属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医药公司和癌症 利润丰厚的救星
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-司法的学问 该吃午餐了
1 | 我拿起擦碗布,恶狠狠地揩着埃德加的鼻子和嘴,说这是他多管闲事的报应。 | I got the dishcloth, and rather spitefully scrubbed Edgar’s nose and mouth, affirming it served him right for meddling | |
2 | 有人擅自碰过我的激光唱机了。 | Someone’s been meddling with my CD player. | |
3 | 有人擅自碰过我的镭射唱机了。 | Someone’s been meddling with my CD player. | |
4 | 有些人想从小农经济做文章,因而就特别反对对农民干涉过多。 | Some people wanted to make much of the small peasant economy, an this was why they concentrated on opposing excessive meddling with the peasants | |
5 | 愚者总好无事生非。 | Fools will be meddling . | |
6 | 这等同干预市场。 | This would be meddling in the market. | |
7 | 最后总算把自己劝相信了,让她去跟陆子潇好,自己并没爱上她,吃什么隔壁醋,多管人家闲事? | In the end he convinced himself to let her get close to Lu.He wasn’t in love with her, so why should he be looking on jealously and meddling in her business? | |
8 | ||1:军队并没有改掉总是插手于巴基斯坦政治这个破坏性的恶习。||2:似乎每个十年都发生从攫取政权到试图操控平民领导人的转变。||3:现在巴基斯坦处于后者的掌控中。||4:虽然此书在军民冲突(备忘录门)前已经出版,但其在预测大量阴谋方面的观点都正确,但是几年来没有产生新政权的更替。 | ||1:The army’s destructive habit of meddling in Pakistani politics continues unabated.||2:Roughly every decade this switches from explicit power grabs to unsubtle efforts to manipulate civilian leaders.||3:For now Pakistan is in the latter phase.||4:Though this book went to press before the most recent civilian-military clash, known as Memogate, the authors may well prove largely right in predicting lots of scheming but no new coup for some years yet. | |
9 | EADS持有达索46%的股份,这是早期法国政府干预达索遗留下来的东西,因此EADS的股票也随着印度购买"阵风"的新闻上涨了一些。 | EADS itself owns a 46% stake in Dassault, a legacy of earlier French government meddling , so its own shares inched up on the news. | |
10 | 表观遗传学是癌症研究的另一个令人兴奋的领域,在不改变基因序列的前提下改变基因的表达。 | Another area of excitement for cancer researchers is epigenetics, which alters how a gene acts without meddling with the sequence of DNA. | |
11 | 然而,律师们一直以来都怀疑在实践中这种崇高的理想是否总能实现,就连在那些不受政治干涉、运转良好的司法体系里都是如此。 | Lawyers, though, have long suspected that such lofty ideals are not always achieved in practice, even in well run judicial systems free from political meddling . | |
12 | 因为双方政党都有利益取向,两边都将坚持。德克萨斯的州长Rick Perry责难的认为这个决定又是联邦越界干预的一个例子。他说原法案只限定要求了获取图书卡或是机票所必需的认证照片的类型而已,并没有更宽地限制什么。 | Since both political parties have an interest, both will press on. Rick Perry, the Republican governor of Texas, condemned the decision as an example of federal meddling . The law, he said, “requires nothing more extensive than the type of photo identification necessary to receive a library card or board an airplane”. | |
13 | 19世纪自由党人取消了对它的干预,但是1878年后奥图•冯•俾斯麦与保守党结盟,这意味着又开始干预了。 | Liberals pushed back in the 19th century but Otto von Bismarck’s alliance with conservative parties after 1878 meant a return to meddling . | |
14 | AIG希望用这笔钱来减少政府在其薪酬支付及日常运作中的干预。 | AIG will hope that the money reduces official meddling in its pay practices and operations. | |
15 | Johnson先生还建议设立一个保持距离的控制委员会以便监督政府股权,并免除政治干涉。 | Mr Johnson suggests creating an arm’s length control board to oversee the government’s ownership, free of political meddling . | |
16 | 比方说心理学家的固有模式就是对你进行分析,继之以干预。 | For example the stereotype of psychologists is that they are going to analyse you, then start meddling . | |
17 | 比如,最初迪拜国际金融中心所遭到的政府干预怀疑,高管的频繁更换。 | The DIFC, for instance, initially suffered from suspicions of government meddling and from a high turnover among senior executives. | |
18 | 查尔斯王子已经为继承王位学习了多年,不会再有类似于中世纪瞎折腾的事情发生。 | Prince Charles has been trained for the throne and there must be no Middle Ages-style meddling with such things. | |
19 | 长久以来,公众一直把生物技术当做是瞎摆弄农作物基因的危险行为。 | FOR a long time the public has perceived biotechnology to mean dangerous meddling with the genes in food crops. | |
20 | 除了人类对自然的破坏,温德汉姆作品中另一个中心主题是城市和文明的关系。 | As well as meddling in nature, the relationship between cities and civilisation is a central theme in Wyndham’s work. | |
21 | 从2006年一开始,就遭受了拖延、令人厌烦的捐赠人、严重的贪腐和政治干预。 | Since its inception in 2006, it has suffered from delays, weary donors and claims of grave corruption and political meddling . | |
22 | 大多数红衫军都对插手宫廷政治颇为精通。 | Most red shirts are well versed in the palace’s meddling in politics. | |
23 | 但俄罗斯的主要动机却不在此,而是以同样方式回应俄罗斯人认为的美国对俄罗斯势力范围的干预。 | But the main motivation is elsewhere: to respond in kind to the Russian perception of US meddling in Moscow’s sphere of influence. | |
24 | 但仍是中部省份的弄虚作假起着决定性的作用。 | Still, it was the meddling in Central Province that was decisive. | |
25 | 但是她既犹豫不决又多管闲事,而且经常让一个私人顾问组成的小集团去否决和损害部长们。 | But she has been both hesitant and meddling , and has often allowed a small cabal of personal advisers to overrule and undermine ministers. | |
26 | 德国、法国,或许还有英国在牵制俄罗斯人的干涉问题上难有作为。 | Germany, France or Britain can do comparatively little to contain Russian meddling . | |
27 | 对政要领袖来说,幸运的是,他们对经济干涉的影响往往是缓慢侵蚀的。 | Luckily for the leaders, their meddling usually has a slow, erosive effect on the economy. | |
28 | 厄立特里亚总统伊萨亚斯干预索马里的目的,是让埃塞俄比亚陷入动荡、令其战线过长。 | Mr Isaias’s meddling in Somalia was designed to keep Ethiopia off-kilter and overstretched. | |
29 | 而二是为衍生品世界构建基础设施,把政府干预的需要最小化。 | but the second was to create the infrastructure for the derivatives world, in a manner that would minimise the need for government meddling . | |
30 | 而是很多因素导致,比如在安乐死政策和对国家体系的改造,这在奥尔班治下难有进展。 | But many of the reasons for it, such as polarised politics and meddling with state institutions, look unlikely to improve under his rule. |