1 | 他们在大陆有分公司。 | They have their branch companies on the mainland . | |
2 | 他住在苏格兰外的小岛上,每月去一次大陆。 | He lives on an island off Scotland, but travels to the mainland once a month. | |
3 | 它位于意大利东北岸外,有一长堤道与本土相连。 | Situated just off the northeast coast of Italy, it is linked to the mainland by a long causeway | |
4 | 塔斯马尼亚岛,范迪门之地澳大利亚东南部的一个岛屿,巴斯海峡将其与大陆隔开。它于1642年被阿倍尔·塔斯曼发现,并于1853年为了纪念他而重新命名。塔斯马尼亚岛在1901年并入澳大利亚 | An island of southeast Australia separated from the mainland by Bass Strait.It was discovered by Abel Tasman in1642and renamed in his honor in1853.Tasmania joined Australia in1901. | |
5 | 台湾放宽对大陆的禁令。 | Taiwan eases mainland bans. | |
6 | 台湾经济将真正以祖国大陆为腹地,获得广阔的发展空间。 | Taiwan may then truly rely on the mainland as its hinterland for economic growth and thus get broad space for development. | |
7 | 台湾能通过投票从大陆独立出来,而激怒北京当局,因为他们认为台湾只是个不听话的省。 | The possibility that the people of Taiwan could vote for independence from the mainland enraged the authorities in Beijing, who view the island as a wayward province | |
8 | 台湾同胞可以同大陆同胞一道,行使管理国家的权利,共享伟大祖国在国际上的尊严和荣誉。 | Our Taiwan compatriots may join the people on the mainland in exercising the right to administer the country and sharing the dignity and honor of the great motherland in the international community. | |
9 | 台湾有什么必要同大陆统一 | What’s in it for Taiwan to be reunified with the mainland ? | |
10 | 台湾在大陆投资增加。 | taiwanese investment in mainland increases | |
11 | 台湾主要厂商几乎一半在大陆投资,总额超过五百亿美元。 | And nearly half of Taiwan’s major manufacturers have invested in the mainland , with a total investment of more than US$50 billion | |
12 | 铁路专家小组〔香港与内地跨界大型基建协调委员会〕 | Railway Panel [Hong Kong and Mainland Cross-Boundary Major Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee] | |
13 | 我的性子跟父亲一样固执,我逃到加州大学,在那儿爱上了一个在美国本土出生的我们称之为白种人的外族人。 | As bullheaded as my father, I escaped to the University of California, where I fell in love with a haole, as we called Caucasians from the mainland | |
14 | 我们采取的结束大陆中国与世隔绝的政策取得成功这件事本身将意味着他们的经济挑战将会大大升级,这不仅仅是对我们的挑战,也是对世界其他国家的挑战。 | The very success of our policy of ending the isolation of mainland China will mean an immense escalation of their economic challenge, not only to us, but to others in the world | |
15 | 我相信大陆在若干年内至少不会低于台湾的发展速度。 | I believe that over the next few years the growth rate on the mainland will, at the least, be no lower than that in Taiwan. | |
16 | 我在耶鲁上大一时,有7个从中国内地来的本科生,如今有两人受聘于大名鼎鼎的华尔街投资银行。 | In my freshman year at Yale, there were seven undergraduates from mainland China, and now two of them are employed by big-name Wall Street investment banks | |
17 | 无论是否因为的单桅船出现使得偏远岛屿非法交易的前景暗淡,那些岛上的居民都已立即开始大量地向大陆移民斯普林菲尔德MA星期日共和党) | Whether or not the [ Coast Guard ] cutter’s presence made bearish the prospects of illicit trade in the outlying islands,there was a prompt mass migration of their inhabitants to the mainland (Springfield MA Sunday Republican) | |
18 | 香港《经济日报》记者:现在香港跟内地正在商谈类似自由贸易区的更紧密的经贸关系。 | Q: (Economic Daily of Hong Kong)Right now, discussions are underway between Hong Kong and the mainland on facilitating closer economic and trade ties between the two sides and having arrangements similar to a free trade area | |
19 | 香港既是南亚及太平洋地区的枢纽港,也是中国内地的转口港,航运业持续发展。 | Serving both as a hub of shipping in South Asia and the Pacific region and a transit port for China’s mainland , it has registered continuous development of the shipping industry | |
20 | 香港英国商会会长夏伟邦认为,香港是内地市场同时也是国际市场的交汇点。 | Chairman of the Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce noted that Hong Kong is a juncture for both mainland and international markets | |
21 | 香港与内地跨界大型基建协调委员会 | Hong Kong and Mainland Cross-Boundary Major Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee | |
22 | 香港与内地跨界大型基建协调委员会〔基协会〕 | Hong Kong and Mainland Cross-Boundary Major Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee | |
23 | 新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。 | The new Bridge will link the island to the mainland . | |
24 | 凶犯在香港被捕并被遣返中国大陆。 | The murderer was arrested in Hong Kong and repatriated back to the mainland . | |
25 | 许多人觉察到中国人的无力感和无助感,这是西方帝国主义、日本人的侵略、国民党和共产党的冲突和战后40年文化被高度政治化的结果。 | Just 10 years ago, many observers also felt that the Tiananmen tragedy had irreversibly also severed the emotional attachment of the modern-day Chinese diaspora, in the US and elsewhere, to the mainland | |
26 | 一旦岛上有人生病,我们就不得不向大陆发无线电要求派医生。 | When someone on the island is ill, we have to radio to the mainland for a doctor. | |
27 | 依照和平统一和“一国两制”的原则解决香港和澳门的回归问题 | Settle the issue of Hong Kong and Macao returning to the mainland by following the principle of peaceful reunification and “one country with two systems’ | |
28 | 意大利政府6日宣布,意大利要修建一座世界上最长的拉索桥,这座桥将横跨墨西拿海峡,连接意大利的大陆部分和西西里岛。 | After years of uncertainty, Italy committed itself on 6 June to building the world’s longest suspension bridge, a mega-span linking the mainland to the island of Sicily across the torrid straits of Messina | |
29 | 印度支那半岛东南亚的一个半岛,包括越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸和马来西亚的大陆部分。历史上这一片地区曾受印度(尤其是印度教文化)和中国的影响 | A peninsula of southeast Asia comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, and the mainland territory of Malaysia. The area was influenced in early times by India(particularly the Hindu culture)and China. | |
30 | 在京期间,澳门旅游代表团还将举行产品说明会,向41家有资格组织海外旅游的内地旅行社和各大新闻媒体介绍澳门的旅游产品和设施。 | During their stay in Beijing, the Macao Tourism delegation will hold product exhibitions, introducing Macao’s tourist products and facilities to 41 mainland tourist agencies that are qualified to organize overseas tours and to the news medias |