1 | 他因怀有大麻而被捕。 | He was busted for possession of marijuana . | |
2 | 吸大麻者习惯性吸食大麻者 | One who habitually smokes marijuana . | |
3 | 烟斗吸食香烟,大麻烟或抽含有大麻等麻醉剂或其它致癌物质的烟斗 | A puff on a cigarette,a marijuana cigarette,or a pipe containing hashish or another mind-altering substance. | |
4 | 一盎司的大麻 | An ounce of marijuana . | |
5 | 由于精神上的空虚,有些人皈依东方的神秘主义或开始吸毒,不过,许多有抱负的大学生对大麻如此感到兴趣,这一点却是很难理解的。 | Some have resorted to eastern mysticism or drugs for this reason, though it is very hard to understand why so many students who do have purpose find marijuana so appealing | |
6 | 有不少青少年不听父母的劝告,偏要吸毒。 | Many teenagers defied their parents by smoking marijuana | |
7 | 在许多情况下,吸大麻会导致不良的后果。 | In many cases, use of marijuana can lead to very unpleasant effects | |
8 | 这个村子是靠出卖在村周围种植的高杆大麻为主要经济来源的。 | The economy of this village was based mainly on the sale of marijuana that grew in tall stalks all around it | |
9 | 这回他完蛋了,警察在他的提箱里发现了大麻 | The jig is up this time. The police found marijuana in his briefcase | |
10 | 证对你从事大麻犯罪的指控必须达到法律规定的重量 | The marijuana charge must be for more than one incident of possession of a small amount. | |
11 | 抓住了几个抽大麻的女学生,其中一人揭发:大麻是伊芙卖给她们的。 | Several of the girls had been caught smoking marijuana and one of them accused Eve of supplying it and selling it | |
12 | ||1:奥克斯特丹大学自称是加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的“大麻学院”,也先后被人称为“大麻罐的普林斯顿大学”和“大麻的哈佛大学”。||2:它的创始人理查德?李在大麻合法化运动中已经是公众最耳熟能详的人。||3:他是个截瘫患者,需要用大麻来治疗,这在加利福尼亚和其余15州,以及哥伦比亚特区是合法的。||4:他同时也经营着一所药用大麻的药店,2010年在加利福尼亚州还发起了小剂量使用大麻合法化的投票统计运动,不管是用于医学还是娱乐活动。||5:这次统计几乎失败,但大麻合法化的观念却继续赢得支持,人们纷纷改变立场。 | ||1: OAKSTERDAM university, a self-proclaimed “cannabis college” in Oakland, California, has been called everything from “the Princeton of Pot” to “the Harvard of Hemp”. ||2: Its founder, Richard Lee, has become the public face of the movement to legitimise marijuana . ||3: A paraplegic, he uses the drug for medical purposes, which is legal in California and 15 other states and in the District of Columbia. ||4: He also runs a dispensary for medical marijuana and sponsored a 2010 ballot measure in California to legalise marijuana completely in small amounts, whether medicinal or recreational. ||5: That measure failed narrowly, but the idea of legalization continues to win converts. | |
13 | ||1:查封理查德?李德财产是联邦政府日益扩大的禁麻行动中最引人注目的做法,各州和市对这样的行动感到奇怪。||2:遍布于加利福尼亚、科罗伦多和蒙太纳诸州的药店,甚至是药房的房东都收到了恐吓信。||3:很多药店主关掉了药店。||4:大麻种植者和使用者怒气冲冲后变得恐惧起来。||5:有一些人抗议,而另一些人则转向大麻的地下市场,如同回到了药用大麻未被允许合法使用的岁月。 | ||1:The raids on his properties are only the most telegenic instances of a much wider federal crackdown that has taken states and counties by surprise.||2:Dispensaries and even landlords of dispensary-operators, all over California, Colorado and Montana have been getting menacing letters.||3:Many have closed shop.||4:Growers and users are by turns livid and scared.||5:Some have protested.Others have ducked back into the black market, as in the old days before medical marijuana was allowed. | |
14 | ||1:各州均很反感。||2:共和党和民主党的立法议员们给奥巴马写了封公开信,要求结束纷争,让州政府处理是否禁止大麻事宜,他们主要来自五个允许使用药用大麻的州。||3:华盛顿州州长克里斯汀-格雷瓜尔和罗德岛州州长林肯-切菲已经要求联邦政府把大麻重新归类,从一等毒品(海洛因等)降为二等毒品(比如吗啡),以便医生在某些情况下可以安全地开出大麻的处方药。||4:佛蒙特州、科罗伦多州、夏威夷州和康涅狄格州也加入了请求队伍中。||5:格雷瓜尔女士已经感到她必须否决一项自己支持的药用大麻的法案,以免华盛顿州的雇员遭联邦检察官起诉。||6:各州的权利这一保守而又老生常谈的说法能够成为进行药物改革的中肯理由。 | ||1:States do not like it.||2:Democratic and Republican legislators from five medical-marijuana states have written an open letter to Barack Obama to end the “chaos” and leave this matter to the states.||3:Christine Gregoire and Lincoln Chafee, governors of Washington state and Rhode Island, have asked the federal government to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I drug (like heroin, say) to a Schedule II drug (like morphine) so that doctors can at least prescribe it safely in certain circumstances.||4:Vermont, Colorado, Hawaii, and have joined in the request.||5:Ms Gregoire has already found herself having to veto a medical-marijuana bill she supports for fear that her state employees may be indicted by federal prosecutors.||6:To all the good reasons for drug reform can now be added this classically conservative one: states’ rights. | |
15 | ||1:为什么联邦政府会采取这样的行动?||2:一方面,联邦法律《药物控制条例》将药用大麻列为监管项目,进而认定所有使用和买卖大麻行为违法。||3:但另一方面奥巴马政府原先表示不会有意在大麻问题上与各州不合。||4:在2009年所谓的奥格登备忘录中,司法部建议其法官们专注于更严重的犯罪,而将微不足道的大麻执法交与各州去执行。 | ||1: The question is why the federal government is doing this. ||2: On the one hand there is a federal law, the Controlled Substances Act, which recognises no exception for medical marijuana and thus considers all use and trade of it criminal. ||3: But on the other hand the Obama administration originally signalled that it would not deliberately clash with the states about weed. ||4: In the so-called Ogden memo of 2009, the Justice Department advised its lawyers to leave small-beer marijuana enforcement to the states and focus on graver crimes. | |
16 | 然而现在理查德?李被逮捕了,还遭受了袭击,更面临着被联邦起诉的危险。就在这个月全副武装的联邦特工闯入他的房子和办公室,封掉了工厂,收缴了文件。不论是否会起诉自己,李说现在他都打算不再从事与大麻相关的生意。 | Now, however, Mr Lee is busted, harassed and in danger of federal prosecution. This month, armed federal agents stormed into his house and offices to confiscate plants and documents. Mr Lee now says that, indicted or not, he plans to get out of his marijuana -related businesses. | |
17 | 1996年,加州选民率先通过了允许药用大麻的政策。 | Californian voters were the first, in 1996, to allow medical use of marijuana . | |
18 | 2009年8月,墨西哥将小量持有大麻及其他毒品非刑事化,包括海洛因和可卡因。 | In August 2009 Mexico decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana and other drugs, including heroin and cocaine. | |
19 | 2010年5月21日,华盛顿州马特洛克。这是当地一家玻璃吹制店的尼古拉斯•鲍奇正在用玻璃管吸食医用大麻。 | Nicholas Pouch uses a glass pipe to smoke medical marijuana Friday, May 21, 2010, in his glass-blowing shop in Matlock, Washington. | |
20 | 2010年6月1日,洛杉矶地区。照片中的东西是当地已经被晒干的医用大麻。 | Medical marijuana plants are pictured as they dry in the Los Angeles area on June 1, 2010. | |
21 | 2010年9月21日,墨西哥北部特卡特地区。一名士兵正在当地一座种植园内清除非法种植的大麻植物。 | A soldier pulls marijuana plants up in an illegal plantation at the Sierra de Juarez, in Tecate, northern Mexico on Tuesday, Sept. | |
22 | 90年代初,比尔·克林顿承认年轻时吸食过大麻,引发了一个小小的丑闻。 | In the early 1990s, Bill Clinton’s admission of marijuana use as a youth triggered a mini-scandal. | |
23 | 包括老年痴呆症、糖尿病、多发性硬化症等在内的多种疾病,都把大麻列入处方用药。 | Doctors have prescribed marijuana for a host of illnesses, including Alzheimer’s, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. | |
24 | 不同于海洛因、可卡因或者大麻,冰毒可以通过混合合法的家庭用药原料以廉价快捷的方式做出。 | Unlike heroin, cocaine or marijuana , meth can be made cheaply and quickly by combining legal household materials. | |
25 | 超过100只鸽子,携带着可卡因和大麻在它们的背上,在飞跃监狱墙时,从空中掉了下来。 | The over-burdened bird, with cocaine and marijuana strapped to its back, fell out of the sky before crossing the prison walls. | |
26 | 大麻合法化将削减毒枭的利润,同时,每年可为美国经济节省和上缴税金430亿美元。 | Legalising marijuana will slash cartel profits while providing annual savings and taxes of $43bn a year to the US economy. | |
27 | 大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。 | Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm. | |
28 | 大麻目前已经成为加利福尼亚州最有价值的农作物。 | Marijuana is now by far California’s most valuable agricultural crop. | |
29 | 大麻在美洲地区的许多地方正在变得合法化。 | Marijuana is becoming legal in many parts of the Americas. | |
30 | 但理论上讲,答案是不确定的,其主要原因是:第十九议案超越了任何地方法律对于大麻的限制,将成为美国一项革命性的政策。 | But in theory, the answer is hazy for one main reason: Prop 19 would have gone further than any marijuana law on the books anywhere. |