属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-美国穆斯林学院在期望与疑虑中诞生
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-睡眠与月相 精神失常?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-睡眠与月相 精神失常?
1 | 一个患了精神病的疯子. | a lunatic suffering from an illness of the mind | |
2 | 一群游客被领着参观一所疯人院。 | A party of visitors were being shown round a lunatic asylum. | |
3 | 在她40年代的作品中,自编自演的独舞--《瑶人鼓舞》、《哑子背疯》等颇具影响。 | In the 1940s, she herself produced and performed solo dances such as "Yao Drum" and "The Dumb Shouldering a Lunatic ", which exerted a tremendous influence. | |
4 | 在无数网站、书籍和接近抓狂的边缘团体推波助澜下,猫王的传奇自一九七七年以来越传越盛。 | The elvis legend has been inflated since 1977, pumped up by innumerable websites, books and fringe groups that border on the lunatic | |
5 | 在这三天中,汉娜·莱契有足够的机会目睹地下疯人院里的疯子生活,其实,她自己也参加了这种生活。 | During those three days Hanna Reitsch had ample opportunity to observe the lunatic life in the underground madhouse--indeed, she participated in it | |
6 | 这个疯子向我猛攻。 | The lunatic flew at me | |
7 | 这个镇上的人们称他为疯子。 | People in this town know him as a lunatic . | |
8 | 这就好比鲁迅《狂人日记》里的主人公那样,在当时封建社会的人们眼里,他是个不懂得礼教条规的狂人。 | The hero in A Madman’s Diary, a well-known story by the late Chinese writer Lu Xun, was a lunatic in the eyes of other people. | |
9 | 这四辆马车不妨说是四所流动的疯人院,各院病人表现出不同程度不同方式的精神错乱。 | These four brakes might fitly be regarded as so many travelling lunatic asylums, the inmates of each exhibiting different degrees and forms of mental disorder | |
10 | ||1:其他国家看德国的眼神里带有一丝惊奇,些许厌恶,幸灾乐祸。||2:德国理应维护欧洲供电的稳定,现今却用廉价出售琢磨不定的风能、太阳能给邻国添堵。||3:对多数人而言,能源转型计划就是用德国强大的制造业来进行一场疯狂的赌博。||4:然而一旦有所回报,德国将创建另一个世界级行业,“赌徒们”如是说。||5:在所有发达国家中,德国是唯一“有方法、有决心完成能源基础设施交错转型”的国家,德意志银行的分析师Mark Lewis说道。 | ||1:The rest of the world watches with wonder, annoyance—and anticipatory Schadenfreude.||2:Rather than stabilising Europe’s electricity, Germany plagues neighbours by dumping unpredictable surges of wind and solar power.||3:To many theEnergiewende is a lunatic gamble with the country’s manufacturing prowess.||4:But if it pays off Germany will have created yet another world-beating industry, say the gamblers.||5:Alone among rich countries Germany has “the means and will to achieve a staggering transformation of the energy infrastructure”, says Mark Lewis, an analyst at Deutsche Bank. | |
11 | 但他表示,该学院的反对者只代表了少数美国人的意见,这是他们对一小撮伊斯兰狂热极端分子做出的反应。 | But he says opponents of the college represent a minority opinion in the United States. He says they are reacting to a small group of extremists -- a "lunatic fringe" -- in the Islamic community. | |
12 | 格雷格·雅培用一只手与冠状病毒作斗争,用另一只手搏斗政党极端分子团体 | Greg Abbott is battling the coronavirus with one hand and his party’s lunatic fringe with the other | |
13 | 现代科学出现以前,这种情况被称作月色撩人或者痴狂。 | In prescientific days this was expressed in terms like moonstruck and lunatic . | |
14 | 月亮运转周期对其他物种也影响,这并不是异想天开。 | Lunar cycles exist in other species so this is not, as it were, a lunatic idea. | |
15 | 4例住院精神病人并发糖尿病的治疗体会 | Experience in treatment of 4 lunatic inpatients complicated with diabetes | |
16 | 从疯癫人物看莎士比亚悲剧中的基督教情结 | On Christian Complex in Shakespeare’s Tragedies from the Lunatic Characters | |
17 | 但是排位第二的严重恐怖袭击,俄克拉荷马市爆炸案,则是一个完完全全的美国疯子所为。 | But the second worst, the Oklahoma City bombing, was perpetrated by an all-American lunatic . | |
18 | 对一位当地的评论家SasoOrdanoski而言,“斯科普里2014”是一个“丑陋的,浪费钱财的,建筑美学上失败和政治上精神错乱的计划。” | For Saso Ordanoski, a local commentator, Skopje 2014 is an "ugly, money-wasting, architecturally failed and politically lunatic project. " | |
19 | 而且,这一次,除了认为敌方是真正的极端主义国家外,没有对他们进行任何理想化。 | And this time, there is no idealisation of the enemy outside of a truly lunatic fringe. | |
20 | 房屋价值的剧增不仅史无前例,更是明显地表现出无比的疯狂。 | The run-up in values was not just unprecedented, it was obviously lunatic . | |
21 | 疯人院里有一个精神病患者守着一个干涸了的池塘在钓鱼。一个护士从旁边经过,看到这一幕觉得很好笑,便走上去逗弄他。 | A patient in a lunatic asylum is fishing in a dry pond when a nurse passing by tries to tease him. | |
22 | 盖瑞是神经病。他老是疯疯癫癫的。 | Gary is a lunatic . He is always acting crazy. | |
23 | 或许我从没有爱过,对于我要谈论的事情一无所知,或者我就是个疯子。 | Maybe I’ve never really been in love and I have no idea what I’m talking about, or perhaps I’m just a lunatic . | |
24 | 她怎么能够解释清楚,那些木头块不是她的,那样听起来不会像个疯子吗? | How could she explain that the blocks weren’t hers without sounding like a lunatic ? | |
25 | 今天,很多人会唾弃此类极端种族主义的言论,认为这些言论只是来自一小撮右翼癫狂人士。 | Today, many would dismiss such crudely racist views as belonging to a tiny right-wing lunatic fringe. | |
26 | 美国税法极其愚蠢的复杂性,证明了立法机关的无能。 | The lunatic complexity of the US tax code is proof of legislative incompetence. | |
27 | 如果你试图单挑,和你的疯狂老板对峙,你就是在玩火。 | You’re playing with fire if you intend to fly solo and confront your lunatic boss. | |
28 | 如果相关指控属实,那么这位能干的人就是个疯子。 | If the charges are true, this capable man is a lunatic . | |
29 | 如果有个带枪的疯子,一切可能全被改变。 | One lunatic with a gun could have changed everything. | |
30 | 通过这些,我们就能知道什么是习惯性的犯罪,什么是疯子,什么是动物,什么是邪恶的东西。 | By them we may know what the state of the habitual criminal is, what the state of the lunatic , the animal, the devil is. |