1 | 但总的来说,酒精的危害得分居于首位,接着是海洛因和可卡因,大麻、摇头丸和迷幻药的得分则更低。 | But overall, alcohol outranked all other substances, followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Marijuana , ecstasy and LSD scored far lower. | |
2 | 当被人问起我是否吸食大麻时,我回答说从未违犯美国的禁毒法。 | When asked if I had ever smoked marijuana , I said I had never broken the drug laws in America. | |
3 | 第三百五十一条非法种植罂粟、大麻等毒品原植物的,一律强制铲除。 | Article 351 Whoever illegally cultivates mother plants of narcotic drugs, such as opium poppy and marijuana , shall be forced to uproot them. | |
4 | 毒理学报告显示Diana血液里的酒精含量是法律规定的含量的两倍,同时还有证据证明她当时在吸大麻。 | Toxicology reports showed that Diane had a blood alcohol level double the legal limit, along with evidence she’d been smoking marijuana . | |
5 | 毒品滥用和精神健康服务管理局(SAMHSA)还指出,关于年龄在12至17之间的大麻吸食者增加的几个特别因素。 | SAMHSA also noted several factors specifically related to the increased use of marijuana among those aged 12 to 17. | |
6 | 对违禁药品进行惩罚性征税的概念可以追溯至1937年的《大麻税法》。 | The concept of taxing illegal drugs punitively dates back to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. | |
7 | 堕胎的青少年中酗酒,吸食大麻和可卡因的可能性比其同龄人高一倍。 | Teens who abort are twice as likely as their peers to abuse alcohol, marijuana , or cocaine. | |
8 | 服用非法药物,如合成类固醇,大麻或海洛因会干扰荷尔蒙平衡,导致男性女乳症。 | Using illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids, marijuana , or heroin can also disrupt hormonal balance and lead to gynecomastia. | |
9 | 福里尼辛镇的查迪索·莫克纳认为,与外国人一道来的还有可卡因、镇静剂、大麻等毒品,以及暴力抢劫犯罪。 | Tshidiso Mokoena of Vereeniging says foreigners bring in drugs such as cocaine, mandrax, marijuana , and commit robbery. | |
10 | 该报没有明确指出菲尔普斯在吸食大麻,但它指出照片中的烟枪显然是作此用途的。 | The newspaper did not say that Phelps was smoking marijuana , but it pointed out that the pipe typically was used for that purpose. | |
11 | 该州目前共计有20000人排除申请领用医用大麻配额卡,购买大麻时必须向配药房出示该卡。 | The state has a waiting list 20, 000 names long for the medical-marijuana cards that users must show at dispensaries. | |
12 | 格雷格加兰,一位当地的缉毒警官,曾在一年内发现一大批被当作大麻工厂的别墅。 | Greg Garland, a local narcotics cop, used to discover about a dozen houses a year that had been turned into marijuana factories. | |
13 | 个人可以持有少于四分之一盎司(5克)的大麻用于个人使用。 | Individuals can possess less than a quarter of an ounce (five grams) of marijuana for personal use. | |
14 | 还有,一些证据表明,适量服用的大麻可能延缓或者防止一些精神病发作。 | Well, the evidence here suggests that limiting marijuana use could delay or even prevent some cases of psychosis. | |
15 | 加利福尼亚州曾经从加拿大引进高品质的大麻和从墨西哥引进低品质的野草。 | California used to import high-grade marijuana from Canada and low-grade weed from Mexico. | |
16 | 她亦屡次进出戒毒所,并亲口承认自己酗酒,吸食大麻、可卡因,还嗑药。 | Whitney has been in and out of rehab, and also has admitted to abusing Alcohol, Marijuana , Cocaine and Pills. | |
17 | 警方在去年2月份就搜索了这间公寓,查获了可卡因、大麻、一杆秤和其它毒品买卖物品。 | Police searched the apartment in February and seized crack cocaine, marijuana , a scale and other materials related to drug sales. | |
18 | 警官表示:“这颗大麻植株被放在一个圣诞树架上,并点缀了一串灯饰。” | "The marijuana plant had been put in a Christmas tree stand and decorated with a string of lights, " the police said. | |
19 | 据该报告声称,以洛杉矶市的情况为例,“因拥有大麻被捕的黑人数量是因此而被捕白人的七倍”。 | For instance, the report says that the City of Los Angeles "arrested blacks for marijuana possession at seven times the rate of whites. " | |
20 | 据警方称,当他们拘留咗噗嘀叭叭叭时,发现他身上携带大麻、吸毒用具,还有一把小刀。 | Police say that when they took Zopittybop-Bop-Bop into custody, they found him in possession of marijuana , drug paraphernalia, and a knife. | |
21 | 据州税务记录,每年的大麻销售税在5800万和1亿500万之间。 | According to state tax records, marijuana sales generate between $58 million and $105 million in annual sales-tax revenue. | |
22 | 可卡因、大麻、海洛因以及其他毒品的走私继续打击着全球政府的努力。 | The trafficking of cocaine, marijuana , heroin and other drugs has continued to frustrate the efforts of governments around the world. | |
23 | 可卡因运输量有所下降,但黑帮贩运大麻、强取豪夺、敲诈勒索等罪行仍然猖獗。 | Cocaineshipments have fallen, but gangs continue to thrive on extortion, marijuana and fraud. | |
24 | 空气中弥漫着大麻烟的味道。 | The air smelled distinctively like marijuana . | |
25 | 两个女孩为了庆祝其中一个女孩的生日参加了一场摇滚音乐会,随后她们试图在市里找些大麻来助兴。 | A pair of teenage girls go to a rock concert to celebrate one of their birthdays and afterwards try to get some marijuana in the city. | |
26 | 罗恩·保罗和巴里·弗兰克建议立法允许各州在没有联邦政府干涉的情况下使大麻合法化。 | Ron Paul and Barney Frank have introduced legislation that would allow the states to legalize marijuana without federal interference. | |
27 | 墨西哥代理人掌握着像大麻一样的可卡因和甲基苯丙胺并且进行着多样化的生产毒品。 | Mexican distributors, who may handle cocaine and methamphetamine as well as marijuana , have diversified into production. | |
28 | 墨西哥当局截获了一只载有美国预定的134吨大麻的货船,这是墨西哥有史以来最大的一次抓捕行动。 | Mexican authorities seized a shipment of 134 tonnes of marijuana destined for the United States, the largest single capture on record. | |
29 | 男性比女性更容易滥用违禁药品,无论从整体来看,还是仅仅就大麻而言,莫不如此。 | Men had a higher prevalence than women for the overall category of use of any illicit drugs and for the subcategory of using marijuana . | |
30 | 人们靠种植大麻来维持收入,支持自己在经济困境中生活下去。 | People are growing marijuana to supplement their income or support themselves in poor economic times. |