属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-如何赢得99.6%的选票 许多国会议员没有竞争对手
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-烟雾氤氲 Wreathed in smoke
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-网络战争 数字厄运
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细菌和行为学 肠道反应
1 | 树木使草原成了绿荫处处的迷宫。 | Trees made the meadow a bowery maze | |
2 | 水迷宫重复测量数据的方差分析及其在SPSS中的实现 | Analysis of Variance of Repeated Data Measured by Water Maze with SPSS | |
3 | 他困惑不堪,语无伦次。 | He was in such a maze that he couldn’t speak. | |
4 | 台湾当代艺术在权力迷宫里挣扎的文化认同 | Striving for a Cultural Identity in the Maze of Power Struggles: A Brief Introduction to the Development of the Contemporary Art of Taiwan | |
5 | 逃犯穿过迂回曲折形如迷宫的街道,从这个院子窜到那个院子,最后会潜入一户人家或爬过倾斜的屋顶,溜之大吉。 | The fleeing criminal would dodge from court to court through the maze of twisting streets, finally ducking into a house or climbing across the sloping roofs | |
6 | 我被市里错综复杂的街道弄糊涂了。 | I was bewildered by the maze of streets in the city. | |
7 | 心瓣膜置换时采用盐水冲洗射频改良迷宫手术治疗心房颤动 | Intrapoerative Saline-irrigated Radiofrequency Modified Maze Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation | |
8 | 性别迷宫里的色情叙事 | Erotic Narration in the Sexual Maze | |
9 | 盐水冲洗射频改良迷宫Ⅲ手术治疗心房颤动的临床效果 | The Outcomes of Saline Irrigated Radiofrequency Modified Maze Ⅲ Procedure for Treating Concomitant Atrial Fibrillation | |
10 | 一连几小时, 她的头脑处于一片糊涂状态。 | She was lost in the maze for several hours. | |
11 | 英雄的退却与文学的迷失 | Retreat of Hero and the Maze of Literature | |
12 | 在因特网的电子迷宫中,也许E-mail是商业用户在集体通讯中存取.使用最容易采用的手段. | In the electronic maze of Internet , E-mail is perhaps the most facile tool for the business user to access and utilize in corporate communication. | |
13 | 中国货币迷失的演化及经验证据 | Chinese Money Maze : Evolution and Experience Evidence | |
14 | 纵横交错的铁轨 | a maze of railway lines | |
15 | 走不出的迷宫;无法逃脱的圈套 | An inextricable maze ;an inextricable web of deceit. | |
16 | ||1:卡普阿诺说明,在如今的民主党中,竞争者们很少会换起意识形态,并将他的命运与需要担心右翼有组织攻击的共和党在位者进行了对比。||2:在政治方面,共和党们就像狗一样,成群结队地工作,他暗示说:“民主党就是猫。”||3:这位62岁的国会议员在某些方面和汤姆猫有点像:可以想象,他现在带着许多伤疤和撕裂的耳朵管理着一个迷宫般的小巷。||4:当问到筹集资金(据他最近的选举文件表明,如今他手头有628,000美元)时,他愤愤不平:“我筹集了我的份额。”||5:他解释说,几乎所有的资金都要给其他民主党,尽管他会保留足够的资金“来阻止潜在的竞争对手”。 | ||1:In today’s Democratic Party, challengers seldom invoke ideology, Mr Capuano notes, contrasting his lot with that of Republican incumbents who must fear organised attacks from the right.||2:In politics, Republicans are like dogs, working as a pack, he suggests: “Democrats are the cats.”||3:The congressman, 62, has something of the tom-cat about him: it is possible to imagine him ruling a maze of alleys, with many scars and a torn ear.||4:Asked about fund-raising (he has 628,000 cash on hand, according to his most recent electoral filing), he growls: “I do my share.”||5:Almost all will be given to other Democrats, he explains, though he will keep enough money “to dissuade potential opponents”. | |
17 | Parker Bilal带领读者轻松杀入开罗黑暗的心脏。从中世纪市集迷宫般的巷道,到尘土飞扬,尚未竣工的豪宅工地,埃及首都处处是威胁,背叛则如神魔组成的军队一般盘旋梭巡,神出鬼没。 | Parker Bilal whisks the reader straight to the dark heart of Cairo. From the maze of alleys in the medieval bazaar to sand-blown, half-finished luxury housing developments, the Egyptian capital is a menacing place where betrayal swirls like an army of djinns. | |
18 | 更多网络攻击接踵而至:“月光迷宫”,“太阳能日出”,“泰坦雨”还有“拜占庭偃角”。没有一次是家喻户晓的行动,但是希雷的书引人入胜地娓娓道来,让众多读者感到它们应该变得家喻户晓。 | Many more attacks have followed: Moonlight Maze , Solar Sunrise, Titan Rain and Byzantine Hades. None is a household name, though from the gripping accounts in Mr Healey’s book many readers will feel they all should be. | |
19 | 控制生产权限和关税的迷宫、本来应该保护低工资工人却阻碍了就业的法律 | a maze of permissions and tariffs that control production, laws supposed to protect low-wage workers that instead discourage hiring, | |
20 | 一个测试是以封闭和敞开的隧道迷宫为特点。 | One test featured a maze that had both enclosed and open tunnels. | |
21 | 《Crystaline》是最像视频游戏的一个程序,一个采水晶的迷宫自然地让你想到KatamariDamacy(一款视频游戏)。 | "Crystalline" is the most video-game-like of the apps, a maze of catching crystals that happily brings to mind Katamari Damacy. | |
22 | 2008年他和其他的研究者共享了认知科学奖,以表彰他发现“黏菌可以在迷宫中找到食物的最短的路径”。 | In 2008 he shared the cognitive science prize for showing that slime moulds can find the fastest path through a maze to find food. | |
23 | 2009年,奥巴马组建了“食品安全工作组”来研究现有的纷繁复杂的管理规范以提出改进意见。 | In March 2009 Barack Obama created a "food safety working group" to study the existing maze of regulations and suggest improvements. | |
24 | 38名被试在不同的光照条件下玩半条命2:灰色光、冷光(蓝色)、暖光(红色)。 | 38 people played Half Life 2 in maze sequences using different lighting conditions: neutral gray, cool (bluish) and warm (reddish). | |
25 | Algernon没有计算迷宫出路的中央大脑。 | Algernon has no central brain that calculates a way out of the maze . | |
26 | BEE的规定错综复杂,但是有许多律师,咨询师和财务分析师可以为公司提供指导服务。 | An army of lawyers, consultants and financial advisers guides companies though the BEE maze . | |
27 | E-lancing网站信心十足的认为他们的工作模式必将从调控迷宫中走出来。 | E-lancing sites are confident that their model of work will find a way through the regulatory maze . | |
28 | Laurie说他们开始计划将迷宫向多样化方向发展以获取更多的收入。 | Laurie says they first decided to create the maze to diversify and generate more income. | |
29 | 阿里达什使用小鼠水迷宫,来评估他的老年痴呆症小鼠的空间记忆。 | Arendash uses a mouse maze to assess the spatial memory of his Alzheimer’s mice. | |
30 | 北京一直被认作是中国的文化中心,在那里,一大批小剧院散落在错综复杂的大街小巷中。 | Beijing, which is traditionally seen as China’s cultural centre, had a vast amount of small theatres buried in a maze of alleys and lanes. |