属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-就业市场 毫无余地
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-越南卫生保健 一路跛行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国军队 变化的力量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 怀旧陷阱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-女性和工作 玻璃天花板指数
1 | 女性主义与20世纪中国女性小说母性主题的演变 | Feminism and Development of Maternity in 20th Century’s Chinese Women’s Fictions | |
2 | 女职工生育享受不少于九十天的产假。 | Women workers giving birth shall enjoy a maternity leave for no less than 90 days. | |
3 | 秋菊刚从训练班回来,就成了产院负责人。 | Qiuju, just back from the training class, was made director of the Maternity Home. | |
4 | 妊娠高血压综合征眼底改变与母儿预后的关系 | Relationship between the Retinal Changes of the Fundus with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Syndrome and Prognosis of Maternity and Fetus | |
5 | 伤恸关怀服务于产科护理的运用 | The Application of Bereavement Services in Maternity Nursing | |
6 | 设若在这一群清教徒之中有一个罗马天主教徒的话,他就会从这个服饰和神采如画、怀中紧抱婴儿的美妇身上,联想起众多杰出画家所竞先描绘的圣母的形象 | Had there been a papist among the crowd of Puritans, he might have seen in this beautiful woman, so picturesque in her attire and mien, and with the infant at her bosom, an object to remind him of the image of Divine Maternity , which so many illustrious painters have vied with one another to represent; | |
7 | 生育保险支付待遇主要包括:因生育发生的医疗费用和产假期间按月发放的生育津贴等。 | The insurance benefits cover mainly medical treatment for childbirth and monthly childbirth allowance for employees during maternity leave | |
8 | 受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。 | Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks in maternity . | |
9 | 一个有30个床位的产科病房。 | A maternity ward with 30 beds. | |
10 | 音乐治疗于母育护理之应用 | The Application of Music Therapy in Maternity Nursing | |
11 | 约18900名在非政府机构工作的十五至四十九岁已婚女性"4-18"雇员在统计前十二个月内曾放取产假(不论其在放取产假前是否已在现职工作)。 | Some 18 900 married female "4-18"employees aged 15-49 in thenon-government sector had taken maternity leave during the 12 months before enumeration (irrespective of whether they had worked in the present job before taking maternity leave). | |
12 | 孕妇期待着做母亲。 | The pregnant woman looked forward to her maternity . | |
13 | 孕妇装;产假 | A maternity dress;maternity leave. | |
14 | 在妇产总院全体医务人员的精心照料下,罗伯特·菲力普斯夫妇于2003年1月8日喜得贵子,取名艾伦·菲力普斯。 | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips are delighted to announce the birth of a son, Alan Phillips, on January 8, 2003. Many thanks to all the staff at the General Maternity Hospital. | |
15 | 在珠儿降生之前折磨着海丝特·白兰,在孩子出生后随母性的温柔而渐渐平息下去的那些不安定成分,似乎都植根于珠儿的天性之中了。 | and in the nature of the child seemed to be perpetuated those unquiet elements that had distracted Hester Prynne before Pearl’s birth, but had since begun to be soothed away by the softening influences of maternity . | |
16 | 这位70岁的法国人曾帮助过婴儿分娩的革命化,并且在1960年代因将分娩池(指水下分娩法)引入产院而闻名。 | The 70-year-old Frenchman has helped revolutionise child birth, and is famous for introducing the birthing pool to maternity hospitals in the 1960s | |
17 | 整体而言,她们在放取产假前为雇主服务的期间平均数为4.5年。 | On the whole, the median length of service with their employer before taking maternity leave was 4.5 years. | |
18 | 至于帕潘德里欧夫人给我们的产假是否会比撒切尔夫人给的长,这不是本次争辩的议题。 | The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou than from Madame Thatcher. That is not the issue | |
19 | 助产士. | a maternity nurse | |
20 | 助产士. | a maternity assistant | |
21 | ||1:但经济复苏不会造成不必要的零时工合同消失。||2:一些工人永远不会有太多的谈判资本: 在少量的大雇主面前,他们受到了地理、家庭承诺和技能竞争力等各方面限制。||3:零时工合同使雇主能够更容易地滥用劳动力市场的力量。||4:一些雇主用它来避免病假工资和产假工资等法定义务。||5:工人们正在因为之前需要他们时没有及时到位而受到惩罚。||6:一些合同还包含排他性条款,防止工人从事其他工作。||7:这些既可以伤害其他雇主,也会伤害到工人;实际上,这也减少了劳动力市场的灵活性。||8:所以至少这一项规定是应该摒弃的。 | ||1:But the recovery will not cause unwanted zero-hours contracts to disappear.||2:Some workers will never have much negotiating power: they are constrained by geography, family commitments and lack of competition for their skills among a small number of big employers.||3:Zero-hours contracts make it easier for employers to abuse their labour-market power.||4:Some use them to avoid statutory obligations such as sick and maternity pay.||5:Workers are penalised for not being available when requested.||6:And some contracts contain exclusivity clauses which prevent workers from taking additional jobs.||7:These can harm other employers as well as workers, and actually reduce labour market flexibility.||8:That, at least, is worth doing away with. | |
22 | ||1:尽管越南是专制国家,越南人仍对社会话题直言不讳。||2:在健康方面,他们抱怨在当今风气下,医疗交易上半数的费用都用于“塞红包”。||3:许多费用事实上用在了正规医药费之外。||4:对他们而言,除了那些最有钱的病人,普通病人的支付能力比病人的需求更为重要,。||5:举一典例,河内大学的讲师表示,当她在公立妇女医院生产时曾为能得到悉心照料,塞给了医生护士们约250美元。||6:她说,按比例细算,注射1美元,洗澡2美元,免排队5美元。 | ||1:Though this is an authoritarian state, ordinary Vietnamese are remarkably outspoken about social issues.||2:In health, they complain of the prevalence of “out of pocket” payments, which happen in around half of health-care transactions.||3:Many of the payments are really bribes paid on top of formal hospital fees.||4:They mean that affordability is often a larger factor than need, for all but the richest patients.||5:In a typical case, a university lecturer in Hanoi says she slipped doctors and nurses about $250 to ensure attentive treatment when she gave birth at a public maternity hospital.||6:The rate, she says, was $1 per injection, $2 for a bath and $5 to sidestep a queue. | |
23 | ||1:军队强烈宣传预备役招兵,并提高了正规军退役成为兼职军人的奖金金额。||2:但是英国缺乏法律和文化制约来维持大量的预备役。||3:在美国,兼职军人没有按时报到会受到严厉的制裁;雇主也为现役军人大开大门。||4:相比而言,最近被更名为“陆军预备役”的英国的地方自卫队更多的是一种业余的工作,被有些人与酒吧一类的场所相提并论。||5:一位伦敦的预备役军人,刚刚结束了阿富汗之旅,讽刺地说他的老板们对他的重视程度不亚于孕妇。 | ||1:The army has advertised heavily for reservists, and increased the bounties paid to regular soldiers leaving the army who join the part-timers.||2:But Britain lacks the legal and cultural apparatus to sustain a large reserve.||3:In America part-time soldiers who fail to show up face serious sanctions; employers keep reservists’ jobs open.||4:By contrast the British Territorial Army, recently renamed the “Army Reserve”, has been a more amateur affair, regarded by some as a drinking club.||5:One London-based reservist, who has completed an Afghanistan tour, wryly said his bosses regard him as comparable to a maternity risk. | |
24 | ||1:美国梦在美国政治中有举足轻重的作用。||2:许多选民的不淡定源于他们记忆中模糊的黄金时代的怀念,当时工厂是终身雇佣制,产房中挤满了呱呱落地的“婴儿潮”婴儿,无数家庭享受着战后繁荣(尽管女性和非白人家庭对那段时光也许有不一样的记忆)。||3:但在整个发达世界,在那些有着不同政府组成形式、不同劳动法和环保法的国家里,煤矿、炼钢厂和工厂也都在倒闭。||4:所有国家都面临着全球竞争的加剧和第二波自动化。 | ||1:That dream looms large in American politics.||2:So much voter disquiet is linked to nostalgia for hazily-remembered golden decades when factories offered jobs for life, baby booms filled maternity wards and millions of families enjoyed the fruits of post-war prosperity (though women and non-whites may recall those years a bit differently).||3:But coal mines, steel mills and factories have closed throughout the rich world, in countries with very different governments, labour laws and environmental rules.||4:What all faced was an explosion in global competition, followed by a second wave of automation. | |
25 | 这个模型中考虑到的指标有:高等教育、劳工参与度、薪酬、抚养子女的成本、孕妇权利、商学院申请、以及在高级职务中的表现。 | It combines data on higher education, labour-force participation, pay, child-care costs, maternity rights, business-school applications and representation in senior jobs. | |
26 | “在意大利,女性生产之后回到工作岗位的人数,少于其它许多欧洲国家,”他表示。 | "Italy stands out from many other European countries in the fact that fewer women return to work after maternity , " he said. | |
27 | 2011年6月1日,菲律宾首都马尼,国营医院拉法贝拉博士纪念医院的产科病房内人满为患。 | The crowded maternity ward of the government-runDr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in Manila, Philippines, onJune 1, 2011. | |
28 | 39岁的萨曼莎在怀孕时一向避穿孕妇装,为了掩盖大肚子,她选择宽松款式的时髦连衣裙。 | When she became pregnant, Samantha, 39, shunned maternity smocks for stylish dresses in looser styles to accommodate her growing bump. | |
29 | I在产科病房寻找自己的出生记录,但没有找到。 | Ivanna searches for her birth records in Pripyat’s Maternity Ward without success. | |
30 | Marmot说,一种意见是延长孕育期和给予父亲假。 | One option is to extend maternity or paternity leave, suggests Marmot. |