1 | 外国企业发生年度亏损,可以从下一年度的所得中提取相应的数额弥补;下一年度的所得额不足弥补的,可以逐年提取所得继续弥补,但是最长不得超过五年。 | Losses incurred by a foreign enterprise in a tax year may be carried over to the next year and made up with a matching amount drawn from that year’s income. Should the income in the subsequent tax year be insufficient to make up for the said losses, the balance may be made up with further deductions against income year by year over a period not exceeding five years. | |
2 | 玩具娃娃通常配有合体的裤子。 | A babydoll usually comes with a matching panty. | |
3 | 为了保持图案的平衡,应在面料的正面沿横丝绺放置样板,这种方法有助于斜接缝。 | Position the pattern pieces on the right side of the fabric along the matching crosswise grain line, in order to keep the design balanced. This procedure will aid in mitering seams. | |
4 | 为了找一双相配的袜子而搜遍了我的抽屉 | rifling through my drawers to find matching socks. | |
5 | 为了正确执行对应概念,商业企业会计普遍使用应计制会计。 | To implement the matching concept correctly, the accrual basis of accounting is generally used for merchandising enter prices. | |
6 | 为商业企业作帐时,收入和支出的恰当配比变得更加困难,因为有大量的库存,季节性波动,以及进货存库策略等原因。 | When accounting for a merchandising firm, the problem of properly matching revenues and expenses becomes more difficult because of a large inventory of items, seasonal fluctuations and inventory purchasing policies. | |
7 | 为下载你必须在你的PC机和Internet服务提供商装有相互匹配的软件。 | In order for this to work, you need to have matching software on you PC or Mac and on your Internet service provider. | |
8 | 我觉得打太极拳可以使人心境平和,加上它注重呼吸配合动作,对身体也有好处。 | I think shadow-boxing can make you feel at peace. In addition to emphasizing matching the movements with your breathing, it is good for your health too. | |
9 | 我需要几块相配的布料补我的牛仔裤。 | I need some matching material to patch my jeans. | |
10 | 显示相符的电子邮件地址的列表 | Display list of matching email addresses | |
11 | 新款裙装,争芳斗艳。 | New-pattern skirts are matching beauty with each other. | |
12 | 演色稿样:一套在四色彩印时作为对色用的色稿。它包括单色稿各一份,两色,三色和四色叠印稿各一份;整套演色稿样共七份。 | Progressive proofs (Progressives): In process colour printing, a set of seven proofs used as a guide to colour matching at the printing stage. It consists of each single colour; combinations of two, three and four colours. | |
13 | 一般来说,装配的顺序与拆卸相反。装配时,应确保变速器的配合面和飞轮壳的清洁 | In general, installation is the reverse of removal. be sure the matching faces of the transmission and the flywheel housing are clean. | |
14 | 一旦发生对应的异体浸染,个体树的垂直抗性破坏,内源流行开始。 | Once a matching all-infection does occur, the vertical resistance of the individual tree breaks down and the esodemic begins | |
15 | 一对相似的(通常相匹配的)事物之一 | Either of a pair of similar,usu matching ,things | |
16 | 一件外套和一只相配的手提包 | A coat and a matching handbag | |
17 | 一天,它盘算着要水獭来帮它捉一只鸭子,却故意向水獭吹嘘说自己能和它一样捕捉水里的动物。 | The rabbit brags that he can catch aquatic creatures just like the otter can and hatches a plan to convince the otter by matching his hunting feats | |
18 | 一种变换器,用来连接对称电缆(如双绞线)和 | A transformer used to connect balanced cables, such as twisted-pair cables, to unbalanced cables, such as coaxial cables, by matching the electrical characteristics of the cables. This term is derived from balanced-to-unbalanced transformer | |
19 | 引起的问题现在没有了,只是她还会见熟人叫错名字。 | Krickitt shows none of the motor problems that were apparent after the wreck,although she still has difficulty matching names with faces | |
20 | 隐式假缝也用于对格子、对条纹和对花型,在面料的正面假缝最有效。 | Slip basting is also used in matching plaids, stripes, and prints; in this case, it is the most efficient to baste from the right side of the fabric. | |
21 | 用墨刀把它们刮成薄膜,然后比较调配墨的色相、色量和色调。 | Use an ink knife to draw the inks down into a thin film.Then compare and evaluate the hue,strength and tone of the matching ink. | |
22 | 由弹道学试验和纤维对比提供的其他证据,确定此案铁证如山,无可争辩。 | Other evidence provided by ballistics tests and fibre-matching sealed the case beyond doubt | |
23 | 由于经常发生对应的异状侵染,垂直抗性不能阻止所有的异体侵染,但只能减少外源流行。 | Because some matching always occurs, vertical resistance cannot prevent all allo-infection, but it can only reduce the exodemic | |
24 | 由于您不是收件人,因此无法对这些数据进行解密;可能是因为此消息不是发送给您的,或在您的本地数据库中找不到相匹配的证书或专用密钥。 | The data cannot be decrypted because you are not a recipient; either it was not intended for you, or a matching certificate or Private Key cannot be found in your local database. | |
25 | 再说去哪儿买呢?去一家给15个月无息赊销的商店还是去那家宣称送一个电视柜的商店呢? | And where should I buy it--the store that offers 15 months interest-free terms or the one that advertises a free matching TV cabinet? | |
26 | 在分析这些音乐的基本元素基础上将歌曲归类,只要根据特质划分去寻找,就能轻而易举地找到你想找的歌曲。 | "By analyzing these “primary colors” and cataloging them for every song, finding musical near-twins is a simple matter of matching the traits." | |
27 | 在键入Web地址或完成Web中的条目时,该功能可随着您的键入显示以前的匹配条目从而节约时间。 | This feature saves you time when you are typing Web addresses or completing entries on Web pages, by displaying a list of previous matching entries as you type. | |
28 | 在均匀格子布上排料,可将面料按直丝绺或横丝绺折叠,两层面料格子对齐,并每隔10.1cm(4英寸)用大头针将两层面料固定,以防滑动。 | To lay out a pattern on an even plaid, fold the fabric on either the lengthwise or the crosswise grain, matching the plaids of both layers. Pin through both layers at 10.lcm(4 inches)intervals to prevent slipping. | |
29 | 在权责发生制下的三个重要概念是会计期间、收入原则和配比原则。 | Three concepts used in accrual-basis accounting are the accounting period, the realization principle, and matching principle. | |
30 | 在一系列数中相当于百万的四次乘方的序数 | The ordinal number matching the number quadrillion in a series. |