属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-怎样成为扑克牌高手 诀窍之一
1 | 他掌握了萨克管的吹奏。 | He has mastered the saxophone. | |
2 | 他最终战胜了毒瘾 | He finally mastered his addiction to drugs. | |
3 | 同时,在攻克石家庄、运城、四平、洛阳、宜川、宝鸡、潍县、临汾、开封等城市的作战中学会了攻坚战术。 | Moreover, in the course of attacking and capturing Shihchiachuang, Yuncheng, Szepingkai, Loyang, Yichuan, Paoki, Weihsien, Linfen and kaifeng, our army mastered the tactics of storming heavily fortified points | |
4 | 我花了很多时间,克服了这个困难之后,就打起精神来,试图满足另外两个需要。 | Having mastered this difficulty, and employed a world of time about it, I bestirred myself to see if possible how to supply two wants | |
5 | 我花了无限的时间,克服了这个困难之后,就打起精神来,试图满足另外两个需要。 | Having mastered this difficulty, and employed a world of time about it, I bestirred myself to see if possible now to supply two wants | |
6 | 我们很多人没有学好语言,所以我们在写文章做演说时没有几句生动活泼切实有力的话,只有死板板的几条筋,像瘪三一样,瘦得难看,不像一个健康的人。 | It is because many of us have not mastered language that our articles and speeches contain few vigorous, vivid and effective expressions and resemble not a hale and healthy person, but an emaciated piehsan, a mere bag of bones | |
7 | 旋转法是一种必须掌握的技法,因为它比剪开法更精确、更省时、省力。 | Pivoting is a technique that must be mastered as it is more accurate than slashing and saves much time and effort. | |
8 | 一年的学习后就掌握了这种语言 | Mastered the language in a year’s study. | |
9 | 一种想法或感受从胸中涌出控制了他,经历着产前的阵痛,要找到表现和形式。接着他便忘记了自己,忘记了环境,他的老一套词语--他所熟悉的言语工具--不知不觉地溜了出来。 | He was swiftly mastered by the concept or sensation in him that struggled in birth-throes to receive expression and form, and then he forgot himself and where he was, and the old words-the tools of speech he knew-slipped out | |
10 | 因此,大多数成功者就是那些掌握了以下几种节约时间方法的人们。 | That’s why the most successful people are those who’ve mastered the time-saving tactics described here | |
11 | 在画画的人掌握透视画法以前 | Before artists had mastered the tricks of perspective | |
12 | 在朗诵过程中,她时常停顿下来,有时竟念不下去。这种时候,她便索性停下来,竭立装出镇静的样子;等到完全控制住感情之后,再继续念下去。 | Often, as she read, her voice faltered, and sometimes failed her altogether, when she would stop, with an air of frigid composure, till she had mastered herself. | |
13 | 掌握好一门技术之后,我们就传授给其他人。 | After we mastered a technique, we would pass it on to the others. | |
14 | 这对双胞胎脱下啪嗒啪嗒响的休闲凉鞋,换上系带子的高跟鞋。除了上个月詹纳·布什向摄影师伸出舌头的小插曲外,他们已经熟练掌握了向公众展示微笑的技巧。 | The twins have traded flip-flops for strappy high heels, and except for the moment last month when Jenna Bush stuck out her tongue at photographers, they have mastered the art of the polished public smile. | |
15 | 这个念头一萌芽,便主宰了他,回旧金山的路已恍如梦寐。 | Once the idea had germinated, it mastered him, and the return voyage to San Francisco was like a dream | |
16 | 住在那里的日耳曼民族既不会书写又没有什么知识。 | The germanic tribes who lived there mastered neither writing nor learning | |
17 | ||1:许多动物掌握在林冠中滑行的技巧。||2:青蛙在飞行时展开它的脚蹼;一些蜥蜴展开皮肤软组织下的细长肋骨。||3:猴猫,一种生长在东南亚的哺乳动物,通过伸展连接四肢的薄膜在树中滑行多达70米(230英尺)。||4:尽管身体明显缺少一部分,如一对能够拍打且适于滑行的翅膀,一些蛇也能飞行很远。 | ||1: MANY animals have mastered the trick of gliding through the forest canopy. ||2: Flying frogs stretch the webbing between the toes of their enlarged feet. Some lizards spread elongated ribs covered in flaps of skin. ||3: And the colugo, a strange South-East Asian mammal, can travel as much as 70 metres (230 feet) between trees by spreading a membrane of skin that connects its limbs. ||4: Despite a lack of obvious body parts that can double up as a decent pair of wings, some snakes, too, can glide for remarkable distances. | |
18 | ||1:约翰·加迪斯掌握着几十年里符合自己观点的资源,所创作出的传记引人入胜又清晰明了。||2:传记的前半部读起来几乎就是一部小说的翻版。||3:读者们一起与乔治·凯南在纳粹兴起时造访德国;1931年在挪威,一起与这位笨拙的青年会见之后陪伴了他73载未婚妻的父母;1933年与之一起建立美国第一个驻苏联大使馆;和他一道与希特勒一起来到捷克斯洛伐克并目睹了第二次世界大战;之后又一块在斯大林对其俄语技巧令人起鸡皮疙瘩般的恭维下于1945年返回莫斯科。||4:而描写乔治·凯南事业取得重大突破的章节—在1946年通过其从莫斯科发往华盛顿的5,000字“长电”,一举改写了美国外交政策—尤为精彩。||5:就如同乔治·凯南自己给自己的评价一样:“功成名就,四海扬声。” | ||1: Mr Gaddis has mastered the sources that came his way over the decades. The resulting biography is engaging and lucid. ||2: The first half of the book almost has the sweep of a novel. ||3: Readers join Kennan in Germany as the Nazis rise; in Norway in 1931 as the awkward young man meets the parents of his fiancée, to whom he would remain married for 73 years; in the Soviet Union in 1933 as he establishes the first American embassy; in Czechoslovakia as Adolf Hitler arrives and the world descends into another war; and back in Moscow again in 1945 when he receives skin-crawling personal compliments from Joseph Stalin on his Russian language skills. ||4: The chapter detailing Kennan’s breakthrough—achieved by redesigning American foreign policy at a stroke, via his 5,000-word “Long Telegram” from Moscow to Washington, DC, in 1946—is particularly gripping. ||5: As he himself put it: “My reputation was made. My voice now carried.” | |
19 | 号称快消品业务是由美国最大的食品公司卡夫经营的,卡夫由于其搅拌芝士通心粉而被人熟知。 | The so-called consumer-packaged goods (CPG) business is handled by Kraft, America’s biggest food company, which is best known for having mastered the art of mixing macaroni with cheese. | |
20 | 号称快消品业务是由美国最大的食品公司卡夫经营的,卡夫由于其搅拌芝士通心粉而被人熟知。 | The so-called consumer-packaged goods business is handled by Kraft, America’s biggest food company, which is best known for having mastered the art of mixing macaroni with cheese. | |
21 | 在扑克游戏中要想成为赢家,面部表情务必要控制得滴水不漏。赌圣们也正是这么做的。 | To win at poker, the face must be mastered , and master it is what the best players try their best to do. | |
22 | (1)已经掌握的重点单词和词组; | (1) the key words and phrases mastered in this section . | |
23 | “随你的便好啦,”她无动于衷地回答说。“看你把我已经摆布成什么样子了!” | ’If you wish, ’ she answered indifferently . ’See how you’ve mastered me! ’ | |
24 | “现在我得走了。”见他掌握了情报,她就这么说。 | " And now I must go " , she said as soon as he had mastered his instructions. | |
25 | “一定有什么困扰着你,”他说——显得很得意,外国人掌握了一点美国俚语都会这样。 | "Something must be eating you, " he said--proud the way foreigners are when they’ve mastered a bit of American slang. | |
26 | NickThorpe则是个例外。1986年此人移居布达佩斯,掌握了匈牙利深奥美丽的语言。 | An exception is Nick Thorpe, who moved to Budapest in 1986 and has mastered Hungary’s beautiful, impenetrable language. | |
27 | 办公室霸主:你其中的一个小人掌握了办公室事业(职业技能最高等级)。 | Office overlord: One of your little friends mastered an office career. | |
28 | 本特利花了几年的时间拍摄了一系列雪花照片,当他已经完全掌握此技术时,唯一的抱怨是“寒冷”。 | Although it took years for Bentley to establish a process to photograph snowflakes, once he mastered it, his only complaint was the cold. | |
29 | 采用本实用新型,由于机械密封在操作上更好掌握,故安装质量易于控制。 | Because taking the mechanical seal, the utility model is better mastered in operation; the installation quality is easy to control. | |
30 | 车间战士:你的一个小人掌握了车间事业(职业技能最高等级)。 | Workshop warrior: One of your little friends mastered a workshop career. |