1 | 他相信那场冲突纯粹是为了宗教分歧。“坎贝尔家族的绝大多数人坚定地为汉诺威王朝的后继者和新教信仰而战,”他说,“我深感欣慰的是快乐王子没有得到英国王位。” | "The vast majority of the Clan Campbell fought staunchly’ for the Hanoverian Succession and the Protestant faith,’ he says. "I am profoundly thankful that the Bonnie Prince never got to the British throne" | |
2 | 他已达到了法定年龄。 | He has reached his majority . | |
3 | 他以大多数票[超过对方3240票]当选。 | He was elected by a large majority [By a majority of 3240]. | |
4 | 特定的多数(四分之三、三分之二多数) | qualified majority (three fourths, two thirds majority) | |
5 | 通过一项解释的决定应由成员的四分之三多数作出。 | The decision to adopt an interpretation shall be taken by a three-fourths majority of the Members | |
6 | 委员会中得到多数席位 | To win a majority of the seat | |
7 | 我看,多数人,百分之九十以上的人,经过踌躇、考虑、不大愿意、摇摆这么一些过程,总归是要走到愿意改造。 | I dare say the majority , that is, over 90 percent of these people, will eventually bring themselves around to accepting remoulding after some hesitation, reconsideration, reluctance and vacillation | |
8 | 我们班大多数孩子是棕色眼睛,只有三个是蓝眼睛。 | The majority of children in our class have Brown eyes; only three have Blue eyes. | |
9 | 我们被多数所否决。 | We were overruled by the majority . | |
10 | 我说,这些同志是忠心耿耿,为党为国,就是没有看见大局面,就是没有估计到大多数人,即百分之九十几的人是好人。 | I say that, staunch and devoted to the Party and the country as these comrades are, they don’t see the over-all situation, don’t see that the vast majority of the people, that is, more than 90 percent, are good | |
11 | 我宣布此项动议以八比一的多数获得通过。 | I declare the motion was carried by a majority of eight to one. | |
12 | 我宣布该动议以6比l的多数获得通过。 | I declare the motion was carried by a majority of six to one. | |
13 | 无产者家里多半电幕也没有,民警也懒得理他们。 | The great majority of proles did not even have telescreens in their homes.Even the civil police interfered with them very little | |
14 | 显然,在我们这样的国家,这样做不是真正的一致,而是虚幻的一致,不可能就国家安定在多数党和少数党之间达成体现各自意见的共识。 | C1early no such device as this can give us in this country any self respecting agreement between majority and 1ninority for a concerted effort toward the national welfare | |
15 | 现在,数百万人民解放军的野战军已经打到接近台湾,广东,广西,贵州,四川和新疆的地区去了,中国人民的大多数已经获得了解放。 | At present the field armies of the People’s Liberation Army, several million strong, have pushed the war to areas near Taiwan, Kwangtung, Kwangsi, Kweichow, Szechuan and sinkiang, and the great majority of the Chinese people have won liberation | |
16 | 相对多数选举制〔亦称“得票最多者当选”投票制〕 | "relative majority system of voting [also known as "first past the post" voting system]" | |
17 | 新的社会阶层中的广大人员也是有中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。 | The majority of people in the new social strata are working for the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics | |
18 | 压倒一切的欢乐;一个压倒的优势 | Overwhelming joy; an overwhelming majority . | |
19 | 亚洲人民大多数已经重获自由。 | The majority of the Asian peoples have regained their liberty. | |
20 | 乙炔亚铜是黄褐色的红棕色的粉末,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。 | cuprous acetylide takes the form of a russet or reddish-brown powder, insoluble in water and in the majority of organic solvents | |
21 | 有关植物分类学的其它著作中,大多数不是不够简明就是过于专业化。 | The majority of other books on plant taxonomy are either less concise or more specialized | |
22 | 有人硬说大多数或相当数量的工人爱喝酒,不顾家,这是带诬蔑性的和最卑劣的恶言中伤。 | There is no more cowardly, dastardly slander than is contained in the assertion that the majority or any considerable proportion of working, men neglect their families through drink | |
23 | 有时候,absolutely曾被非正式地作为含糊的强调成分而使用,比如在一幅无与伦比的绘画中。在早期的调查中,大部分用法小组的成员不主张在正式书面语中这样使用 | For some time,absolutely has been used informally as a vague intensive,as in an absolutely magnificent painting.In an earlier survey,a majority of the Usage Panel disapproved of this usage in formal writing. | |
24 | 与其他形式的专制类似,多数派的专制最初而且现在仍使大众感到恐惧,被认为是通过公共权威的行为来实现的。 | Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities | |
25 | 在第一次投票时获得必需的三分之二以上的多数 | Get the requisite two thirds majority on the first ballot | |
26 | 在会上,我们遭到了反对,但我们斗争到底,终于使多数人赞同我们的看法。 | We met with opposition in the council but we fought it out, and won the majority to our view | |
27 | 在日本,绝大多数妇女在怀孕后期回到她们自己的母亲家中并在那里生产,而她们的丈夫们则仍每天继续日常工作。生产中硬脊膜外麻醉的使用比例不足百分之一。 | In Japan, where the vast majority of women return to their mother’s homes towards the end of their pregnancies and give birth whilst their husbands carry on with their normal day-to-day business the proportion of epidurals is less than 1 percent | |
28 | 在世纪中叶,英国的大部分人是自觉的工人阶级,他们所纳税款不到他们收入的10%。 | In mid-century the majority of the country was self-consciously working class, and paid less than 10% of their income in tax | |
29 | 在选战期间克拉克女士呼吁选民让她的党能在国会取得过半数席位,但结果还是未能如愿。 | During the election, Ms Clark called on voters to enable her party to win the majority of the seats but the result was unsatisfying | |
30 | 这次的损害大部分容易补救。 | The majority of the damage is easy to repair. |