属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西巴尔干半岛和欧盟 请排队等候
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雅虎 谷歌前高管出任雅虎新总裁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-通货膨胀 价格是一块心病
1 | ||1:幸运的是,西巴尔干半岛将很快会在布鲁塞尔获得一个新同盟:将负责欧盟外交政策最高级代表的意大利人Federica Mogherini。||2:与哈恩的国家一样,她的国家,对巴尔干半岛十分了解,也明白扩大问题是一种安全问题。||3:一个稳定的巴尔干半岛是世界的财富,但是一个动乱又贫穷的巴尔干半岛很可能会输出犯罪和移民甚至陷入战争。||4:斯洛伐克外交部长Miroslav Lajcak表示,对于容克来说,欧盟扩大显然不是应该优先考虑的事情,但是欧盟扩大也不必引起无故恐慌。||5:就像Elmar Brok—欧洲议会外交事务委员会主席—总结的那样,他们只需要做好自己分内的事就好。 | ||1:Luckily the western Balkans will shortly acquire one new ally in Brussels: Federica Mogherini, the Italian who is to be the EU’s high representative for foreign policy.||2:Her country, like Mr Hahn’s, knows the Balkans well and understands that enlargement is a security issue.||3:A stable Balkans is an asset for all, but an unstable and poor one could export crime and migrants or even lurch back into conflict.||4:For Mr Juncker, says Miroslav Lajcak, the Slovak foreign minister, enlargement is clearly not a priority; but this need not cause the Balkans undue alarm.||5:As Elmar Brok, chairman of the European Parliament’s foreign-affairs committee gruffly sums up, they just need to do their homework. | |
2 | ||1:在失去他们的运气之后,原来一帆风顺的科技公司能重振旗鼓的寥寥无几——不过也有一些例外,比如史蒂夫·乔布斯在1997年第二次回归后的苹果公司。||2:通常,当他们的财富缩水时,境遇不佳的公司会突然撤换领导,更改解决方案。||3:在这三年中,包括两位临时的CEO,现任的是第五位,而这一直是雅虎公司迄今为止的命运。 | ||1:After losing their mojo, formerly high-flying tech firms rarely recover it-with a few notable exceptions, such as Apple after Steve Jobs’s second coming as boss in 1997.||2:Often, ailing companies lurch from one leader and rescue plan to another while their fortunes fade.||3:That has been the fate so far of Yahoo!, which is now on to its fifth chief executive, including two interim ones, in three years. | |
3 | 通常情况下,一旦光华褪去,身处困境的公司就会不停地撤换领导、更改营救计划。 | Often, ailing companies lurch from one leader and rescue plan to another while their fortunes fade. | |
4 | 最显著的下降发生在欧元区,那里年通胀率由一年前的2.5%在9月份掉到1.1%,在10月份掉到0.7%。 | A downward lurch has been most notable in the euro area, where annual inflation dropped from an already low 1.1% in September to 0.7% in October; a year ago it stood at 2.5%. | |
5 | 大家乱作一团,公债发行量慢慢呈现病态地上升,恐惧从股市蔓延到货币流通。 | As panic sets in, bond yields lurch sickeningly upwards and fear spreads to shares and currencies. | |
6 | 但就在他讲话时,有消息传到该酒店的豪华舞厅:市场再次遭遇下挫。 | But as he talked, word reached the hotel’s opulent ballroom that the market had taken another downward lurch . | |
7 | 但是,1997年,一个美国研究小组公布一项针对17000名女孩进行的研究表明,青春期发育年龄快速下降。 | In 1997, however, a group of American researchers published a study of 17, 000 girls that showed a sudden lurch in the age of puberty. | |
8 | 但是俄罗斯的蹒跚而上的税收貌似对这个国家的啤酒商异常苛刻,而这些啤酒商的80%都是外资或部分外资企业。 | But the upward lurch in Russia’s taxes seems particularly rough on the country’s brewers, 80% of which are wholly or partly foreign-owned. | |
9 | 但在现实中,倾向于上下浮动,是市场的本质。 | But in reality the market is intrinsically prone to leap and lurch . | |
10 | 但这也不可行:你的朋友几乎肯定会被你的继任者解雇,而你也会陷入困境。 | But this wouldn’t do either: your friend would almost certainly get fired by your successor, and you’d be in the lurch , too. | |
11 | 对大学里女人头巾有一种新的宽容并不意味着对奸妇就得立马乱石相向。 | A new tolerance of the headscarf in universities does not imply a sudden lurch into stoning adulteresses. | |
12 | 而像马来西亚反对党所经历的那样,连失三名议员,外再一名高级官员则不能不说是“巨大倒退”。 | To lose three, along with a senior official, as has happened to Malaysia’s opposition, looks like a big lurch backwards. | |
13 | 国家政府(对待移民的态度)似乎会从自满转变成敌对,这就要取决于国家的经济和民调了。 | National governments seem to lurch from complacency to hostility depending on the state of the economy, and opinion polls. | |
14 | 哈德利称,依靠“几个贤人”与军队治国已使国家处于困境,无人看顾。 | Relying on "a few good men" and the army to steer the country has left it in the lurch , says Mr Handley. | |
15 | 今年迄今,美中两国还没走到爆发贸易与汇率战争的危险地步。 | This year has not been a catastrophic lurch into trade and currency war. | |
16 | 每个国家只要预算平衡,或者在经济良好时有所盈余,就不会有经济滑坡之虞。 | Each country would insure itself against a downward lurch in its economy by running a balanced budget or, in good times, a surplus. | |
17 | 民主道路上骤然左倾是完全可以避免的恶果。 | says a lurch to the left could be a necessary evil on the path to democracy. | |
18 | 频繁的操作系统更新也意味着频繁的应用更新,这可能让某些用户困扰,因为它们的应用不再正常工作。 | Frequent OS updates mean frequent app updates, leaving some users in the lurch when their apps no longer work as expected. | |
19 | 然而,他们更加同情业界的关注:投资者避开浮动基金资产净值,使得借贷人举步蹒跚。 | But they have grown more sympathetic to industry concerns that investors would shun floating-NAV funds, leaving borrowers in the lurch . | |
20 | 人类幸福的大敌总是伺机进行破坏的。 | The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch . | |
21 | 如果工党失去了它的腹地,那么联合王国内剩余的力量就会右倾,倒向根基稳固、占大多数的托利党之下。 | If Labour loses its hinterland, what remains of the union might lurch to the right under an entrenched Tory majority. | |
22 | 如今,所有这些泡沫都已破灭,令依赖泡沫的世界陷入一片困境。 | Now all of these bubbles have burst, leaving a bubble- dependent world in the lurch . | |
23 | 时至今日,在欧盟委员会的控制下,这些曲线图正在踉踉跄跄的走着下坡路,惨不忍睹。 | For those at the mercy of the European Commission, they now all lurch sickeningly downward. | |
24 | 事实上,在秋季出现向下走势之前,公司债券息差确实在本年初缓缓上升。 | Indeed, corporate-bond spreads did edge higher earlier this year, before taking another downward lurch in the autumn. | |
25 | 是地球倾向左边引起了发生在2010年2月27日星期六下午1:34分的智利地震吗? | Could a lurch to the left have caused the Chile quake which occurred at 1: 34 am on Saturday, February 27, 2010? | |
26 | 双方都希望彼此间的合作关系建立在稳固的战略基础上,而不是成为对手。 | Each would like to put the partnership on a solid strategic foundation rather than lurch into rivalry. | |
27 | 似乎从一次危机峰会赶赴另一次危机峰会的欧盟领导人,将不会有余力关注全球挑战。 | The EU’s leaders, who seem to lurch from one crisis summit to the next, will have no capacity left to focus on global challenges. | |
28 | 突然脱离美元可能也会令中国持有的巨额美元资产价值大幅缩水。 | A sudden lurch away from the dollar could also devalue China’s own immense dollar holdings. | |
29 | 为了验证我的预感,我一推门闯进了“蜘蛛头”里。 | To test my hunch, I did a sudden lurch into the Spiderhead. | |
30 | 无论从哪个角度去看喀什老城,无论是建筑还是人们,都显得破旧,落后和凋敝。 | The whole city, architecture and people, lurch at all angles, backward, worn and poorly maintained. |