属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波罗申科接任乌克兰总理 比利时警方逮捕布鲁塞
1 | 把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了 | It is ludicrous to call a simple split-level house a mansion. | |
2 | 悲痛的悲伤的,低沉的或消沉的,尤其是达到一种夸张或荒谬可笑的程度 | Mournful,dismal,or gloomy,especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree. | |
3 | 彻底的,常指可笑的失败. | a total, often ludicrous failure. | |
4 | 彻底失败彻底的,常指可笑的失败 | A total,often ludicrous failure. | |
5 | 滑稽动作滑稽夸张的动作或姿势;怪诞动作 | A ludicrous or extravagant act or gesture;a caper. | |
6 | 荒谬或拙劣的人,傻子 | A ludicrous or bumbling person;a fool. | |
7 | 可笑的事有趣的或滑稽可笑的事情或局面 | An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation. | |
8 | 老妇人穿着她女儿的衣服,看上去很滑稽。 | The old woman looked ludicrous in her daughter’s clothes. | |
9 | 牧师还没来得及庆贺他刚刚战胜了诱惑,便又觉察到了一次冲动,这次冲动如前几次一样可怕,只是更加无稽。 | Before the minister had time to celebrate his victory over this last temptation, he was conscious of another impulse, more ludicrous , and almost as horrible. | |
10 | 奇形怪状的,奇异的以滑稽可笑或不协调的扭曲为特征的,如其外貌或举止 | Characterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion,as of appearance or manner. | |
11 | 人是不是从来都那么卑鄙、任性、愚笨、忧郁、狂妄、不懂艺术、荒谬绝伦、道德败坏,如他们在中世纪的玛格丽特所指的中世纪一样呢? | Had people ever been as nasty, as self-indulgent, as dull, as miserable, as cocksure, as bad at art, as dismally ludicrous or as wrong as they’d been in the Middle Age-Margaret’s way of referring to the Middle Ages? | |
12 | 身为指挥官,却被怀疑举止失常,荒唐可笑,虽然与己不利但这些毕竟还是小事。 | These are trifling instances, though it’s to no commander’s advantage to be suspected of ludicrous eccentricities | |
13 | 书写与歧视-“夜郎自大”现象与少数民族历史的异化 | The Writing and Prejudice: Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang and History Narration of National Minorities | |
14 | 似闹剧的;荒唐的 | Resembling a farce;ludicrous . | |
15 | 他的演讲中有许多可笑的错误。 | He made many ludicrous mistakes in his speech. | |
16 | 他们是一群行踪诡秘,为人荒唐可笑的乌合之众(约翰·西蒙) | A motley crew they are,their doings as dark as they are ludicrous (John Simon) | |
17 | 突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果。 | bathos:an abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect. | |
18 | 突降法一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果 | An abrupt,unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace,producing a ludicrous effect. | |
19 | 威尔?拉迪斯拉夫先生这种滑稽感使他的脸变得满面春风。 | Mr. Will Ladislaw’s sense of the ludicrous lit up his features very agreeably | |
20 | 我们每次都得出示通行证,这太可笑了。 | It is ludicrous that we have to show our pass each time. | |
21 | 西影的<黑炮事件>是一部充满讽刺意味的影片,它讲述的是一只棋子失踪后由于荒唐可笑的误会而引起的一连串事件。 | "The Black Cannon Incident"", a satire, was made there in which a ludicrous misunderstanding, about a missing chess piece produces a whole series of costly repercussion." | |
22 | 小丑,丑角旧时喜剧中滑稽可笑的角色,他们愚笨地来模仿小丑的把戏 | A ludicrous ,buffoonish character in old comedies who attempts feebly to mimic the tricks of the clown. | |
23 | 小丑的荒唐得滑稽可笑的表演. | the ludicrous acts of a clown | |
24 | 笑剧古希腊和古罗马的一种戏剧表演形式,剧中类似的人物或情景在舞台上以闹剧表演出来,通常伴有粗俗的对白和荒唐可笑的动作 | A form of ancient Greek and Roman theatrical entertainment in which familiar characters and situations were farcically portrayed on stage,often with coarse dialogue and ludicrous actions. | |
25 | 因此,我现在可以想像得到,在北京的那些外国记者们,仍然在用他们灵敏的新闻鼻子,拼命闻嗅着那些可笑的"内幕消息"。 | I can imagine foreign journalists in Beijing trying hard to sniff out ludicrous "inside stories" | |
26 | 这是一个多么可笑的想法! | What a ludicrous idea! | |
27 | 真好笑;真荒唐. | That is ludicrous or preposterous | |
28 | ||1:他从未忘记自己根源于沙漠游牧者和牧牛者。||2:尽管他在可笑的的黎波里总部装饰镀金美人鱼和白色钢琴,但是他更偏爱在帐篷里生活,出国旅游时还常随身带着。||3:不穿制服时,他就身着一件飘逸长袍。||4:他修筑了最宏伟的工程-大人工河,把南部的地下水引到北方城市。||5:宝石绿是他最爱的颜色,不仅出现在各种旗帜上,还出现在绿皮书以及广告牌上。||6:他所倡导的社会主义,从根本上来讲基于沙漠财产与牧地共有的传统。||7:他极力推崇军队建设,因为他心怀感激,感谢军队帮他这个穷孩子进入上层社会,实现雄心壮志。 | ||1:He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.||2:Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.||3:When not in uniform, he wore flowing robes.||4:His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.||5:Precious green was his colour, in flags, Book and billboards.||6:His socialism, at root, was based in desert customs of shared property and grazing land.||7:His deep devotion to the army was the gratitude of a poor boy who had used it as a ladder to higher social rank and more grandiose ambitions. | |
29 | ||1:土耳其正式要求德国对喜剧演员简·伯默尔曼(Jan Bohmermann)提起公诉。||2:因其作诗讽刺土总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)有“恋兽癖”这种荒唐的乱欲行为。根据德国刑法规定,侮辱外国元首可被判处最高3年监禁,这一法律之前基本没有用到过。||3:德国与土耳其的关系日益密切,但这场风波给两国关系提出了挑战。 | ||1:Turkey formally requested that Germany prosecute a comedian who ridiculed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.||2:Under a little-used German law criminalising the defamation of foreign leaders, Jan Bohmermann faces up to three years in prison for a poem that involved ludicrous sexual innuendoes regarding Mr Erdogan and animals.||3:The row complicates Germany’s increasingly important relationship with Turkey. | |
30 | ||1:在2016年与希拉里·克林顿的辩论中,特朗普就已经逼近了规则的底线。他打断希拉里讲话、进行人身威胁(并承诺要将她关进监狱)。||2:而这次在克利夫兰,特朗普更是无视规则。||3:他对乔·拜登进行打断、反驳和诋毁,甚至有时也会打断主持人。||4:他事事挑剔、皱着眉头、怒不可遏、冷嘲热讽。||5:他的满腹牢骚和凶狠至极让人害怕。||6:也同样很可笑。||7:如果他不是美国总统,这可能一度看起来很滑稽。 | ||1:Debating Hillary Clinton in 2016, Mr Trump strained the rules to the limit; he interrupted and physically intimidated his opponent (and promised to jail her).||2:In Cleveland he largely ignored them.||3:He interrupted, contradicted and traduced Joe Biden, and sometimes also the moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News.||4:He cavilled and scowled; he huffed and he ranted.||5:The ferocity of his claimed grievances was formidable.||6:It was also ludicrous .||7:It might once even have seemed comical, were he not America’s president. |