policy at a stroke, via his 5,000-word “Long Telegram” from Moscow to Washington, DC, in 1946—is particularly gripping. ||5: As he himself put it: “My reputation was made. My voice now carried.” | |
4 | ||1:在当今政治阴谋得以明目张胆之时,看看在更谨慎的年代人们是如何尔虞我诈的不失为一种有趣的作法。||2:然而,读者朋友们可能希望关于他俩对彼此看法的篇幅不要占的过大。||3:所有的这些流言蜚语似乎占据了宝贵的空间:比如苏伊士运河危机只占了不到两页;1953年伊朗政变和关于美国经济的重要细节全被忽略了。||4:本书作者明晰而风趣地讲述了一个引人入胜的故事。||5:但作为一部历史著作,本书还有些不尽如人意的地方。 | ||1:At a time when political machinations are all too overt, it is entertaining to learn about the wheeling and dealing during a more discreet age.||2:Yet readers may wish less space was devoted to how Dick felt about Ike, and then how Ike felt about Dick.||3:All this gossip seems to take up valuable space: the Suez crisis, for example, covers no more than two pages.The Iran coup and important details about America’s economy are missed out altogether.||4:Mr Frank tells an absorbing story in a breezy, lucid way.||5:But as a work of history, the book leaves something to be desired. | |
5 | 我想你只知道那是不是清醒梦,是吧?否则,你会醒过来,然后意识到自己刚才是在做梦。 | I guess you only know, really, if it’s a lucid dream, right? Otherwise, you just wake up, then, then you realize you were dreaming. | |
6 | 《盗梦空间》里清醒地做梦的主人公们可以控制别人的梦吗? | Can The Lucid Dreaming Heroes Of "Inception" Take Over The Dreams Of Others? | |
7 | LucidSpec可以模拟软件的运行状态,这可以帮助设计者和用户发现遗漏或者错误的需求。 | Lucid Spec allows you to see a simulation of the application running. This helps you and your users find missing or inaccurate requirements. | |
8 | Ubuntu10.04LTS(LucidLynx)的另外一个重要目标就是加快启动速度使之大约或小于10秒! | Another important goal for the Ubuntu 10. 04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) release will be to improve the startup speed to about or less than 10 seconds! | |
9 | 不幸的是,这位瑜伽修行人描述自己观点时往往含糊不清。 | The yogi, unfortunately, is somewhat less than lucid when it comes to describing his insights. | |
10 | 但对我们当中越来越多的人来说,随着做清醒梦的人数迅速增多,这一情节正在成为现实。 | But for more and more of us, it is becoming a reality, with the number of people experiencing lucid dreams rising rapidly. | |
11 | 但清醒的梦中的一切仍然是你自己意识的一部分。 | But everything in the lucid dream is still a subset of your own mind. | |
12 | 当发现他的神志是清醒的时候,我说:“休,我的演讲还不够好,没有让所有的人都犯心脏病!” | After I realized he was lucid , I said, Hugh, the speech wasn’t good enough to give anyone a heart attack! | |
13 | 当我坐在沙发里时,我又做了另外一番思考,稍纵即逝却又印象深刻。 | Another meditation went so deep that it actually slid into a lucid dream while I was sitting on the couch. | |
14 | 对象继承最好应用于行为而非数据(请参见[Auer]对这个问题透彻的论证)。 | Object inheritance is best applied to behavior, not data (see [Auer] for a lucid argument on this point). | |
15 | 发现清醒梦境很普遍,但是游戏者从来没有控制其梦境本身以外东西的梦。 | It found that lucid dreams were common, but that the gamers never had dream control over anything beyond their dream selves. | |
16 | 芳香的好奇的表达清楚的视力有气无力的动作短暂的辛辣的气味知识接触味道 | redolent smell curious knowledge lucid sight torpid motion ephemeral touch piquant taste aromatic odoriferous evanescent meteoric transitory | |
17 | 结论:透明隔囊肿所致精神障碍的患者易被误诊,对其治疗方法尚需进一步探讨。 | Conclusion: It is suggested that mental disorder caused by lucid septum cyst is apt to be misdiagnosed and should be studied further. | |
18 | 她之前已经在清醒的梦方面有集中研究,在清醒的梦里,人们能认识得到他们在梦里。 | She had previously focused on studying lucid dreams, in which people have awareness of being in a dream. | |
19 | 尽可能易懂(“我只知道一条规则:写的清晰明了,”司汤达说)。简单句很有帮助。 | Do your best to be lucid ( "I see but one rule: to be clear" , Stendhal). Simple sentences help. | |
20 | 镜像神经元究竟有什么作用:有关镜像神经元如何作用的精彩而又透彻的的分析。 | What mirror neurons are really doing. A fascinating, lucid analysis of how mirror neurons work--even in species that don’t mimic. | |
21 | 可以肯定地说,清醒梦会给你带来全新的体验。 | It’s safe to say that lucid dreams are unlike anything else you’ve ever experienced. | |
22 | 灵芝及其相关制剂对癌症康复作用的调查分析 | Investigating Analysis on Effects of Lucid Ganoderma and Its Related Preparations upon Recovery from Cancer | |
23 | 你可以在任何时间按照你的方式来进入清醒梦。 | This should get you on your way to lucid dreaming in no time. | |
24 | 破壁灵芝孢子油急性毒性与致突变性的研究 | Experimental study of the acute toxicity and mutation of broken cellwall lucid ganoderma spore | |
25 | 清晰的脉络和生动的例子使非专业人士也能很容易就读懂这本书。 | Lucid prose and vivid examples make the book admirably accessible to non-specialists. | |
26 | 清醒梦真实得让你觉得你是在醒着的时候飞行一样。 | And with lucid dreaming it feels just as real as if I were doing it while awake. | |
27 | 如何安装:在Lucid之前的Ubuntu版本中GIMP都被预先安装,现在这款软件同样可以在软件中心或者Synapic中获得。 | To Install: It came pre-installed in Ubuntu before Lucid , now you can install it from the Software Centre or Synaptic. | |
28 | 神志清醒的做梦者从中获得了巨大的享受,我会在本文末尾向你展示你也可以做到的方法。 | Lucid dreamers do it with great relish, and I’ll show you a way you can do it, too, at the end of this piece. | |
29 | 实际上,至少在清醒梦中研究者们已经发现了一些证据,当做梦者处于意识清醒状态时,对时间的认知的确会发生类似的变化。 | In fact there is some evidence that in lucid dreams, at least, the perception of time in similar to that when the dreamer is awake. | |
30 | 试论升发少阳清气 | On Ascending Lucid Qi of Shaoyang |