属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
1 | 他生为圣人,死为烈士。 | He lived a saint, and died a martyr . | |
2 | 他受尽痛风之折磨。 | He was a martyr to gout. | |
3 | 他为科学而牺牲。 | He died a martyr in the cause of science. | |
4 | 他为自己的信仰而殉难。 | He was a martyr for his faith. | |
5 | 他牺牲自己取信于人。 | He makes a martyr of himself. | |
6 | 他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子 | He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework | |
7 | 为翻译圣经而殉道的庭德尔:兼谈英文圣经的翻译和英国的宗教改革(上) | The Story of A Martyr : William Tyndale-With a Brief History of English Bible Translation and Religious Religious Reformation in England | |
8 | 为国牺牲(为科学而牺牲). | die a martyr to one`s country (in the cause of science) | |
9 | 为主义而牺牲者(殉职者,殉情者). | a martyr for principle (to duty,to love) | |
10 | 牺牲自己的利益愿望以搏得信用声誉 | Make a martyr of oneself:sacrifice one’s own wishes or advantage in order to get credit or reputation | |
11 | 先烈为国捐躯。 | The martyr laid down his life for the country. | |
12 | 新法西斯各党,比如弗拉姆斯·布洛克党把艾尔玛尊为烈士--一位比利时正义的殉难者。艾尔玛事件还成为他们为民族主义而战的标志。 | Neofascist parties such as the Vlaams Blok portrayed Irma Laplasse as a martyr , a victim of Belgian justice, and her case became emblematic of their nationalist fight | |
13 | 殉教成为一名殉教者的状态 | The state of being a martyr . | |
14 | 殉教者列传殉教者传记及死亡记录 | An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr . | |
15 | 殉身受难者以死殉教 | The suffering of death by a martyr . | |
16 | 要饭(殉道)而死. | die a beggar(a martyr ) | |
17 | 也许人生中的任何幸福都不如殉道者的幸福的那样完美。--欧亨利 | Perhaps there is no happiness in life so perfect as the martyr .--O.Henry | |
18 | 一个通往美国占领当局巴格达总部入口的检查站系着一条黑色横幅,宣告"烈士穆罕默德·加齐·桑迪"被暗杀。 | A black banner tied to a checkpoint at an entrance to the occupation authority’s Baghdad headquarters announces the murder of "the martyr Mohamed Ghazi al-Saudi." | |
19 | 一群少先队员在烈士纪念碑周围栽了许多松树。 | A group of Young Pioneers planted many pines around the martyr ’s monument. | |
20 | 一位女士,她说她不愿坐视卡洛琳小姐自暴自弃,使自己成为一个牺牲品。 | A lady who said she wasn’t going to sit around watching Miss Caroline make a martyr of herself at her expense | |
21 | 由此带来了400到500个希腊和拉丁词,丰富了盎格鲁·撒克逊语,其中包括“天使”,“弟子”,“祈祷”,“烈士”,“弥撒”,“圣物”,“忏悔”,“圣祠”,“赞美诗”。 | This enriched the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary with some 400 to 500 words from Greek and Latin, including angel, disciple, litany, martyr , mass, relic, shrift, shrine and psalm | |
22 | 有一块朴素的饰板用以纪念该烈士的殉难处. | A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died. | |
23 | 又出现了歌乐山烈士纪念碑、宋庆龄像、孙中山像,周恩来像,开荒牛、寓言组雕等一批优秀的城雕作品 | Some new city sculpture works emerged. among them are the Geleshan Revolutionary Martyr Monument, the Soong Chingling Statue, the Sun Yat-sen Statue, the Zhou Enlai Statue, Wasteland Cultivating Bull and Fables. | |
24 | 约翰好为沽名钓誉作出点牺牲。 | John like to make a martyr of himself. | |
25 | 在他心里,他还加了一句:“也为地下的这位殉难者。” | And he added in his own mind, "For the martyr here below." | |
26 | 在一次实验中,塞麦乐韦斯患了他正在致力根除的血液中毒症逝世了:他是一位为真理而献身的人,一位献身于伟大事业,坚持进步的先驱。 | In one of the experiments Semmelweis contracted the blood-poisoning he was seeking to eliminate and died: a martyr ’ to truth, a prophet of progress who gave his life in a great cause. | |
27 | 这位烈士是为了民族独立的事业而献身的。 | The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence. | |
28 | 正是,英雄为河山捐躯,名城因烈士增辉。 | As the following antithetical couplet goes: The hero has given his life in defence of his beloved motherland/The land has taken on new lustre by the presence of the martyr | |
29 | ||1:Gamerro出生于1962年,对于历史见证者的证言和对死者的纪念方式,他没有像上一代人那样完全表现出敬畏。||2:小说语调冰冷,偶有的情感抒发使文章少了些愤世嫉俗之感。失踪者被塑造成受妈妈宠爱的男孩的形象,喜欢拈花惹草,令人反感。||3:“非自愿的牺牲者”绝非英雄。||4:作者将视角投向一代人追寻真相,探查“肮脏战争”期间父辈和祖父辈最真实的经历——同时这也是对自己身份的探寻。||5:从理发师到银行家,市民们自我辩护的话语铺天盖地而来,人人自顾开脱,令真相扑朔迷离,而这部分语言也构成了小说的主体。||6: 书中令人警醒的题词源自威廉·柏洛兹(William Burroughs)的语句:“语言即谎言/生存即勾结。” | ||1: Mr Gamerro, who was born in 1962, departs from a previous generation’s reverence for eyewitness testimony and memorialising the dead. ||2: The tone is hard-boiled, its cynicism alleviated by rare lyrical flights, and the desaparecido emerges as a spoilt mama’s boy and unsavoury womaniser. ||3: The “involuntary martyr ” is no hero. ||4: The perspective is that of a generation seeking the unadulterated truth about their parents and grandparents during the “dirty war”—and hence their own identity. ||5: Amid the torrential self- justification of the townsfolk, from barbers to bankers, the subject becomes language itself, which is used to excuse and obfuscate. ||6: The stark epigraph is from William Burroughs: “To speak is to lie/To live is to collaborate.” | |
30 | 教皇弗朗西斯一世宣布将萨尔瓦多大教主奥斯卡·罗梅罗列为烈士。奥斯卡在1980年的弥撒中受枪击死亡。此举为宣福礼开辟了道路。此前,教皇将宣称“从神学中解放出来的”大教主视为马克思主义者。翻译:徐牧之 戴秀萍 校对:刘苗苗译文属译生译世 | Pope Francis declared that óscar Romero, an archbishop from El Salvador who was shot dead while celebrating mass in 1980, was a martyr . This opens the way to his beatification. Earlier popes had regarded the archbishop, who was an exponent of “liberation theology”, as a Marxist. |