1 | 净收益(或净损失)是指收入与费用配比的结果。 | Net income (or net loss)is the result of matching revenue with expenses. | |
2 | 旧城逐步改建,近郊调整配套,远郊积极发展 | reforming the old city step by step, adjusting and matching installations in the outskirts, and making active development in remote outskirts | |
3 | 两种色调搭配是最安全的,即蓝白相间的细条上衣与藏青色裤子相配,它们只能出现同一色调图案。 | Safest is matching two-tone prints, i.e., a navy and white pin stripe jacket with a navy are introduced, they should appear in only one of the prints: the flowers or the dress | |
4 | 麻将牌一种由四个人玩的起源于中国的游戏,有多米诺骨牌般绘有各种图案的骨牌,每人轮流抓牌并扔出不需要的牌,直到有一个人有了四幅三个顺连牌和一幅成对牌时才算结束 | A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with tiles resembling dominoes and bearing various designs,which are drawn and discarded until one player wins with a hand of four combinations of three tiles each and a pair of matching tiles. | |
5 | 配比原则要求本期确认为已销产品提供保修服务的费用,以便使该项费用与相关的销售收入相配比。 | The matching principle requires that the expense of performing warranty work be recognized in the period in which the products are sold, in order to offset this expense against the related sales revenue. | |
6 | 配色系统:用色度计或其他器材描述某个颜色的方法。例如使用[CIE系统]或用油墨商印制的[颜色样本册]。 | Colour matching system: Method of colour specification by using a type of colorimeter or other aids, e.g. the CIE system, or colour album prepared by ink manufacturers. | |
7 | 起诉应当向人民法院递交起诉状,并按照被告人数提出副本。 | In starting an action, the litigant shall present a written indictment to the people’s court with copies matching the number of the defendants. | |
8 | 全字身字:是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。 | Title fount: Type fount of capitals that are the full body height, with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles. | |
9 | 确认上下两片衣片的刀眼是否精确对准,这一点非常重要。 | It is important to make sure that the notches of both sections are exactly matching . | |
10 | 如果DOS找到了相匹配的文件,它就把文件从磁盘装入命令处理程序的暂驻部分,如果需要,还要将其装入存储器中,然后执行它 | If DOS finds the matching file, it loads the file from disk into the transient portion of the command processor and available memory, if required , and then executes it | |
11 | 如果你遇到了这些字处理文件,又没有与之相应的字处理程序能存取它,那就把它放在一个文本编辑器中,去掉那些无用的字符,恢复正文。 | If you encounter one of these word-processor files and don’t have access to the matching word-processor program, you can usually load them into a text editor, where you can edit out the junk to recover the text. | |
12 | 如今,一年365天,一天24小时,他们都穿同样的衣服。多年来,他们积攒了大量相配的衣服,据称可穿几个礼拜无需重复。 | Now they dress the same 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, They have built up plenty of matching clothes over the years and say that they can go for weeks without repeating what they wear. | |
13 | 色彩协调,是我厂电视机的特色。 | Matching in color is a feature of the TV sets manufactured by our factory. | |
14 | 伸缩花键由在传动轴上的外花键和与之相连的空心轴中对应的内花键组成。伸缩花键使两轴一起转动,也能使两轴相对移动。 | A slip joint consists of outside splines on one shaft and matching internal splines in the mating hollow shaft, the splines cause the two shafts to rotate together but permitthe two to move endwise with each other. | |
15 | 声系统设备互连的优选配接值 | Preferred matching values for the interconnection of sound system components | |
16 | 使用关键词匹配选项也可通过将搜索对象限制在最为相关的范围内来降低广告成本。 | Using keyword matching options also helps you manage your costs by limiting your ads to the most relevant searches. | |
17 | 事先填好的用蓝色标明的数字是我们推荐的最大点击率.选用此推荐值可以保证最佳的广告和点击效果.决定了最高点击费以后,按”Calculate Estimate”键确认. | The pre-filled amount highlighted in blue is our recommended maximum CPC. Matching this amount ensures maximum ad exposure and clicks for all of your keywords. Once you have decided on a maximum CPC, click Calculate Estimates. | |
18 | 视听、视频和电视系统中设备互连的优选配接值 | Preferred matching values for the interconnection of equipment in audio-visual,video and television systems | |
19 | 收益的确定需要将收入与为产生收入而发生的费用支出相配比。 | The determination of income requires the matching of revenue with the expenses incurred to produce that revenue. | |
20 | 手缝线迹推荐使用一根单股相配的线。 | A single strand of matching thread is recommended for hand stitching. | |
21 | 税收饶让,即与外国政府优惠税收减免额相对应的税收抵免 | Tax sparing (matching credit) | |
22 | 所以,我们就想超越浅表的婚配方式,"currier说。 | So we wanted to take it beyond surface matching ," currier said | |
23 | 它不像简单的样板比较系统,要和存贮的字符样板作比较。亦称智能辨字系统。 | Rather than working from stored and fixedformat fount templates held in memory as in the less sophisticated template-matching systems. Also called Intelligent character recognition (ICR). | |
24 | 条件配色学说:在配色时,所用油墨的颜料与匹配油墨或样本所用者不同 | Metamerism: In colour matching , the phenomenon whereby an ink is matched with one containing pigments different from those in the sample ink or print | |
25 | 通过将长期资产的获取成本分配到收益年度中去,我们再一次强调了配比原则的重要性。 | By allocating the acquisition cost of long-lived assets over the years which benefit from the use of these assets, we stress again the importance of the matching principle. | |
26 | 统一配血程序;共同配血程序 | universal matching compatibility procedures | |
27 | 凸耳式:平板式阀体,但是具有螺纹凸耳,用于通过螺栓与125/150磅级法兰连接。 | Lug-style is a wafer body but has tapped lugs matching up to bolt circle of Class 125/150 flanges. | |
28 | 图像匹配制导系统 | image matching guidance systems | |
29 | 图形相配系统:智能光学字符识别系统。它可以连续的扫描内文及辨认字符设计。 | Pattern matching systems: Intelligent OCR systems capable of scanning and recognizing letters in running text by determining the patterns of letterform design | |
30 | 外国企业发生年度亏损,可以从下一年度的所得中提取相应的数额弥补 | Losses incurred by a foreign enterprise in a tax year may be carried over to the next year and made up with a matching amount drawn from that year’s income. |