1 | "这是个很普遍,但是个错误的想法,那就是商人投保了""水渍险""便以为足以保障各种损失。" | It is a very common but mistaken idea that a merchant has done every common but mistaken idea that a merchant has hone everything that is required to protect himself against losses when he has taken out a W.P.A. insurance. | |
2 | (一个国家的)商船 | The merchant [mercantile] marine | |
3 | {娜塔丽-亨利}见到班瑞尔的那会儿,他是一个虔诚殷实的商人。 | {Natlie Henry} encountered Berel as a devout prosperous merchant | |
4 | “那么好,如果大人也象我们一样一直生在里窝那,您就会常常听人说,一艘小商船,或是一艘英国游艇,本来是要开到巴斯蒂亚、费拉约港,或契维塔·韦基亚去的,结果却没了影儿。 | Well, then, if, like us, your excellency lived at leghorn, you would hear, from time to time, that a little merchant vessel, or an English yacht that was expected at Bastia, at Porto-Ferrajo, or at Civita Vecchia, has not arrived | |
5 | “商人嘛,”斯蒂芬说,“左不过是贱买贵卖。犹太人也罢,非犹太人也罢,都一个样儿,不是吗?” | --A merchant , Stephen said, is one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is he not? | |
6 | “我,艾尔考柏,一个奴隶商人,皇帝陛下的纳妃使者,承认代皇帝陛下从自由贵族基督山伯爵手里收到一颗价值二千袋钱中的绿宝石,作为一个十一岁的幼年基督徒奴隶的赎金。 | ’I, El-Kobbir, a slave-merchant , and purveyor of the harem of his highness, acknowledge having received for transmission to the sublime emperor, from the French lord, the Count of Monte Cristo, an emerald valued at eight hundred thousand francs | |
7 | “无限制”在这儿意味着军舰或商船,一样对待。 | "unrestricted" here means warship or merchant vessel, no difference | |
8 | 1969年,我从美国商业海洋学院毕业了。我受过良好教育的爸爸十分高兴,因为加州标准石油公司录用我为它的运油船队工作。 | When I graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1969, my educated dad was happy. Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet. | |
9 | 本条例可引称为《商船(注册)条例》。 | This Ordinance may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Registration)Ordinance. | |
10 | 承兑;票据承兑银行[英国]:英国专门负责承兑汇票的商人银行。 | acceptance, accepting house [UK]: Merchant bank in the U.K. specializing in accepting bills of exchange. | |
11 | 秤不离砣,客不离船 | To dissuade a merchant from discussing his goods is like trying to separate a weight from a steelyard | |
12 | 船长小于100m商船振动综合评价基准 | Guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in merchant ships under 100m | |
13 | 此外﹐中国传统上有一种反商情结。 | Besides, Chinese tradition has a type of anti-merchant thread | |
14 | 存心气人的艺术家[商人] | A wind-up artist/merchant | |
15 | 大约五十年前,已故董浩云先生(东方海外创办人)怀负远大理想,希望开创首支国际性的中国商船队。一九四七年,董先生实现夙愿,其商船成为第一艘抵达大西洋彼岸及欧洲的中国商船。其后他以金山轮船公司的名义不断开拓定期客货运服务。 | The founder of OOCL, the late C Y Tung, dreamed of creating the first international Chinese merchant fleet. In 1947, he achieved that dream when the first ship with an all-Chinese crew reached the Atlantic coast and Europe. Regular cargo and passenger services were subsequently developed under the name of Orient Overseas Line. | |
16 | 当地一些边远贫困县也积极参与,带来了自己的特色产品和招商项目。 | Some of the remote and poor counties in this region also actively participated, bringing their own special products and merchant invitation projects | |
17 | 当时28岁的泰勒是教友派一个思想激进的棉花商,他本来是去采访一次争取选举权的群众大会,却没有料到遇上了血腥屠杀。 | Taylor, a radical quaker cotton merchant , aged 28, went to report a public rally demanding the right to vote. He found himself covering a bloodbath | |
18 | 第一种是经销批发商,他们是基本责任自负、进行商品买卖的批发机构。他们拥有货权,这意味着他们拥有自己所卖的货物。 | The first, merchant wholesalers, are wholesaling establishments, primarily engaged in buying and selling merchandise on their own account. They take title, meaning that they own the goods they sell. | |
19 | 定期远洋船:在指定的港口间,按规定的时间表航行的商船。 | Ocean liner: Large merchant ship that visits designated ports on a regular schedule. | |
20 | 菲尔德,赛勒斯·韦斯特1819-1892美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程 | American merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable(completed1866. | |
21 | 菲尔德:美国商人及金融家,他设计并监督了横贯大西洋的电缆铺设工程(于1866年完成). | Field:american merchant and financier who planned and oversaw the laying of the transatlantic telegraph cable (completed 1866). | |
22 | 封港令:政府下达的禁止商船进出港口的命令. | Embargo:a government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports. | |
23 | 富商和船主关心的是主顾的偿付能力而不是他们的宗教热忱。 | The wealthy merchant and shipowner were more interested in the solvency than in the religious zeal of their clients | |
24 | 公司的创始人是一个住在乌拉圭蒙得维的亚的商人,叫山缪尔·费希尔·拉丰恩,原意是要去驯化该岛的野牛--这种野牛当时在那些群岛寒冷的、多风的荒原上比比皆是。 | Its founder, Samuel Fisher Lafone, a merchant living in Montevideo, Uruguay, originally set out to domesticate the cattle then roaming free on the archipelago’s bleak, windblown heaths | |
25 | 海军的人员是从商船的人员中征募的吗? | Were men for the Navy recruited from men on merchant ships? | |
26 | 海上船队或商船船队的队长 | The senior captain of a naval squadron or merchant fleet. | |
27 | 交官穷交客富交和尚得缘簿 | Make friends with an official and you become poor, with a merchant you wax rich and with a priest you acquire a subscription book. | |
28 | 她用桦树皮做了许多小船,在上面装好蜗牛壳,让它们飘向大海,其数量之多,胜过新英格兰任何一个商人的船队;可惜大部分都在离岸不远的地方沉没了。 | She made little boats out of birch-bark, and freighted them with snail-shells, and sent out more ventures on the mighty deep than any merchant in New England; but the larger part of them foundered near the shore. | |
29 | 进口贸易商,进口商 | import merchant ;importer;account party | |
30 | 经常在战斗舰队的船只之间传递公文,有时亦护送商船。 | Often used to send dispatches within a battle fleet, they also escorted merchant ships. |